Chapter 43 /Right Place At The Right Time/

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I wanted to find Minho,the boy that Soyeon went crazy over and the reason why she's so angry about everything. But I got lazy and forgot about it because of all the other crazy shit Soyeon had been shoving down my throat. I guess it's about time to untie the knot in her heart so that I can finally welcome myself into the family.

I searched through the boxes in my room since I haven't unpacked. One by one,I opened them,trying to find the box with my kindergarten photobook. You never know how much you can impact a person with just a small action. In my case,I turned Soyeon into a bitch. My eyes trailed to a yellow,dusty book with glitter and stickers I added on myself and picked it out.

I opened it,blowing the dust away which made me cough. I flipped over the pages,smiling as memories flowed through my mind. It's funny how I couldn't even remember Soyeon when we were bestfriends then. Then,I came across with a photo of three of us.

I sighed as I wiped away the dust with my thumb. How am I going to find you? I don't have his number or email and no matter how long I spend on Instagram,I can't find him.

"What? Regretting about what you did to me?"Soyeon said.

"I don't regret what I can't remember. All I remember is that you were the one distancing yourself,not the part where I steal your crush and ditch you."I replied,coldly,keeping the photobooks away. "What do you want anyway?"

"It's time for dinner."she rolled her eyes. "But don't get too happy nothing's happening. For now. My last step for revenge is to reveal your darkest secrets to the whole wide world."

"Darkest secrets? Who do you think I am? A gang member?"

"You know who you are."she snorted haughtily.

"You know what,Soyeon? I don't understand why you're so caught up on revenge when you could just not give a shit about me,live your life,meet better people and live a better life. It's pathetic you devote your time to revenge because if I were you,I would have cherished those around me."

"But you are who you are."I scoffed and closed the box before walking out of my room,brushing our shoulders against one another.

"If I were to,perhaps,present-no,bring you someone or something that would make you stop thinking about revenge,would you agree to just chuck this bullshit behind us?"I whispered.

She chuckled hysterically. "And who would that be?"


She froze and stared straight at me before melting into a smirk. "Let's see if you can find him. Then maybe,perhaps,I'll consider."


The bell hung at the corner of the glass door rang as I entered the quiet coffeeshop,disrupting the calm surroundings for a moment as I strolled in,everyone staring at me as the bell had announced my arrival. But the attention was short-lived and everyone went back to what they were doing.

I joined the queue,scrolling through the accounts with the name Minho in it. To make things worse,I can't even remember his surname.

"One caramel frappe and another hazelnut one."

My eyes broke away from my screen and I looked up upon hearing that familiar voice. I already knew it when he had uttered the first word.

"I hope you don't mind I ordered for you since you order the same thing every time."Mark said.

"Yeah,sure."I blinked repeatedly before regaining my composure and paying for my own drink.

"Mind if I sat at the same table as you?"he asked and I nodded my head,plopping myself on the cushions as we waited in agonising silence,Mark scrolling through his phone while I fiddled around with my hands. If only the cafe wasn't full,I would have rejected him because I've not talked to him since that confrontation.

"One caramel and another hazelnut frappe."the waiter announced as he placed them on our table. "Please enjoy."

"You hate whip cream,right?"he smiled and opened the plastic cup before scooping out the whip cream from my beverage.

"Mark,you're acting as if nothing had happened. What am I supposed to feel when you treat me like before but tell me that you're breaking up with me? Is this a game to you? Am I but a mere toy to you?"

"Hyun,I know you well. Well enough to see through you. You may not show it much but it's evident you like someone else now and the reason why you didn't leave me was because of guilt. I didn't want you to feel that way and I want you to be happy. You gotta let go sometimes,you know? I made the decision so that you wouldn't feel sorry and become happier instead. But you found out my true motive behind my act and if I'm not wrong,you feel exactly what I don't want you to feel - guilty. Hyun,you shouldn't be guilty about what you feel because you can't control it when it comes to your feelings."

"You're just making me feel worse and what makes you think I like Jaebum?"

"The way you look at him,the way you laugh when you're with him. As much as it hurts me,letting you go is the better option. I don't need to feel hurt when I see you two together and you can pursue a relationship that will bring you happiness."

"I'm happy now,Mark."

"You can be happier."

"Don't feel bad. I'll give you my blessings no matter who you date,even if it's not Jaebum. If fate allows,then maybe one day,just one day,if we still feel the same like we did at the start then it will take place naturally."he flashed his smile,one that masked his sorrow and reluctance. "Goodbye,Hyun. I'll always be there when you need my help."

"Let's just...keep it a tradition,for now."

He got up and grabbed his drink before leaving the coffeeshop as quietly as he had entered. This feels like a fullstop that Mark had placed meticulously on our relationship.

"Matcha cheesecake with a side of azuki red bean paste mochis."the waiter came again and placed a carefully decorated plate of dessert.

"I didn't order this."I mumbled,sinking back into my seat as the scene just now replayed in my mind over and over again.

"It's on the house."

"I don't want it."

"But I want to give it you. Please let me,I know how you feel. Troubled relationships are so complicated and nerve-wrecking so you need to indulge yourself sometimes. My own escape is dessert and it still is,just for family problems this time."he explained.

"Yeah ok,I'll eat it later."I brushed him off,disinterested.

He chuckled in response,surprisingly not offended by my insensitive actions.

"Now,I want to give it to you more because you sound like my good friend when I waa young."

"I'll eat it,alright? Don't you have other work to do,Mr.Choi Min...ho,"I read off his name tag. "Choi Minho?"

"Well,that's me."

"Wait,like Choi Minho from Evergreen Kindergarten?"I questioned.

"I knew it was too much of coincedence to meet another girl that acted like you."he replied with a small smile.

"Minho,I've been looking for you."

"Ok,now that seems a little stalkerish and bipolar since you were chasing me away a few seconds ago."

I deadpanned. "I'm a human,with fucked up feelings. Gotta let a girl bitch once in a while,ya' know?"

"I gotta admit,I miss you speaking like that."he pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back.

"It's been long."

"It's been long,alright."

I guess things just find itself at its right place,at the right time.

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