A conflicted spy and a pushy news reporter

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Nikki's POV

I had been sitting in the chair next to Mr. Malik’s bed, waiting for him to wake up for a while now. Mr. Tomlinson came in at one point and sat with me. He seemed lost in thought and I got the feeling he needed someone to talk to.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked him quietly. He looks up startled, as if he forgot I was there.

“What?” he asked me, I smiled lightly.

“You seem conflicted and in need of someone to talk to.” I say, he looks at me, as though he wants to spill everything, but then changes his mind.

“No, I’m fine. Thanks though.” He says, forcing a light smile.

“Oh, okay then. If you need to talk I’m here.” I say getting up from my chair.

“I’m going to go to the cafeteria. Would you like to come with me?” I ask him. He nods and gets up. We go down to the cafeteria and I get my food. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to eat so I just got a Sprite and some Sun Chips. Mr. Tomlinson got a water bottle and we headed back up to the hospital room Mr. Malik was staying in. We got into the chairs and I started eating my chips.

We sat in a comfortable silence for about two hours or so. Mr. Tomlinson left the room, and a half an hour later, Mr. Malik finally wakes up. He blinked his eyes a few times and turned his head to the side. I smiled at him.

“How are you feeling?” I ask him quietly. He groans in response. I chuckle and give him sympathetic smile.

“How long have I been asleep?” he asks me. I look at the clock that was on the wall. It was almost midnight.

“A little over 4 hours. The surgery went well; you will be in pain for a while, until your shoulder heals.” I tell him. He groans.

“Do you need to get more pain medication?” I ask him putting my hand on his good shoulder. He shakes his head yes and winces slightly.

“I’ll go get the nurse. Don’t go anywhere.” I tell him. He gives me an odd look and I realized what I said. I blushed slightly but glance away so he won’t notice, and walk out of the room.

I walk to the nurses’ station and the person behind it looks up.

“Can help you?” she asked me tiredly. I can relate. I was so freaking tired too. Today had been a long day.

“Yes, my friend just woke up and he is in quite a bit of pain, I was wondering if he could get some pain medication?” I ask politely. She nods and says a nurse will be in soon to give him the pain killers. I walk back to the room to see Mr. Malik in the same spot, obviously. He seemed like he was thinking about something.

“Did you get questioned yet?” he asks me, I nod.

“Yeah, guess who questioned me?” I asked since he was already unconscious when I was in there with Kody’s mom.

“I’m not in the mood to guess, so why don’t you just tell me?” he said smiling. He seemed so tired.

“It was Agent Connors, Kody’s mom.” I tell him. He nods.

“Were you completely honest?” He asked me. I nod my head yes and yawn. I was about to fall asleep right there. The nurse came in and gave him some medicine.

“It may take a few minutes to kick in.” She tells him, then takes a syringe and injects the pain killers into his IV. The nurse walks out and Mr. Malik looks at me.

“You seem tired. Come here.” He says scooting over on the hospital bed. I hesitate at first, but I was too tired to argue, so I just get into the bed and lie down, closing my eyes.

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