Puffy eyes and cuddling

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       “Who the hell was that?” I stand and walk over to the counter. Nikki’s screen was black, and the phone call had cut off after this person had said what they wanted to. 

       “How should I know? They modified their voice.” She sat down, and nervously ran her hands over her hair and down her ponytail. It was around midday, maybe 2 in the afternoon. The boys left early in the morning for work, and we are here by ourselves. 

       I think about this for a few minutes. “What kind of pictures could they have? It isn’t like anything happened.” She nods, but the nervous look on her face remains. 

       “We can’t tell the guys. This is something we need to handle on our own.” 

       “What?! We have to tell them. This could be dangerous, even if it is a threat, we still can’t risk the consequences.” 

       She gives me a crazed, tired, and scared look. “You know we can’t. If anything remotely disturbing gets to the head of the Secret Service, it will get to the Academy, and we will be kicked out.” 

       I turn around and walk back to the chair I had been sitting in. I slump down and take a deep breath. I sit there for about ten minutes, trying to relax. 

       “Come on.” I say, standing up once more. 

       “What? Where are we going?” I look at her, agreeing that we can’t tell the guys. At least not yet. 

       “To the mailbox.” She quickens her pace to catch up with me. The walk down the driveway isn’t very long, but the feeling of being watched makes it feel endless. 

       Nikki grabs my hand, and squeezes tight. Her nerves are probably going wild, since she knows that the pictures of her and Mr. Malik would be slightly more provocative than me and Mr. Tomlinson. 

       We stop at the small, metal mail box at the edge of the driveway and just stare at it. After the awkwardness sets in, I reach forward, and pull it open. Inside there is a large yellow folder, with Sophie and Lucy written on it. 

       Nikki reaches in and grabs it. There are about seven pages inside. Two of them are maps, and the others are what look like directions. 

       There are three pictures inside as well. At the angle they are taken, it looks incredibly different from what actually happened. One of them was a picture of when Nikki jumped on Mr. Malik’s back, and it looked as though she was kissing his neck. 

       The other one was when Mr. Tomlinson was picking me up from my towel. His hand was wrapping around my leg, and he was leaning down, as though he was about to kiss me. 

       The other one was of Nikki again. But this time, it was of Mr. Malik being pulled under the water with her. Not much could be told from that one, but a lot could be insinuated. 

       We stared in horror at the pictures. I flipped each one over, and on the back of the first one was a small, printed note.

The person knows what they are doing, not using handwriting. 

       It said:

                     These pictures are copies, and I have the originals. There are more where those came from as well. Enjoy the task, ladies. 

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