Chapter 52 /And Love/

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Jaebum slammed the file onto the white table and pulled his chair out roughly. He plopped himself down and stared intensely in her eyes.

"You should be interrogating the suspect,not me."Hyun spoke up. "Just give me the keys already. I need to report to the higher-ups."

"Is that all you have to say to me? After ignoring me for years? Don't you want to say something?"Jaebum questioned,his tone harsh and desparate for an answer.

"This is a police station,Jaebum. We'll talk about this later."Hyun folded her arms. "Besides,your underlings are watching from behind."she added on and pointed to the double-sided mirror.

"Sorry,sir."a voice came through the speaker and Hyun cocked a brow,smirking.

"This is not over. I want to know what you're doing here and...I have many things to tell you."he demanded with authority but whispered the last sentence,his gaze softening a little bit before unlocking the door and watching Hyun's figure slowly disappear down the corridor.

Hyun,on the other hand,walked with heavy steps,resisting the urge to turn back to take another look at his face,to digest how much he had changed. She could feel his stare boring through her slouched back that tempted her anymore. She turned the corner and halted in her footsteps.

Her legs gave way and she leaned against the wall,squating,her head in her hands. Despite the strong front she had been giving off,her heart was racing at every moment and she was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Jaebum looked more gruff,his body more toned and his features now more prominent. Hyun bit her lip,starting to feel insecure about herself. She was too ashamed to even look him in the eye.

She had given up on inheriting after much deliberation because studying just wasn't her thing. Instead,she had spent her time helping her younger brother and once he had started working in the company,she decided to get a job instead of living off the monthly allowance from her father. Her father had given up on her too and resigned to just supporting her with whatever she wanted. Soyeon was a good friend and stepsister and her stepmother was more kind than one could ever be.

After spending time in the police force,she decided to return to her homeland to work as a police officer there and her first task was to be undercover. As an undercover,she tried her best to avoid those whom she knew and had to cut off contact with her family for a month.

And just when she thought her nightmare was finally over,when she thought she could finally take a breather,Jaebum appears out of nowhere. How was she going to work with her ex whom she so cruelly left,giving him a shitty excuse that did not happen in the end? Especially since she hasn't forgotten him the day she left her homeland...


"Welcome to Team B! This is your leader,Im Jaebum and the rest will be your teammates."

Talk about rotten luck because they would have to spend their whole career facing each other now,with unresolved feelings. An unsettling atmosphere hung in the air but the teammates seemed to be oblivious at the staring contest between to of them,their eyes filled with longing yet restraint.

"Welcome,Hyun!"one of the teammates warmly welcomed her,conveniently sliding an arm around her shoulders. She flinched and moved out of his embrace awkwardly. "I'm sorry,I hate physical contact."

Ah,still the same... "Hey you look familiar..."the same teammate added on,shoving his face front,making Hyun step back.

Jaebum clenched his fist,crumpling the papers in his hand as jealousy consumed him. She should have flipped him over by now.

Jaebum used the file to smack his colleagues head harshly,making him whine about Jaebum always being violent. "Stop harassing her."he warned before turning to look at Hyun. "Come to my office now,"

He could hear Hyun sigh as well as his annoying colleagues who kept gossiping,probably searching the internet to find out her identity. Jaebum locked the door and drew the blinds before plopping himself onto his cushioned seat.

"Lee Hyun,Batch 55,Number 702,reporting for duty,Sir!"Hyun saluted and Jaebum waved it off. He opened the yellow file that contained her reports and portfolio.

"You returned one month ago."he stated,his voice trailing off. And didn't bother to find me. "Congratulate your brother for me."

"Yes,sir."she replied,not looking at him.

"Have you contacted Mark or Yoongi?"he asked.

"I'll only answer questions work related."she answered.

"You were okay with relaying a message to Hyuk."he rebutted.

"It was an order,sir."she retorted.

"So what,our relationship is strictly business?"he asked,feeling like Hyun had just beat his already fragile heart. "After missing you for years,after longing just to hear your voice or just see your face,you treat me coldly like we're strangers. I thought we had something special."

"SHE'S THE SISTER OF BYUNGJAE ELECTRONICS!"they heard a scream from outside the door and the shuffling of feet,probably their nosy colleagues pressing their ears to hear their conversation.

Hyun dropped her head,heaving a deep sigh while Jaebum gritted his teeth,annoyed that everything was obstructing his way. "One fucking warning letter if you don't fucking leave!"Jaebum shouted.

"I'll just apply to transfer."she sighed.

"No,why would you do that? Do you hate me?"

"Of course,I don't! I'm too ashamed to face you,Jaebum. I dumped you,without a proper excuse or a proper goodbye and I ignored you for years while you continuously kept looking for my responses. Didn't you get tired of doing that? I don't deserve your kindness,and I don't want to stay here if seeing my face brings those memories back to hurt you."

"They don't hurt me!"Jaebum shouted,slamming his hands onto his table and pushing himself up. "If anything,I'm reminded of all our happy times because I don't care about how you left me. You left me with a reason and it was enough. It's okay to love you more than you love me,I don't mind. You still care about me and obviously,I still do care about you. I could feel it when we kissed. That same old feeling in my stomach again,I could feel Hyun and no one else would ever be able to recreate that feeling with me too."

Hyun got out of her salution position and took a step forward. "I don't want you to love me more than I love you!"

"Then,you can love me the same!"Jaebum announced,his eyes hardened.

"Then,I will!"she hollered and jumped onto his table,sweeping his things onto the floor and yanking his neck so that his face would be closer. "Why is that everytime we quarrel,we end up kissing?"she questioned.

"We aren't,"Jaebum replied and gave her a small peck on the lips. "Now we did."

"Now we are,"Hyun giggled and leaned in closer. Hyun could feel Jaebum's radiant smile as they moved their lips in synchronisation and so could Jaebum. It was like disneyland,fireworks setting off between them,like those very cliched moments you see in movies. They occasionally parted to take a breath but never stopped because they had missed out too much over the years.

All the regrets,all the pain and all the crying vanished. Jaebum's legs started getting tired and so,he lifted Hyun up,their lips still not parting and sat down in his chair,Hyun now kneeling on the padded seat.

"HEY I HEARD HYUN WORKS HERE No...w!"two loud voices interrupted the two as they slammed open the door,revealing the hot mess before their eyes.

"Oh wow,so fast in your actions,huh?"Yoongi folded his arms and leaned against the doorframe,all their colleagues peeking in. Hyun got off Jaebum but he pulled her back so that she would sit on his lap.

"Never intended to tell us,hm?"Mark did exactly the same.

"Bitch,please."Jaebum rolled his eyes and the couple looked at each other knowingly before saying in unison.

"Just fuck off!"

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