Chapter 14 /Set-up/

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"Can you stop being so depressed?"Hyuk asked,pulling my cheeks.

"Don't touch me."I threatened. He knows how much I hate skin contact.

"You can't change the fact that hyung is dating. You should direct your attention to something else instead of moping around."he adviced and I raised a brow. Words of wisdom coming out of Hyuk's mouth? Miracle.

"You should get another job."he said.

"I'm trying to."I said,pointing to the newspaper. I can't seem to find a job for me. I keep getting tired;it's kinda unusual.

"Well why don't you start your own business here?"Hyuk suggested,earning a glare from me.

"Do you have a death wish?"I smacked his head harshly. "I'm never gonna do that type of business."

He rolled my eyes. "Of course I know that. I'm talking about another type of business. I mean some men here chicken out last minute or are just here to vent their frustration so when they do come,once everything is settled with Hana then,you can like get that business and shit."

"You mean give people prep talks?"I deadpanned.

"Yeah like councilling."he wriggled his eyebrows. Omona. He's such a genius. I ruffled his hair.

"Noona's gonna treat you to ramyun after I write finish my sign and put it at our door."I said and ran off happily.

Councilling services:

$1 per minute,$25 for 30 minutes.

Now,that my friend,is how I'm gonna earn quick money.

The next few days,I had no luck in finding any customers. My sister was quite annoyed at how unproductive I was but on the day,I was very pissed off with my homework,a guy came and wanted my services.

So,I sat down with him and talked to him about life. I earned $20 that session.

More and more people came,most of which were clients of my sister who backed out halfway and wanted to just talk. Some were about their family issues,work stress and even relationship problems.

In about a week,I had already earned $210 which to me,is a big achievement. This has given me a big chance to see the outside world. Maybe all these old geezers I hated were just stressed out and resorted to such means. It's still wrong but with my councilling,they don't need to anymore. It feels good helping people...and making money at the same time.

But there is always time where I have to face reality and go to school. I sort of slowly didn't care about Yoongi anymore and instead focused everything on both my studies and my job. Yoongi's still my friend.

"Hi,"Soyeon waved to me.

"Hi."I greeted back. "Where's Yoongi? Do you want anything?"

"Oh it's nothing. I was just wondering if you wanted to go out with me and Yoongi tomorrow. You know,just lunch and movies."she offered and I politely rejected her.

"Come on'll be fun,I promise."she smiled.

"Is Yoongi going?"




And thus came the day of our little outing. They told me to wait at the mall me and Yoongi used to hang out. I've already bought the movie tickets but they're running late. 5 minutes before screening time and they're still not here.

Then,someone poked my shoulder. It was a guy around my age and he was obviously taller than me cause I'm a short girl. "Are you Hyun?"he asked.

I nodded my head slowly,unsure and hesitant. I examined him,assessing how on earth this stranger knew me. Is he an old classmate? Ok nevermind,act cool. Just go along with it.

"Oh annyeonghaseyo. My name is Jinhwan. I'm Soyeon's friend. Soyeon and Yoongi can't make it today so they told me to accompany you."he introduced himself.

Hold up. They can't make it? They said they've cleared their scheldue for this outing. Can't they just tell me by themselve? Why send a guy to-...

"Is this some sort of set-up?"I asked,slightly pissed off.

"Well..."he scratched the back of his neck. "I'm sorry if you're disappointed. I know I'm not exactly-"

"NONONONONO!"I shrieked. "This is nothing about you;you seem like a nice guy. I'm just wondering why I wasn't informed about this."I assured him.

"I've just broke up with my girlfriend and Soyeon told me she could set me up with a nice girl to see if I could really let go of her."he explained.

So this was a trap all along... "Well you're really nice but I'm definitely not someone you would like. Please help me tell Soyeon and Yoongi that I do NOT need them meddling with my love life and I'm doing just fine so they should mind their own business."I snapped and stomped off. Why would they ever think it would be a great idea to set me up with some guy? Sure he's nice but I do not appreciate being deceived. Do they think I'm pathetic because I don't have a boyfriend and they're high and mighty because they're dating?

My phone started ringing and it was Yoongi. I immediately picked up and without allowing him to even say hi,I screamed into the phone. "Mind your own business next time. If you ever do this again,don't talk to me and I mean it."

I hung up and stuffed my phone inside my back. Yeah I like him and I still can't get over him but I can't believe he'll actually do this type of shit. What hurts more is that Soyeon participated in this. I'm sorry,but since when did I ever talk to you before Yoongi dated your sorry ass?

I shoved everyone in my way,receiving glares from them and returning it with an even dirtier stare.

"Hey watch where you're going-Hyun?"someone said and held me back. I glared at him but soon regretted it and when I saw his face.

"Mark?"I gasped and he grabbed me and pulled me to a corner so we could talk without blocking everyone's way.

"I'm sorry for pushing you."I apologised,wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"Are you okay?"he asked,awkwardly ruffling his own hair.

I stared into his eye,somehow mesmerized. Without a second thought,I grabbed his head and smashed his lips against mine.

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