I don't need a father figure

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            Nikki and I were walking to Mr. Tomlinson’s office when she stops dead in her tracks. I turn back to her. “’What’s wrong.”

            She looks thoughtful for a minute. “Shit.” She mumbles. “I forgot that I had detention with Mr. Malik.”

            “Yeah, detention.” I say as she goes running off. She flips me the bird and keeps running. In the wrong direction I might add. She is going to his classroom, not the field house like she should. I don’t bother to yell out to her though. She will figure it out.

            I continue to Mr. Tomlinson’s office. When I get there, his door is shut, and the lights are off. He must have already gone to the one on one sparring room.

            I make my way there with my bag slung over my shoulder.

            The door to the sparring room is locked too. I try a few more times, and look through the windows surrounding the whole room. The lights are on, but dimmed. And the locker room doors were slightly open.

            I try the door one more time and give up. I don’t feel like going around so I just slide down one of the windows to the ground. A few minutes pass and I stand up to try the door one more time.

            It still doesn’t open. I stare at the wood, slightly angry. Then I feel a hand grasp my wrist and go on instinct. I grip the other person and flip them to the ground. But they are quick, and keep hold of my wrist, sending me to the ground, and using that momentum to help themselves up.

            They put their foot on my chest to hold me down, but I grip their ankle and pull them off balance. They hit the hard concrete floor with a thud. I flip onto my feet and go to hit them in the face, but stop, two inches from their chin.

            “There. She proved herself, even to you, sir. But I already told you-“

            “Hush, agent.” I step back quickly and Headmaster Peety stands up from the ground.

            I turn around to see Mr. Tomlinson crossing his arms, most likely observing the scene. He was the one who had spoken first.

            “You have excellent reflexes my dear.” The headmaster says. I still feel really bad for knocking him to the ground.

            “Thank you, sir.” I say awkwardly.

            Mr. Tomlinson walks over and stands next to me. “I already told you what I wanted sir. This is not one of those things. It is too dangerous, she is only a first year.”

            “Hey! That is very offensive.” I say staring at him. “And what are you talking about?”

            He runs his hand through his hair nervously. It is something I have never seen him do. This must be serious.    

C.L.S.A. Central London Spy Academy (A 1D Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora