Cool Gadgets, a mustang, and back up

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        I watch as Lucy and Antonio round one of the halls. She is supposed to give him a note that he and Jack will hopefully open at 3:30. I continue to walk with Mr. Tomlinson. He stands tall and proud in his hansom black suit. I secretly glance up at him, and notice a small glint in his eyes. He is happy, probably happier than usual. His stride is longer, and more confident, and he gives off a good vibe.

       I smile and look straight, as I trail a few inches behind him. We are lead to Malia’s room. Lucy catches up and we walk inside. “Hey Malia.” I say, picking a comfy beanbag to sit down in.

       I get a sharp ‘what the hell are you doing’ look from Lucy. I just smile, and act like nothing is amiss.

       “What do you want to do today?” I ask, glancing down at my phone to check the time. 2:26. We have to be out of here and past security in fifteen minutes.

       “I think we should go to the pier again, but this time, the theme park.” Lucy says, and I smile.

       “Sounds perfect.” Malia looks slightly taken aback, like she didn’t expect us to make a few plans.

       “That sounds really fun actually.” She says, and grabs a bag from her dresser. “I have to make sure it is okay with my mom though, and I need the guys to-“ Lucy cuts her off.

       “Is there any way to sneak out from here without being noticed?” She thinks.

       “Not unless you want to crawl through the air vents.” I think about this for a few second. I mapped out the entire first floor. There were two agents at each door, and six at the front entrance of the building. Two agents stood at the top and the bottom of the first flight of stairs. The only door not covered was a fire exit at the edge of the building, that and the bathrooms.

       “How many bathrooms line the edge of the building?” She thinks about this for another second.

       “Six. But only two of them have windows large enough to fit through. Each of those have incredibly strong locks, and probably can’t be picked.” I think about this for a few more seconds.

       “Which one is closest?”

       “It is right down the hall and to the left.” I stand up and take her arm.

       “We are sneaking out of the white house.” She gets a look of nervousness, but there is also the look of thrill. We are going to do this, and succeed.

       “Then we need to leave, now.” I walk out the door and the guys go to follow us but I turn around and give them a back off stare. “We are going to the bathroom; unless you two would like to tag along?” I say sarcastically. They step back to their posts.

       I turn and follow the girls down the hallway. We enter the bathroom, and notice the window right away. It really is hard not to notice it. It stretches five feet upwards, and eight feet across the wall. The bathroom has stalls for privacy, since the white house is sometimes publicly shown.

       I walk over to the three locks going up and down the edge of the window, keeping anyone from opening it. I turn to Malia and smile. “Wanna know something cool?” She listens intently.

       “I am one fucking awesome spy.” I unbutton my vest, and underneath I have what looks like a corset, but really it holds my weapons. I reach in and grab three tiny metal devices. I place them on each of the locks. “Step back.” She does, and Lucy even takes a step back. A few seconds after I placed them, they started to steam, and the locks on the window fall to the floor.

C.L.S.A. Central London Spy Academy (A 1D Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now