Chapter 34 /Related to a bitch,fml/

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He scanned the photo with an unrecognisable expression for a moment before looking up at me. "You can't possibly be Hana. If I'm not wrong,you must be Hyun."

"Yeah."I replied softly. He's surprisingly very calm about this.

"Wow,it's been years."he remarked. "You've grown into a beautiful young lady."

"Cut the crap."I blurted. "I didn't come for a reunion or an acknowledgement from you. I want an explanation and for you to pay us back for leaving us alone."I demanded.

"Well,it's been years. It's hard for me to just hide my feelings like that,honey. I'm very overwhelmed right now."

"You don't look like it. And,don't call me honey,you're not in the position to call me that."I said rather rudely. "I heard that you had a mistress. Ditched us for that mistress and when that mistress left you,you came back but didn't even look for us. You and that woman are the same. Heartless. No wonder you got married in the first place."

"I had a reason."

"What reason?"I leaned back into the chair.

He kept quiet for a while and I burst out in hysterical laughter. "I knew it. Both of you were selfish. Both of you are now filthy rich but y'all don't give a single shit about your children. Honestly,why am I so affected by you two? I can't even remember most of what you did. Unnie is the one you need to apologise to."

"I'm sorry."

"I said,you should be apologising to Hana and Hyuk. Hyuk never had a father and Hana had to go much...pain,"I teared up and faced the ceiling. "You are the cause of this,along with that horrible woman."

"I know you must hate me and yes,I was selfish. I admit to that now. I should have found you. I should be the one coming up to you and I'm truly sorry."

I sighed. Him being nice isn't making anything better. "You have to say that in front of Hyuk and Hana."

"How are they?"he asked,looking truly concerned. He should have been like this when he returned back to Korea.

"Suffering."I folded my arms. "I have 2 requests from you. Meet them and apologise. Two,sponsor our living expenses. Hana has worked hard enough and Hyuk still needs to study. Don't worry,I'll be doing the same to your ex-wife."

"I'll do whatever you want."he replied. He paused for a while. "Can I...see how all of you look like now?"

I took my phone out and showed him a selfie I took during dinner when Hyuk decided to be the chef for that night. He smiled. "I'm assured now."

I kept my phone. "I'll contact you and tell you details about our meeting. Until then,don't try to find us."


"What are you thinking about?"Hyuk snapped me out of my thoughts and I was returned to reality.

"Nothing."I sighed and buttoned my school jacket. How am I going to break this to my siblings? Hyuk will be seeing his parents for the first time while Hana probably hates them more than me. What if they don't want to meet them? Does that mean we can't get the money?

Yes,I'm still hungry for money. This is the perfect opportunity for quick and easy money so that my sister can retire from that profession. She hates it so much but suffers for us.

"Will you stop spacing out?!"Hyuk exclaimed and shaked my shoulders.

"S-sorry."I muttered.

"Is something wrong?"he raised a brow.

"No,what?! Of course not,why would you think so? It's perfectly fine. Everything's fine. Haha,oh,it's your class,bye!"I said,flustered and shoved him inside his classroom before heaving a sigh of relief.

"Hey,shithead!"someone said and smacked me on the head. I turned around and shot a glare at her. I grabbed Soyeon's wrist and twisted it,making her scream out of agony. I finally let go before it actually snaps.

"What the fuck,I can report you for violence!"she fumed.

"You started it."I replied and rolled my eyes. "Get to the chase,what do you want?"

"I want you to tell me what you were doing here."she demanded and flashed her phone screen in my face.

"You stalked me?!"I exclaimed,half creeped out,half annoyed.

"No,I don't have time for that."she rolled her eyes. I went there to meet my family for lunch. I heard you broke into my stepfather's room. What do you have with him?"she interrogated me.

I choked on my saliva and coughed violently. Stepfather? You've got to be fucking kidding me? How can I be related to this demon-like bitch?

"S-stepfather?"I finally muttered,my breathe hitched.

"Yes,stepfather. Why,you've got a problem with it? Now,spit out why you're there or I won't be kind to you."she threatened and grabbed my collar.

"Oh no,not on her."Mark swooped in and hugged me firmly by the shoulder,pulling me away forcefully from her grip and putting me behind me.

"Shut up,Mark. We're talking about something important."she snapped and I tiptoed to peek over his shoulder.

"Help me leave please."I whispered into his ear behind hiding behind his back again.

"Well,I'm more important than whatever you're probably talking about so..."he said and wrapped his arm around my waist before leading me somewhere else.

I heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank gosh."

"So,what were you talking about,hm?"he asked,pulling me closer to his warm,firm chest.

"Oh,just something less important than you."I chuckled,reusing his words from before.

"Well then,I shan't be too worried about that,huh? Stay away from her. She's been snooping around me lately."

"That's because she's obsessed with wrecking my life. She's out for you next so you should be watching out more than me."I forced a smile.

"Don't worry,I won't leave you."he mumbled and planted a kiss on my head before bringing me to class. Even if you leave me...

A/N: basically the last line is Mark's thought. Hihi I have question though this may be a failed a/n with no one replying me but if you are reading this I hope you can tell me through ths comments or dms or my message bpard or just somewhere about which character are you hoping to be the final love line,please?

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