Chapter 33 /Recognise Me Now?/

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"Where are you going?!"Jaebum yelled as I dragged him.

"I don't know?!"I exclaimed and halted in my steps. The park...great. Now everyone will stare at the two teenagers stuck in a bucket with one girl ugly crying.I sat down on the bench,Jaebum carrying the bucket and laying it onto the bench slowly.

"Basically,my dad left because of another woman. My mum decided to ditch us to and go to the other man she found too. Both of them become rich. My father a supposed iconic figure and my mom,a rich man's wife. And yet,they didn't bother to look for us. To see if we were doing fine. To tell us that they're sorry. Instead they cover up themselves. To think my father even changed his name. What a joke. And he...he had an affair! Wow,I'm so amazed right now."I snorted in disbelief,gripping my fists. My free one of course.

Jaebum stayed still before opening his mouth. "So...what do you plan to do?"

"I'll arrange a meeting with Hana,Hyuk and my mother. Then,I'll try find my father. I'm going to get what I deserve. My sister shouldn't be suffering as much as she is just because of their selfishness. They can be my cashcows. Enough for my sister to stop working but enough to live decently and pay for Hyun's education until I get a stable job."

He nodded his head. "I can help you find your father. It's easier for me since I can try pulling strings around here and there."

I sighed and leaned back into the bench. "Thanks."I muttered,closing my eyes. The cold wind made my tears prick my skin.

"How can people be so selfish? We're their biological children but they can't give a single hoot about us."I shaked my head. "You're lucky,Jaebum. Your parents may be fighting but they both love you very much. Especially your father. Open up to him more. I'm not afraid to admit it anymore. Your father came to me for advice to patch things up with you. He's making an effort so give some back to him,alright? Cherish what you have."

He kept quiet and I turned to face him. "Can I have some response please?"

"I promise I'll try."he sighed and looked up at the sky.

"Are you...crying?"I asked,finding it slightly amusing. I never thought I'll see him cry in front of me.

"No."he lied blatantly. His voice broke,giving him away.

"Yes you are. You're touched,aren't you?"I poked fun at him.

"You're finally smiling,huh? What happened to your cashcows,hm?"

"Touche."I grumbled.


I stared at the tall tower casting a shadow over me. Employees go in and out hurriedly and here I am,standing in the middle frozen,receiving dirty looks for blocking others' way.

So...this is his office. It's impressive...what am I saying? It looks grand as fuck! Now,I'm feeling extremely underdressed.

I took a deep breath and mustered some courage to enter the slightly intimidating building. "I'm looking for Lee Byungjae."I tell the receptionist as emotionlessly as I could but I was actually freaking out. People keep staring at me and I feel judged. Well what does a teenager have anything to do with a large corporation.

She raised a brow. "Did you make an appointment?"she asked,rather disinterested.

"No. But it's pretty urgent."

"I'm sorry but you can't meet the president unless you have an appointment with him. You can call his secretary to book a timing."she said monotonously and passed me a namecard.

I rolled my eyes,getting a little ticked off now. "Tell him that Lee Hana wants to see him. He'll want to meet me for sure."

"Miss,if you don't leave,I'll have to call the security on you. Make an appointment please."she threatened.

I gritted my teeth and turned around,walking away slowly. I looked at the signboard. Presidents office,top level. I can totally climb the stairs. I looked back at the lady and she was busy typing away at her computer. I smirked and fled to the staircase,pulling myself up the flights of stairs that seemed to never end.

I finally reach the top,all sweaty and panting like a just ran a marathon. Well I regard climbing the stairs as one so...

I peek out of the door and curse under my breath as I see two security guards at the glass door and another receptionist behind it who was probably my father's secretary. Ok,you never know until you try. Just wing it.

"Hey!"I smiled brightly and tided my hair. They stared at me with blank faces. "So...I was wondering if you could just let me in...haha,"I laughed dryly and took a step forward,only to be stopped by a human barricade. "'s super urgent."I begged with a fake smile.

"What's happening?"the glass door opens and he comes out. He's wearing a grey suit and accessories that scream,'I have money,come fight me!' "Who are you?"he asked and I shoke off his security guards.

"Mr.Lee Byungjae,oh wait,I meant Mr.Lee Jaehwan,"I said,overwhelmed. "I'm sure you want to meet me now."

"Let her in."he said and walked in. I gave his security guards a smug face and followed after him into his office before sitting down onto his chair.

"I'm gonna cut to the chase because I know people like you have no time to care about your children,hm."I said,my words dripping with malice.

I take out the crumpled,yellowed family picture we had,before Hyuk was born and slid it across the table,looking straight into his eyes.

"Recognise me now?"

A/N: hey,im sorry for the delayed updates and all. I've been quite busy with schoolwork and practicing for an upcoming band competition and some internal conflict etc so yeah. I'll try to update sooner!!

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