Chapter 25 /Masked Date/

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I think Hyuk was underexaggerating the meaning of 'small' gathering because I swear there is at least 3 cohorts in the hall and I suddenly don't want to go in but idiot of a brother decides to drag me in anyway.

The people at the reception handed me a mask that changes my voice and a pamphlet about the activities held today. Hyuk ditched me straight away,leaving me alone in pitch darkness. I groaned mentally,hoping not to bump into anybody.

I groped my way to a table where I could finally rest. "Hi?"someone said and I turned around in shock.

"Oh is there someone taking the table? I'm sorry I can't see."I apologised,trying to stifle my laughter. My voice sounded like a robot.

"Well it's the point of this game anyway. Hi,how are you?"he or she asked. Well that person sounds like a bug's bunny so I'm gonna call the person a 'she'.

"So uhm if you don't mind,I hope we could keep this anonymous. The only reason why I came here was to rant to someone in the dark without getting found out."he suggested and I agreed.

"Sure if you don't mind I do the same."I sighed.

"Tough day?"

"Tough year."I replied?shaking my head.

"Same. I couldn't confess to the girl I truly liked and ended up with my ex."

"I wanted to confess the guy I liked but he was with someone else."I blurted. Oh gosh don't reveal so much! Why do I feel like I trust him?

"Well we're somewhat in the same situation."he paused."so,I got together with my ex but I regret it because I feel very confined. I act like I'm fine so people don't worry but in actual fact,I want to break up with her so freaking badly. And the girl I like...I think she's with another guy now."

"I am dating someone else now actually...wait,"I got up. "I think we've spoken too much."I said. It's not him right? I didn't just confess to him directly right?

"Where are you going?"he asked,holding me back. "I think we shouldn't talk about this anymore. I have to go."

"Hyun,I know it's you."he stated. My eyes widened. Fuck.

I shook him off and fled,shoving people out of the way. I need to get out of here,really fast. Where's the exit?!

The exit was nowhere to be found and I randomly took a seat,hoping that he would continue walking around.

"Uh sorry,I'm not really in the mood to mingle."

"Neither am I. Just let me hide here please."I rolled my eyes.

"Uh okay."

"Hyun?!"he called out for me.

"Shit,"I cursed under my breath and climbed underneath the table.

"What on earth are you doing?"the guy asked,peeking underneath,his shadow in front of me.

"Shut up. I'm trying to hide from someone. Got it?"I warned,pulling him down by his shirt.

"No I don't."he scoffed and smacked my hand away. "But if you want to hide,you shouldn't hide here. Follow me."he ordered and helped me out of the table. He held my hand gently but firmly and led me around the dark room.

We finally found the exit and there was light. It seems like I've been in darkness for years.

The light stung my eyes and I squatted down. "You okay?"the mysterious guy asked. I took a good look at him. He was wearing a button-up and brown pants and the same exact mask as me, just that he sounded like bugs bunny.

"I'm fine."I got up after adjusting my eyes to the seemingly piercing light. "Thanks...for helping me escape and stuff. It's complicated..."I sighed,rubbing the sides of my temples. How idiotic of me. It was too much of a coincedence because we were TALKING ABOUT THE SAME THING?!

I looked at the clock and sighed. Hyuk must be having the time of his life inside and I have to wait outside for me or else I'll get caught by Yoongi and I really don't wanna face him now. It's like everytime I reconcile with him,it gets worse.

"I'm fine. You can go in."I said,gesturing to the door.

"I'd rather wander around the school. It's boring and stupid."the guy snorted. "Mhm...wanna sneak into the school kitchen. But keep the mask on so we don't get caught by the CCTV."

"Sure. Let's just stay anonymous."I suggested and he nodded his head before we headed to the cafeteria. We jumped over the counter and walked into the kitchen. I switched on the lights and we headed straight towards the fridges. "Oh my gosh,yoghurt."I squealed and took it. I opened my mask halfway so that I could eat it. The guy took a carton of juice and started downing it as if he hadn't drank something in years.

It was slightly awkward but we were in the same boat so I couldn't care less. The guy seemed nice but yet a little sassy.

We continued searching and eating small chilled foods since leftover cafeteria food wasn't exactly ideal. He closed the fridge and we prepared to leave when there was a rustling.

"Shit."I cursed and dragged him to a corner and hid ourselves inside an empty cabinet that smelled like rotten vegetables. I peeked through the small crack of the cabinet and a teacher had walked in,probing around before switching off the lights.

"Let's wait for a while in case she's still there."the guy suggested and I agreed.

"So would you mind explaining why you were hiding?"he asked.

"It's a complicated love...uhm square I guess,"I said unsurely. I actually don't know how to describe this situation other than using those two words. "And why are you here since you aren't in the mood for mingling?"I questioned.

"I talked with a few but I could guess who they were. It's not fun and they were pretty boring. But the only person I haven't found out about is you..."his voice trailed off and he reached out for my mask. I grabbed his hand before he could touch it.

"Don't."I warned with a slight threat evident in my tone. "I don't want anyone to know who I am."I explained and put his hand down gently. The rest of the time was just awkward before we decide it was fine to sneak out now.

"Goodbye."he said,waving as I walked off.

"Goodbye..."I waved back,tired. This guy was pretty interesting. But who knows? I mean,he might be his true self now but in actual life he might be a wall flower in school. If I didn't have this mask on,I'd probably be back to the 'emo girl',the one who rarely smiled or talked unless approached.

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