Chapter 35 /Butt Recording/

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"Mark,could you pass me the milk?"I asked as I patted the crying baby. He grabbed the milk bottle and passed it to me before I fed Chanhee.

"Where's Jaebum?"

I shrugged. "Usually he's always hanging around but he's been missing ever since you came. He's probably in his room."

Just then,the door open and the bitch came in. She's been living in this house for gosh knows how long and gives me dirty looks everytime I babysit. Just proves how much of a bitch she is. Mark bowed and greeted her.

"Are you Jaebum's friend?"she asked,acting friendly.

Mark nodded his head and wrapped his shoulder around mine. "Hyun's boyfriend too."he smiled brightly.

"Oh really? I thought Jaebum was her boyfriend!"she chuckled and I rolled my eyes. She actually believed that lie.

"I thought you weren't idiotic enough to believe that lie. Guess you're just plain dumb."I scoffed and she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Watch out,missy."

"You know,it certainly looks like I have the upper hand here,woman."I said with malice.

She squeaked out of anger and stormed off.

" seems like I'm not aware of something...What lie? And...why do you seem like you hate the guts of her?"Mark asked,cautious with his words and I sighed.

"I do hate the guts of her. But she deserves it."I paused. "The lie was just a coverup when I was stalking her."I shaked my head as I admitted myself.

"You stalked her?"he raised a brow.

"Mark,there's something important I have to tell you."

"I'm all ears for you."he smiled and assured me firmly by gripping my shoulders. I took a deep breath. "That my mother,"

"What?!"he exclaimed. "But she lives her and like-"

"She abadoned me years ago."I cut him off. "I finally meet her and find out how much of a bitch she is."

"It must have been so hard."he mumbled and stroked my hair before tucking a few loose ones behind my ear. "If Chanhee wasn't in your arms,I would totally give you a bone-crushing hug."he once again revealed his pearly whites. Just as he was about to speak again,a certain someone decided to destroy the moment here.

"Are y'all done with that little moment right here? Because I'm hungry and it's tea break time."Yezi snapped us out of our little world of our knowing gazes.

I shaked my head in amusement. "I'll go find Jaebum."Mark informed and ran up the stairs.

"And I'm stuck making children food."


I sunk into the couch,relaxing my sore muscles. I finally put the young ones to sleep so I could finally have a little break. My mother and Mrs.Im went out for dinner while Mr.Im was still at work. Honestly,sometimes I doubt myself. At the start,I thought I was being the big person,telling Mr.Im to stand up for himself but now,it seems like I've drifted them apart even more and both parties are avoiding each other like the plague. I did it for money at the start but Mr.Im is a nice person,so I'm starting to feel guilty. What if I'm the one that ruins their relationship for good? The children will hate me,Chanhee will grow up with a broken family and so will the others. Jaebum will hate me. He will stop talking to me...he'll hate my for life. He'll ignore me forever and-

"Why do you look so cross?"Jaebum plopped himself onto the couch with a drink in his hand,startling me.

"Nothing."I lied.

"Obviously something's up. Is it because you told Mark about your mother?"Jaebum took a guess.

"No,it's something else."

"So,there is something."he smirked smugly.

"Oh,shut up."I rolled my eyes and smacked him on the arm harshly. "I found out something else."I added on,trying to change the subject.

"You know,I found my father. He was unexpectedly nice."

"Isn't that a good thing then? Why are you frowning?"he asked,tilting his head. He reached out for the sides of my lips and lifted them up into a lopsided smile.

"Wow that totally makes me happy again. Thanks,Jaebum."I smiled sinistically,my tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Well then,pour it out. It's only the two of us anyway. And I know the most."

"It's Soyeon."I sighed.

"What do you mean? She's making a move on Mark or what? I can help. If you want. But Mark isn't the type to fall for such traps-"

"Oh shut up and listen to me once will you?"I exclaimed,irritated. "I found out that my father's stepdaughter is Soyeon. Talk about fate. She doesn't know yet and I wonder what will happen if she finds out. What should I do? Do I tell her? She's been pestering me for an answer."I sighed and showed him our conversation that consisted off her capslocking her words and me blueticking her.

"Wow,you never fail to amaze me. I bet it's karma."he took a jab and I glared at him.

"I'm asking you for real advice. And you're the only one who knows about it. Will you just help me seriously?"I sank into the couch,burying my face into the soft pillow.

"What do you plan to do? Tell her that you're related? Who knows what else she'll do? It goes two ways. Either she hates you more or she accepts you as a stepsister."

"Woah,wait a minute there. I'm NOT her stepsister. I just wanna get what I deserve and live separate lifes. I get the money,they get peace. It's really simple."

"Then why are you stressing over it?"

"I don't know? I...I just...I just need someone to talk to. I can't talk to Mark because he's always somewhere else. My siblings don't know a single thing and who else do I have? It's only you."I muttered softly,suddenly feeling vulnerable.

I could feel his stare piercing my soul and I whipped my head to face him. I want to smack off that smug look on his face. "Don't get too stuck up."I grumbled. "So,should I tell her or not?"

"Uh...Hyun,"his voice trailed off,gis face slightly pale now."

"What?"I asked flatly.

He grabbed my phoneand flashed it in my face. "You just recorded our whole conversation and sent it to Soyeon. With your butt."

At least I don't need to make a choice now.

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