Laugh attacks and death glares

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          I woke up extra early this morning to execute our plan, but I had to wake Nikki up first. After that, I snuck into Mr. Tomlinson’s bathroom. He was still sound asleep on his bed. I grabbed his shampoo bottle and began to empty most of its contents down the sink.

            After that I filled it up with the temporary dye—Nikki wouldn’t let me use permanent—and twisted the lid back on. I snuck out of his room and went back to my room to change. I put on a ruffled top, and strapped a small pistol into the belt of my shorts. I decided to not wear knives today, and instead, pinned my hair up with needles that looked normal, but still worked like throwing knives.

            I found a pair of adorable strappy sandals in the closet. I grabbed my watch, and put in a pair of diamond stud ear rings, and walked downstairs. I grabbed a bowl from one of the cabinets, and poured myself a bowl of cereal. Nikki came skipping down the stairs with an evil grin on her face.

            “You get it done?” She says, the grin still plastered on her face.

            I roll my eyes. “Of course, you?” She nods and sits down to eat. We both hear the showers turn on upstairs, and try not to giggle.

            I made a pot of coffee and filled a mug. I need all the energy I can get, since we are working a twelve hour shift today. I finished my cereal, and put the bowl in the dishwasher. Nikki scarfed down her pop-tart and did the same with her plate.

            We are sitting down drinking our preferred beverages, me, coffee, her, vitamin water.

            About halfway through our conversation we are cut off by a piercing scream. Her and I both smile and run up the stairs. When we round the corner to Mr. Malik’s bathroom, we can’t help but crack up. His hair was yellow. Basically sunshine yellow, so it was difficult to look at.

            A few seconds later I hear a slightly girlish scream come from Mr. Tomlinson’s room. We both go running and peek around the door. I had no clue Nikki was doing yellow, and I don’t think she knew I was doing pink.

            There was incredibly bright pink hair dye in Mr. Tomlinson’s shampoo bottle. His entire head of hair made it look like he should be on a kids TV show. I am about ready to fall over with laughter. We are so childish, but it is so fricken funny.

            I clutch my stomach, and laugh even harder than before. Then Mr. Tomlinson starts yelling. “What the fuck! Why in fucking hell did you do this?!?!?!” Mr. Tomlinson yelled. We both stopped laughing. He doesn’t ever yell at us. I go into my defensive mode.

            “You guys threw us into the pool!” I say crossing my arms.

            “You pushed us in first! We weren’t even in proper swim wear. Last time I checked, you didn’t go swimming in a tux!” he continued in a raised voice, but no longer yelling. He still looked extremely angry, but he was calming down.

            “If war is what you want, war is what you’ll get. You girls better watch your backs.” Mr. Malik says with a devilish grin.

            “We have to hurry up and get ready then go to the white house in an hour.” Mr. Tomlinson says hurriedly and storms off to his room. Nikki and I head downstairs to wait for them.

            I grab the TV remote and flick through a bunch of channels before settling on an episode of Doctor Who. Nikki walks back into the room and groans, then flops down in one of the recliners and falls asleep.

C.L.S.A. Central London Spy Academy (A 1D Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz