Chapter 47 /Growth,Maturity And Listening Ears/

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Narrator's POV

Hyun stared at the metal gate with a heavy heart,as if there was a hefty burden on her shoulders that she could not manage to get rid of no matter what. She took in deep breaths,not because she was nervous but she was reluctant. She hated regretting her decisions and would think about it constantly,even 10 years later. Hyun was the type that hated failure.

Just about a year ago,she stepped into this house and was interviewed to become their babysitter although she hated children. When she was finally hired,she hated children even more as they had so much problems. Jaebum because he was a bully,Yezi because she always gave snark remarks,KittyB because she always had something up her sleeves,Jaejoong because he was a whiny brat and Chanhee because he couldn't stop crying. Now,she has grown fond of them and found out that children weren't that bad. All she needed was to listen to them.

She pressed the doorbell and the gate automatically opened. Jaejoong flew out of the house and pounced on Hyun,enveloping her into a tight hug.

"Noona,I missed you! You promised me that you would watch cartoons with me if I listened to appa,right? I did it;you can ask appa if you want."he announced proudly and she ruffled his hair with a smile.

"Aigoo,you make me so proud,huh? How can you grow up so fast,hm?"she chuckled and carried him inside.

"Yah! Yah!"she could hear KittyB screaming and running down the stairs. "You won't believe it but Chanhee can talk and...walk,"she panted and soon followed Yezi who was guiding her younger brother down the stairs patiently.

Hyun let Jaejoong down and walked towards Chanhee,squatting down to reach his eye level. "Call Hyun. Hee-Yawn."Yezi stretched her word.

"Heeeeeee,"he struggled to say it. "Yawn. Hee-yawn."

It wasn't perfect,the way he pronounced it. In fact,it sounded like someone snoring. Regardless of that,Hyun was still proud. It somehow made her feel accomplished although she wasn't the one who trained him to talk.

"Where's Jaebum?"Hyun asked cautiously.

"I don't know. He's been missing since yesterday but I think appa knows where he is."KittyB replied and Hyun nodded her head.

She stared at the children in front of her. Today was officially the last day of babysitting and she was going to make it the best before breaking the news to them.


"By the way,I got an A for my art project. The one you and oppa helped me with."KittyB announced,with food still in her mouth. She took out a picture and passed it to me. "Remember our promise? If you guys get married,I'm gonna be flower girl and choose all of the bridesmaids' dresses."she winked and I smiled at her awkwardly. I don't think that's gonna happen. Hyun took the picture and put in her wallet when the door opened. Jaebum and his parents walked in.

They made eye contact but Hyun quickly looked away. She stood up and walked up to them timidly. "Mr,Mrs.Im,I have something to say to you. Can I talk to you upstairs?"

"Don't you have something else to tell me?"Jaebum asked,grabbing her by the wrist,his eyes filled with hope. Like you won't leave anymore? That you want to get back together?

Hyun pulled her arm away and blinked several times before gathering courage to look him in the eye with fake nonchalance. "No,not really."

"Well,let's go up. Shall we?"Mr.Im coughed and she nodded my head before following the couple up to the study room.

Jaebum trailed after them shortly when he realised that his siblings were following him. "Go away,eat your dinner or something."he said,trying to hear what they were discussing.

"Yah,she's our babysitter too."Yezi snapped,threatening to hit him with a raised fist and narrowed eyes. Chanhee was in KittyB's arms.

Meanwhile in the room,Hyun sat down,tapping her knees with her index finger.

"So what is it,Hyun?"Mr.Im asked.

"I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused but I have to quit my job."she started off. "I'm moving to another country to study and I won't be able to babysit anymore."

"Oh my,that's a sad piece of news."Mr.Im said. "Do the children know yet?"

Hyun shaked her head. "I plan on telling them right before I leave."

"If that's all,then let's go downstairs. I have work to do."Mrs.Im said coldly.

"Before I leave,I would like to clarify something."

Hyun inhaled a deep breath. "Mrs.Im,I know you don't like me. But even if you don't like me,I hope that you will reconcile with your husband. The reason I was rehired was because I was here to help you. I wanted to help fix the relationship between you and your husband as well as Jaebum and his father. I'm sorry,Mr.Im for doing a really bad job. I can't stay further so I would like to advice you to talk it out with Mr.Im. You two both love each other but you don't know how to express it. Communication is the way. That's all I have to say to you."

"Oh,one more thing. I feel like this is my last report to you so I should be more thorough about it. Chanhee has just learned to talk and walk. Jaejoong has learned that he should respect his elders. KittyB has stopped meeting those sleazy boys and Yezi has stopped smoking and sneaking out. Jaebum goes out less and he's stopped being a dick-I'm sorry,I meant that he's changed for the better. He doesn't bully people anymore and he's someone who really cherishes his friendships. He's dependable and can help you without you even asking him. He's a great guy so don't worry about him anymore. Mr.Im,I'm glad that you have grown closer and I hope that you two will continue to. He will continue growing into a confident,capable person."Hyun said without even realising that she was nodding to herself with a bright smile plastered on her face.

"You really have a lot to say about Jaebum."Mrs.Im raised a brow,but without any form of hatred. Somehow,Hyun's words seemed to spark a sudden realisation within her.

"Well,he's grown a lot."she tried to brush her off,embarrassed,feeling as if she was caught red-handed.

Back to the staircase,all the siblings were aligned and sitting on the top step of the staircase. Jaebum had his face stuck onto his hands,depending on his knees for support.

"You've grown a lot,what a joke."Yezi snickered.

"But seriously,oppa. Is she really leaving?"KittyB asked seriously,grabbing his shoulder. Jaebum nodded his head. "Hyung...can you make her stay? Please?"Jaejoong shaked Jaebum's sleeve,making him feel even more frustrated.

"You guys make it so obvious that y'all like each other. Are you seriously gonna let her go like that?"KittyB asked,furrowing her brows.

"If you do,I swear I won't talk to you."Yezi warned and Jaebum rolled his eyes.

Just then,the door opens and the three of them walk out of the room. "What are you all doing here? Finish your dinner."Mrs.Im said and got all of them downstairs,except for Jaebum who remained on the stairs.

"Jaebum,"Mrs.Im called.


"If you really like her,go for it. Eomma won't have any problems. Don't regret what you have not done. I rather you regret something you did. She sounds like she's crazy over you."

Jaebum stared at his mother,shocked that she and not the rest said it. He looked down the staircase with resolve and nodded his head firmly.

"I won't."

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