Do you trust me?

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Nikki's POV

          I was sparring with the sophomore and suddenly there is a thud and a scream. I sharply took in a breath as I spun around, half expecting to see a puddle of blood and a body. Instead what I saw was Patrick on the floor looking like he was in agony, and Kody standing there with a look of terror, shock, and apology all over her face. I ran over to her and touched her shoulder.

          “What the hell did you do?!” I asked her. Vikki was next to Patrick while Justyn and the Sub teacher came over quickly. Students were staring, but Kody and I were walking to the hall. She slid down the wall and put her head in her hands.

          “What did you do to him?” I asked her, touching her shoulder. She yanked away from me, stood, and started to walk away.

          “Just tell Justyn that I am skipping the rest of today’s classes.” She says and walks off. I was slightly hurt that she wouldn’t tell me what was wrong, but I walked back into the gym. I made my way to Justyn, and when I reached him, I leaned in so I could talk in a whisper.

          “Kody told me to tell you that she isn’t going to her classes today. I don’t know what happened, but she didn’t do that on purpose. I actually have no idea what caused her to do that. Is Patrick okay?” I asked.

          Worry flashed in his eyes, but he nodded.
“We sent him to the nurse. He should be fine.” He says. The sub walked over to Justyn.

          “I think they have sparred enough for today. Let’s have them run the rest of the class.” I overheard. I smiled. I actually enjoyed and loved to run.

          Soon enough we were all wearing our running shoes and walking out the front door so we could run around the school. Vikki and I paced ourselves and ran together. The next two and a half hours were spent running around the Academy. We went inside and it was time for lunch. Everyone gathered in the cafeteria and while they chatted about their day with their friends, Vikki and I were watching the doors to see if Kody would appear. She didn’t, to our dismay. We ate our lunch and headed to the room to change into clothes for A&G class.

          We opened the door and Kody was sleeping. We quietly got our clothes on, me a pair of sweats and a tank top and Vikki, a pair of yoga pants and t shirt. We left the room and went to the Field House. We had made a plan for that sub too, but we decided not to do it.

          I didn’t care for the sub. She wasn’t terrible and if I was honest she had great aim and what not, but she wasn’t the teacher of this class. Mr. Malik was, but he wasn’t there to teach it today. It also didn’t make me feel any better that she was skinny, had long, wavy, brown hair, and large brown eyes. She was so freaking pretty.

          I wonder if Mr. Malik would think she was pretty. I swear if that bitch eve-

          Wait, what? Why am I thinking this? It’s not like Mr. Malik and I are dating, or even in a relationship. In fact I don’t even know what we are. Sure we kissed, quite a few times, but that didn’t mean anything would come from it. He may not even like me. But then, why would he kiss me back? God, I need to stop thinking about this. Just in time, class ended and Vikki showed up at my side. I sighed in relief.

          “Vix, I need a distraction. Anything will do.” I say. She chuckles.

          “Why do you need a distraction?” she asks me. I sigh.

          “Well, let’s see, my other roommate won’t tell me what’s wrong with her, I just got off of a mission and went through some crazy shit that I haven’t exactly told anyone about, involving me being held hostage, I watched my teacher get shot and die, then start breathing again, I’m pretty sure the President of the United States is pissed off at me, and I kissed my teacher, more than once.” I say giving a list of all the reasons for wanting a distraction.

          “What happened while you were held hostage?” Vikki asked me with a look of worry and concern. I glared at her.

          “Vix! Please help me.” I whine. She smirked.

          “So, Mr. Horan wants me to do an experiment, I need help learning some flippy kick punch move, I also have a paper to write for Mr. Payne. So choose your pick.” Vikki says cheekily.

          I tried to copy the look Kody and Justyn seem to be able to do just as perfectly as if it were a round house kick. It didn’t work as well as I planned though because I ended up making this weird face and I’m pretty sure I looked special. Vikki and I burst out laughing.

          We were now walking inside the building because we had taken our time walking back. I stopped laughing and winced when I saw Mr. Malik kissing Doe Eye’s cheek, rather close to her mouth.

          I felt tears try to escape, but I wouldn’t let them come. Vikki saw too, and she grabbed my arm and we walked in silence to our room. The rest of the way I was forcing my tears back, refusing to let myself cry, especially since I had no right to cry.

          We got into the room and when the door shut, Vikki hugged me, I hadn’t notice tears escape until she wiped one away.

          I also hadn’t noticed that Kody was sitting on her bed awake until she walked over to us and put her hand on my shoulder. She looked worried.

          “Nikki? What happened?” she asked. I tried to stop the tears but it was proving hard. I don’t know why.

          “I saw Mr. Malik in the hallway.” I say sadly. She gave me a confused look.

          “I don’t exactly see the problem here.” She says, still confused. Vikki un-wrapped her arms from me and looked at Kody.

          “He had his lips on another girl. This one was the sub for his class.” Vikki explains. Kody’s eyes widened.

          “Hold up. What do you mean his lips were on another girl? Were they making out or…?” she trailed off.

          “His lips were on her cheek, but they were really close to her lips and their bodies were quite close, too.” I say not crying anymore. Kody’s eyes widened again.

          “I think you should talk to him. I mean it could have just been a friendly kiss on the cheek and just looked bad.” Kody says. I shake my head.

          “Guys I’m fine. I just want to forget the past few weeks. I want to forget the mission, the kiss, everything. Please just don’t bring it up. It’s not like anything could have happened between Mr. Malik and I, I mean, what was I thinking? Kissing him? That was like, setting myself up for heartbreak. He is my teacher, I am his student. That’s it.” I say. They both watch me as I slip on my running shoes.

          “I’m going for a run. Alone. I need to think.” I say and grab my phone and then leave the room.

          I signed out at the door and took off at a jog. I went into the woods. I didn’t want to run into any one who happened to be running around the school. Especially Mr. Malik, I know I said I wanted to forget, but that was going to be so hard to do. I have to be in his class for three hours every other day.

          I went further than my tree and eventually I had no cell service, but I didn’t care, I kept going. I came to a small clearing and saw a beautiful lake. It wasn’t huge, but it also wasn’t small. The trees that surrounded it weren’t close to the lake; they were like 50 yards back. It was absolutely breath taking. I walked over to the edge of the water and moved my hand around in it, it wasn’t cold, but it also wasn’t warm. It was perfect. I had an idea.

          I ran back to the Academy and then to my room. I walked in and my two roommates weren’t doing anything interesting as far as I could tell. They looked up from whatever it was they were doing, before I ran into the room. I grinned. They just looked confused.

          “Put your guys’ hair into a ponytail or something.” I say walking to my closet and grabbing a bag. It was navy blue and quite big. I grabbed 3 towels and put them into the bag. Then walked over and stood by the door. They had fixed their hair into high ponytails and were watching me with curious looks. I smiled at them.

          “Do you girls trust me?” I asked them. A grin spreading across my face and making me look like a psycho.

A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter. There will be another one posted later today by Maddie. Two chapters today because of 1D's album release. So excited! Bought it on itunes and am listening to them all. Comment which song is your favorite for me! Luv you guys. One other quick message:I am planning on writing something for a mini adventure series of CLSA. It would be small stories about all of the characters and what they do when you don't see them in the main story. Comment or message us directly if you have any ideas or there are some missing links that you would like to know more about and I will do my best to get that up and running in a few weeks! Love you guys and hope you enjoyed the chapter! <3 
A/N (edit) Madi was an air head and didn't actually uncheck the hidden box so you will just have two updates now. Pease read the author note in next chapter, I need to rant about One Direction and you guys are the only ones who are (maybe) willing to listen.

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