Chapter 4 /I Thought You Were Some Bimbo/

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I waited impatiently for Mrs.Im to return home from work. I couldn't leave before she returned. All the kids were asleep and it was almost midnight. Jaebum didn't disturb me as much as I thought he would and kept himself in his room the whole time.

But still,I'm gonna quit. Firstly,he hates me and I hate him. Big enough of a reason. Secondly,he's gonna torture me because I work for him Thirdly,he's going to make fun of me at school. Why must it be him out of so many people?

The door clicked open and Mrs.Im entered. "Oh you're still here?"

"You told me to wait till you came back."I replied.

"Ah... I forgot. I'm sorry. You can go now."she said.

"Uh Mrs.Im,"I called. "I'm sorry but I have to quit."

"Why?"she asked. "What did the children do? Was it Yezi?"

"No,the children have been great but-"

"But what?"

"Jaebum and I are from the same school and it would be really complicated at school."I explained.

"Oh really? That's great!"she said,totally ignoring my plight. "Won't it be better if you two knew each other? You can even update me about him at school!"

Uh...NO THANKS. "But-"

"I'll give you a raise if you stay. How does an extra 5 dollars per hour? You can earn about 50 dollars more."she said. Now that she talks about Hyuk said he needed to buy a new pair of school shoes.

"Ok,Mrs.Im. Thank you."


Honestly,who can decline that offer? And it's just because we go to the same school. I've thought it through. I'm the babysitter,the one in charge. He can't do anything to me. Yeah that's right,sucka.

I entered the house again but Mrs.Im had already left. It's Sunday and she still works...

"Hey emo girl,make me breakfast."Jaebum ordered with his messy bed hair. Ugh,it's 9 and he's already annoying.

"Don't call me emo girl here. I'm in charge so you listen to me. Wash up."

He snorted. "What a joke. I'm gonna take this chance and boss you around." see,i knew it!

"Well I have to do my job and make sure you don't slip out."I said with a fake smile. "So don't even dream about it."I warned.

"Like you have any impact on me. If I can't go out then I'll bring my friends here."he scoffed.

"Won't it be embarrassing for them to find out you still need a babysitter at your age?"I asked,opening the fridge.

"You're not my babysitter."

"I am."I retorted spitefully. "You're a big baby in need of help."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. Then I won't bring them here. Annoying."he huffed. Wow did I just do that? Did I just manage to win over Im Jaebum easily? This is just awesome!

"Here,drink this first."I said and passed him a cup of fresh milk.

"Are you implying something with this?"he chuckled.

I gave him a straight face. "Ha Ha,so funny."I laughed dryly.

He shrugged and downed it. My phone ringed and a new scheldue popped out. Haish.

"Hey you have to go do your morning exercise. So shoo!"I snarled.

"Are you implying something again? But then again,looking at your ugly face is toiling enough."he laughed. Bitch. I glared at him murderously.

"Go or I'll enter your man cave Jaejoong told me about and wreck your cables."I threatened him with a fork.

"Be careful not to burst your fake boobs with that."he said and walked off. He has no shame,doesn't he?

After making breakfast,I went up to wake up all the children and called the jerk. "Yezi,KittyB wake up...KITTYB WHERE IS YEZI?"I screamed.

KittyB shrugged. "She went out since 3a.m."


"What's the ruckus about?"Jaebum entered the room.

"Yezi's missing and she went out since 3 a.m.! What the fuck are we going to do? Fuck fuck fuck. What if something happens to her? Fuck,she better be alright!"I said,flustered.

"Calm down."Jaebum said softly?grabbing my shoulders. I would scold him for touching me but YEZI IS MISSING.

"Did she say where she's going?"Jaebum asked.

"She said she's going out for a walk and smoke."KittyB said. I don't know how she can be so calm-YEZI SMOKES?

"How can a 12 year old smoke? A walk won't last for 7 hours! Ok,I'm gonna look for Yezi now. You take care of the children. If I find another one missing, I'll castrate you!"I threatened and ran off.

I headed to the park,searching through areas of the park but to no avail. The crowd was getting lesser as it grew hotter. What if Yezi had left the park already? What if something bad happened to her?

Luckily,I spotted her,seated at a bench with a drink in her hands.

"YEZI! I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU! Oh my gosh! Are you okay?"I blurted as I examined her body worriedly.

"Get off me. People are staring."she said coldly and pushed me away.

"What's wrong with you?! Why did you leave without telling anyone? Do you know how worried your parents will be?"I asked,exasperated. This girl is getting on my nerves.

"MY PARENTS DON'T CARE!"she screamed,tears suddenly falling down. "They don't care about me at all! Ever since Jaejoong was born,they don't care about me anymore. Now it's worse with Chanhee. I try so hard to get their attention! Getting good grades wasn't enough because they said it was something I ought to have! I dyed my hair,I smoke,I curse! They don't care because they don't love me at all! They never really did. All I want for them is to actually just talk with me instead of doing work."

I patted her shoulders,comfortingly. "I know it's hard-"

"You don't understand me. Don't act like you do."she cut me off. Geezzzz.

"Oh I understand more than you think I would. My parents left me when I was 3. Just 3,you know. My older sister had to go out to work and I had to take care of my younger brother. It was pretty much impossible. You should be grateful that you actually have parents who love you. As much as I find my brother annoying,I raised him and I know him best and yet I still love him though he's only 3 years younger. Same applies for your parents. I bet their love for you isn't even more than I can describe. The reason why they are working so hard is so they can earn money. With money,only then can you buy your nice clothes and food. I'm doing exactly the same."

She stared at me for moments,speechless. "I never knew you would be someone like that. I thought you were some bimbo." wow. (-.-") i feel so attacked.

"Let's go home."she announced,getting up on her feet. I smiled. At least now I know Yezi is not as bad as she seems. She's just a broken girl in need of someone to put her back together whole and that would be her parents.

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