You're Kidding? Right?

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 “Dakota, get up now!” I moaned and flipped over in bed. My mom was getting me up way too early. It is the last week of summer, let me enjoy it while it lasts.

            “I am sleeping.” I yell for her to hear.

            “The fact that you just replied disproves that statement. Get down here, now!” I groan and flip out of bed. My dresser has a bunch of clothes hanging on it, and there are few things hanging out of the drawers. I sleepily walk over and change out of my sleepwear and into a pair of jeans and a blue tank top.

            I walked down the stairs while pulling my hair back into a high ponytail. My mom walked in from the kitchen holding a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast. I took it and sat down at the table.

            She sat across from me and folded her hands. “I have been thinking.” I put the piece of bacon I was eating back onto my plate. Whenever those words come from her mouth, nothing good is going to happen. “I think you need to go to a different school this year.” My mouth drops open.

            “Why would I need to go to a new school?” She shrugs and takes a sip of the coffee sitting in front of her.

            “Well, I think you need to learn more responsibility. So I have picked a school in London that you will be going to. If you don’t like it, then maybe I will consider you coming back here. But give it a semester at least. You may even want to teach there one day.” I scowl.

            “I am responsible. Why are you doing this to me? You are ruining my teenage years.” She frowned and looked sorry.

            “I am sorry honey, but this is for your own good, you will thank me later, trust me. Go pack your suitcase. You leave in two days.” My eyes widen. I hate her so much right now.

            Why is she doing this to me? All of my friends are here. This is so going to ruin my social life. I had plans. I stomp up the stairs to my bedroom and slam the door behind me.

            I reach under my bed and pull out a suitcase, and take the storage trunk from my closet. I begin to fold and throw clothes into the suitcase and pack blankets, pillows, and other necessities into my trunk.

            As soon as I finish doing that, I get on my computer and go on Facebook. I have about twenty friends online that I really don’t talk to much. I open a post box and type in ‘Hate my mom right now. She is sending me to a new school in London.
'What the hell mom?’

            I hit enter and post that. Then I go downstairs and walk out of the house. Might as well spend my last twenty-four hours in this town doing something fun. I have my keys in my pocket and start my car.

            I pull out of the driveway and drive to my best friend’s house. She opens the door a few minutes after I knock. “Hey. What’s going on?” She lets me in.

            “Hi Amber. Uh, I have some bad news. I am flying out to London in two days. My mom is sending me to some weird Academy out there. I really don’t want to go.” Her mouth drops open, but soon changes into a smile.  

            “You are messing with me aren’t you?” I frown. I cannot believe that she doesn’t take me seriously. I was willing to bet my life on this information and she thinks it is a joke.

            “No, I am not messing with you. I am one hundred percent serious. My mom told me at breakfast this morning. She had to do this to me so late in the summer just so she could guarantee me not arguing.” Her face fell from the happy joking gaze it held before.

C.L.S.A. Central London Spy Academy (A 1D Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now