Chapter 42 /Welcome To The Family/

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It was as if the janitor's closet was now their regular hangout. This enclosed,stuffy room was a place where they talked. Nothing pleasant ever took place here though.

Jinyoung stared at her,contemplating on what to say. The girl had obviously been weeping as her eyes were red and swollen. He didn't want to say anything mean but it was a habit,a defense mechanism he had built up against girls although it had been gradually disappearing since he was confronted by her. Before Jinyoung could think of what to say,she apologised.

"I'm sorry."she muttered,taking a deep breath as she made a full bow,expressing her outmost remorse.

"Um..."Jinyoung felt like he was choked and couldn't cough out any words.

"I get it if you can't forgive me. I deserve it. I was confident that it would history would never repeat itself but it just did and it was because of my indecisiveness that I've hurt your friends' feelings. You warned me but I didn't take it as seriously as I should have and now,I have caused this chaos. I am truly,truly sorry."

"You know,I don't blame you. I have to thank you. Through you,I found out how she must have felt to be pressured by both sides. I can't blame her anymore;I'm no longer angry. She acted impulsively and everyone makes mistakes. Mark did what I did and I realised that I was a fool. I should have strived to achieve what I want. Mark repeated my mistake but I've realised,I shouldn't be interfering. Let nature take it's course. I won't try interfering anymore because it just made you more confused. Let me apologise instead. I'm the one at fault. "

"We were just trying to be a good friend,Jinyoung. I wish I had a friend like you too."she smiled weakly.

"I'll gladly be."he extended his hand.

"Nice to know...water enthusiast,"


Hyun's POV

"You're late for dinner."my stepmum clucked her tongue and I rolled my eyes upon seeing Soyeon who was looking smug. Funny how she feels so victorious when I've already found out it was a lie.

"Not hungry."I lied. Oh,my stomach was growling.

"Then,drink a bowl of soup at least,dear."my father called.

"Fine."I grumbled,pretending to be irritated but I couldn't thank him enough.

"Well,isn't it good? We're sitting down for dinner as a whole family."my father smiled and I scoffed loudly. My brother punched my thigh,giving me a look to tell me to stop. If only he wasn't my brother,I would slam him onto the floor. I wouldn't mind doing that to Soyeon though.

My stepmum coughed awkwardly and the meal proceeded in tense silence,all thanks to me. I prefer it this way,to be honest. It sickens me to even think that I'm living in the same house as this house.

"I'm done. Thank you for the dinner."Soyeon said,wiping her mouth with a napkin. "Eomma,appa,Hyuk,I'll be in my room."

Ugh don't even say my brother's name.

"You missed out someone,dear."her mother said and she chuckled and looked at me straight at me in the eye.

"Oh,you must be mistaken. There's no one else here worthy of my words."

I snorted loudly. "oh DEAR sister,I feel so FUCKING hurt by your insensitive actions."

"Language."my father boomed and I laughed hysterically for a moment.

"None of you,"I pointed to the three of them,"have the right to lecture me because we are not a family. I came here to protect my brother. I came here for compensation. I don't need your pretentious concern. I'm going to be honest here because I'm not fake like some people,namely the bitch in front of me. If there wasn't anything to inherit,I wouldn't be here because mark my words,Soyeon,I said once and I don't mind reminding you for the rest of my time. I will do what you did to me and take everything that matters to you away."I warned,standing up before walking off,bumping my shoulder with hers roughly. Damn,that felt good. Being a rude bitch makes me feel exhilarated. No wonder Soyeon is always like this 24/7.

"Stop there,young lady."my stepmum chased after me. I ignored her and headed for my room,locking the door as soon as I entered.

She tried turning the knob from outside but to no avail and I could envision her sigh. "Hyun,"she called but I ignored her yet again.

"I want to apologise."she stated and I got up,slightly interested. "As a mother of Soyeon,I feel terribly sorry to you. I know what's she's been doing to you and I swear I didn't raise her up to be like this. So I understand your actions very well. That girl doesn't know when to stop and I want to apologise on her behalf."

"About what you said at the dining table...the inheritance. I really don't mind if you really do take it because I'm able to feed myself and Soyeon with my own career and half of the reason why you're here is because your father wants you and your brother to take over his company since you are his real blood. But I'm sure your father must be really hurt,hearing those words come out from you."

"Lastly,what I really want to say is:I meant it when I said,'Welcome to the family,'"

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