Chapter 19 /Who is Y?/

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"LET'S WELCOME,RANDY THE RAT! MAKE SOME NOISE!"the announcer shouted and the crowd went wild with the cheering. I ran out with my costume on,waving my hands and posing like what 10-year-olds would for a group picture. It was the closing performance for the match and our school had won again. I stand in the middle of the cheerleaders,dancing with them while I cursed everyone in the audience mentally. I hated doing this. But what I love is when we finish our performance and I get onto the bus and take off the mascot's head.

"You're sweating so much."Kris commented and handed me a tissue. I thanked him and started wiping my sticky skin.

I've gone to at least 5 matches and I really want to ask teachers why there are so many freaking matches. On the bright side,sorry I meant less dark side,I got to know Chanyeol,Kris and Yunho. The rest of team didn't really talk much with me but Chanyeol talked so much I wish I could tape his mouth up. I talked with JHope too
,of course,because it wasn't his fault Yoongi was making me angry.

"Let's play something!"Chanyeol announced and forced everyone wearing at the back to join in and that including the people I was closer to and unfortunately,Mark.

"What now?"I said,uninterested.

"Uhmmm...since we don't know you enough for me to he satisfied. How bout' we just shoot you questions and you answer us truthfully!"

"So you're interrogating me."I deadpanned and Chanyeol nodded. Obviously,he has a evil plan.

"Let's go in a circle! Hurry,hurry!"he said excitedly. Yunho was beside me so he started.

"Who do you think is the most handsome amongst us?"he asked.

"Uh...all of you? You guys are like idol lookalikes if you haven't used your eyes to notice that."I said sassily.

Yunho chuckled. "I'm speechless at that."

Next was JHope. "Do you still like Yoongi?"

I choked on my saliva at his question. Yunho patted my back and Kris handed me some water.

"Yoongi? As in your friend? The one that has an obsession with that weird bear thing?"Chanyeol asked.

JHope nodded. "Answer me,Hyun!"he begged. I looked at them,not knowing what to say. Do I actually still like him? Well he's been off my mind for some time and I haven't seen him in a while but now that I think of it,I actually miss him a little and I kind of dreamt of him when I was sleeping in class. BUT HOW CAN I TELL JHOPE THE TRUTH? Telling Jhope=Telling the whole wide world that includes Yoongi. No thanks. Then again what am I feeling towards Mark?

"HELLO?!"Chanyeol shaked my shoulders to snap me out of my daze.

"I have no answer for that."I said coldly.

"Oh..."Jhope said,his shoulders deflated. Did Jin really mean it when he said BTS supported me?

"My turn..."Mark's voice trailed off. I'm starting to hate this game of questions. "Do you think it's okay to start a relationship with someone else who can probably make you happier than the person you actually like?"

"No."I said flatly. I know exactly what he is hinting at but I can't give him a yes because I,for one,do not know whether I actually like him or Yoongi.  "That somehow feels like cheating although nothing has happened."I shrugged,trying to feign nonchalance.

Mark nodded and it was Kris' turn. The questions went round with stupid questions like:

Rank us in terms of dateableness.

Describe everyone in 3 words.

Who do you lowkey hate in the team?

The questions were mostly asked by Chanyeol because he's just freaking obsessed with me. Thanks Chanyeol,I know I'm great.

The bus finally reached school and I got off. The guys went off first but I stayed back to change out of the costume into my previous clothes. Most people in school had gone home already though there were some staying back for their co-curricular programmes. I returned the costume to the general office before walking out of school.

"Please leave."I heard someone say. I raised a brow and turned to the source of sound. Surprisingly,it was Jinyoung and some unknown girl some distance away from the gate.

The girl was crying. "I'm sorry. I-I'll leave."she stuttered and walked off,wiping her tears. I scoffed. The girl-hater is back in his ways again.

"Here."I offered a packet of tissue to her as she passed by me.

"Thanks."she sniffed.

"Don't be bothered by him. He's the girl-hater in our school. All he does is insult and glare at every girl."I comforted her.

She gave me a weak smile. "It's okay. It's my fault. I broke his heart and made him a girl-hater. He used to be the kindest guy I knew and I didn't know to appreciate that. How silly of me."she laughed bitterly.

I looked at her weirdly. She smiled meekly. "Just know that Jinyoung isn't as mean as you think he is. He's nice but he's just hiding it for a while. He deserves someone else who can bring out the kindness in him again."she said and patted my shoulder before walking off.

"Yah what did she tell you?"Jinyoung demanded from me after she had left.

I rolled my eyes. I'm no longer scared of him honestly. "Why should I tell someone who made a girl cry and can't control his feelings over water?"I scoffed.

"Water...? DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT!"he slapped his forehead. I broke into a smile.

"It's true though."I shrugged.

"Seriously,what did she tell you?"

"That she's responsible for you being the horrible person you are."I answered.

"Oh..."he nodded his head. "I thought she told you about Y-...never mind why am I even talking to you?"he said in a disgusted voice and walked off. I snorted. I should be asking him why he's talking to the freaking queen instead! But then again,who is 'Y-'?

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