Chapter 49 /Goodbye But Only For A While,Okay?/

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Narrator's POV

Jaebum ran.

He ran and ran and ran.

He shoved people out of the way,not stopping for a moment. He ran like there was no tomorrow. Because there was no tomorrow without Hyun.

Jaebum had spent hours in his bed,contemplating about whether or not he should send her off at the airport. Whether it was worth it. After those grueling hours,he finally snapped out of his trance,realising that the Hyun he knew couldn't have possibly said those harsh words to him. Yes,Hyun was money hungry but she would never use someone's feelings for it.

He regretted it all,not setting off earlier. He couldn't bear to check the time because he didn't want to know it. He wanted to live in denial like before. He wanted to believe that he could still catch her.

But it was denial that kept him from running to her. He halted in his footsteps brought himself to check his watch and he was right. He was too late.

"Dude where have you been?"Mark asked,pushing his shoulder.

Jaebum couldn't answer him. Mark didn't give her up for him to mope around and regret his decisions. He ignored the presence of his friends and called Hyun. There was 10 minutes till her plane flew off. He couldn't reach her but she could reach him.

"Yeobuseyo?"she picked up the phone.

"Hyun,I'm sorry. I need to see you;I have to tell you something. Can you please come out? I'll wait for you at the gateway."Jaebum said desperately,his voice shaking. He felt like he was breaking down slowly,knowing that he wouldn't be able to make her stay.

"Okay,"she replied in muffled voice,she herself holding back her tears. She was happy yet sad at the same time. Jaebum came but she knew it would be hard to leave after seeing him.

"Hyuk,do me a favour?"

Jaebum waited at the gateway impatiently. He had so much to say. His thoughts ran wild and he practically had a script of what to say in his mind.

"Hyung!"Hyuk called Jaebum and grabbed his arm before he ran any further.

"Oh,Hyuk. Where's your sister?"Jaebum asked,wiggling his toes in impatience.

"She asked me to pass you this."Hyuk replied and passed Jaebum a piece of paper.

Hi Jaebum,

Haha where do I even begin? You were my bully and I hated you. You teased me to no end and even pestered my brother and Yoongi. Then,Yoongi and my brother were my priority so how dare you haha! Anyway,I somehow became your babysitter (even though you still don't acknowledge that you need one to hold you back) and that was ridiculous at that point of time. Then,your father met me and I began guiding him to get closer to you and your mother hated me lol.

You were there when I was heartbroken. Yoongi dating Soyeon was a big blow to me (don't be jealous it doesn't matter anymore). You were also then when I found my mother. You were there to listen as I slowly found my parents. You were someone I could trust and pour my feelings to without any holding back. Funny how I hated you at the start.

I wasted time,thinking too much and we've only been able to date for such a short time. I ran away from you when I should have ran into your open arms. I'm a bad person,Jaebum. I've been thinking...and I'm selfish and not deserving of your fondness. I used letting you go for your freedom as an excuse to hide my true feelings. Yes,part of that is true but my main reason was because I was afraid that you would pull me back. All of my life I wanted to succeed and finally,I have the chance. My father doesn't like you and I've realised he's even more materialistic than me (how is that even possible tho?). I'm afraid that if I continue dating you,I wouldn't be able to succeed.

Such a person is not worthy of even your attention. Please forget me with the best of your ability. You can hate me,I won't mind because I deserve it. It might hurt now (or even better,it doesn't) but please just forget me.

-Hyun,the materialistic and selfish bitch you should forget

Hey,this was supposed to be delivered to you after I landed but since you're here,might as well give it to you. Like I said,please don't chase after me,please forget me. I'll ignore everything and pretend nothing happened. I wish you best health and the happiness you deserve.

"I hope you realise that her previous words were a lie. She wasn't getting close to you for money."Hyuk reminded.

"Of course..."Jaebum's voice trailed off as he caressed the letter. "Can I record something on your phone? Let her listen to it please."

Hyuk nodded and handed him his phone before walking away to give him a little privacy.

"You sure are one determined girl so I know that whatever I say now won't change your decision. Thing is : I won't ever hate you and I will think of you every single day.

I understand why you're like this. Like you said,I was there when you went through those hardships. I could tell that you were already hurting so much and that agony you felt must have been felt over all these years. But I won't hate you because when you like someone,you love their flaws too. I like you the way you are.

You're not that bad of a person you describe yourself to be. Firstly,you lied to me so that I would forget you and that I won't be too sad. Number one trait,considerate. Two,you are caring. Not only to me but my siblings,parents and friends. Mhm sounds like a perfect wife already. Three,you are objective. You got your shit together. The list goes on and on but I'll stop here since Hyuk looks like he's going to have to delete apps if I record this longer.

I want you to know that I'm always here. If you need a shoulder to cry on,if you need someone to just give you a hug,I'll always be there. I'll fly there right away once you call. But the odds that you'll call me are pretty small. Just like how you insulted my brain and my poor junior. Haha touche. Finally got you back for that. Live well and I look forward to meeting you again when you return. Be it if you call me personally or when I see you on TV or the magazines. I'll be your number one supporter. Goodbye but only for a while,okay?"

This recording was sent to Hyun and thereafter,saved as an audio file for Hyun to listen to whenever she missed him and was tempted to contact him.

Sometimes it brought smiles to her and sometimes it made her sob.

A/N: it ain't the end till it's the end. Ending officially in the next few chapters!

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