Dan, Phil, and Joe

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We were sat in a room with the headmaster, Mr. Malik, Mr. Tomlinson, and three agents who were apparently from the Secret Service. They were introduced to us as Agents Joe, Dan, and Phil. They were wearing all black and had Bluetooth things in their ears and each had a handgun. We were all sat in a conference room I had no idea we had.

“You four are going to be protecting Malia Obama, the United states’ President’s daughter. She is not to know that you are spies in training. You two girls will be posing as her friends and you will have to go everywhere with her. Do not let her out of your sights. You will have to keep watch over her and if any incident occurs you are to stay by her side and if it is urgent enough you will ditch the friend act and protect her after calling for back up. One of you will stay with her and take her to safety and the other will subdue the enemy until back up has come. Any questions?” Agent Phil asks.

“What type of danger is Malia in?” Kody asks him.

“It is not Malia who is in danger but we need her protected. There have been threats to Mr. President himself and he has ordered for each of his girls to have safety but he doesn’t want them to know they are being watched.” Agent Joe answered her.

“While we are there what should we look out for? I mean what type of threat was it? Should we be worried about the threat being from an insider or a stranger?” Mr. Malik asks.

“We aren’t sure where the threat came from or who. We are working on figuring that out. We are hoping to find them soon and without incident, but we want them to be protected.” Agent Dan answers him. We went over more details and were dismissed to train with Mr. Tomlinson. Mr. Malik went to train with the other teachers.

“Can we stop by our room so I can grab my work out clothes and my bag?” I asked Mr. Tomlinson. He says we could and we go to our room, he stays in the main area while Kody and I changed into workout clothes. Me in black short shorts and a white tank top that perhaps showed a bit too much cleavage but I didn’t care. I put my sneakers, a water bottle, and a change of clothes, as well as my iPhone into my bag. I grab my bag and wait for Kody to finish. She was wearing a pair of pink and black Nike shorts with black cami and a ‘love’ pink sweatshirt. She also puts stuff into a bag. She puts a change of clothes, her iPhone, a water bottle, and her glasses. We leave the room and go to the cafeteria.

“Nikki, why aren’t you wearing shoes?” Mr. Tomlinson asks me.

“It takes effort to put them on and it’s only 6 in the morning. Let me be lazy until I have to train in a few minutes.” I say to him ordering my breakfast.

“Can I have hash browns, sausage, and an omelet with cheese and ham in it oh and 2 pancakes? Thank you.”

“I’ll have scrambled egg whites with a pinch of salt and pepper with a piece of lightly buttered toast with a thin layer of blackberry jam. I also would like a waffle? Thank you, Favoli” Kody ordered.

“What can I get you Louis?” Favoli asked Mr. Tomlinson.

“My usual please oh and add a piece of toast in there. Thanks man!” he said. We sat in silence while we waited for our food and finally it came. I was practically drooling I was so hungry. Favoli and Jessica came out with our plates. I got my delicious food and so did Kody.  Mr. Tomlinson’s food was set down in front of him and Kody and I gaped at his ‘usual’. His breakfast consisted of a stack of 6 pancakes with syrup and whipped cream, like 8 pieces of bacon, and a piece of toast. He also got a cup of coffee that had foam in it.

“Damn!” I say. Mr. Tomlinson looks at me.

“What?” he asks taking a bite of his pancakes.

“You eat that every morning?” I ask him shocked. He chuckles.

“Yes I do now eat and shut up about my food.” He says. Kody and I both laugh and start to eat our food. We finished our breakfast and went to the gym.

We were sat with Mr. Payne and he was explaining the technology and stuff we were going to use and other equipment.

“You are going to be using certain gadgets. You are going to have a few choices. You can carry around poisons but only certain non-deadly ones. You have to carry a hand gun. You will have a grappling gun on hand, and a Taser. You will have a knife strapped to your ankles and a Bluetooth in your ear, these will connect you to each other and all of the Secret Service. Next we have names. You girls can’t go by your real name so pick a new name now. You are also posing as twins.” He says. He lets us talk and figure out our names for a few minutes.

“I’m going to be Lucy.” I say.

“I am going to be Sophie” Kody says.

 “Okay your last name is Armstrong by the way.” Mr. Payne tells us. “What are Mr. Tomlinson’s and Mr. Malik’s names for this mission?” I ask curiously. Mr. Payne chuckles.

 “On every mission they come up with different names this time they are going by Jack Collins and Antonio Williams.” Mr. Payne informs us. I was holding in laughter at that.

 “Wait, who’s who?” Kody asks holding in laughter as well.

 “Mr. Tomlinson is Jack Collins and Mr. Malik is Antonio Williams.” he tells us chuckling. Kody and I burst into laughter. How the hell are we going to keep straight faces when we have to talk to them? We calmed ourselves down and were let go. We had to get up early tomorrow so we had to go to dinner and then to bed. After dinner we had to talk to the Headmaster. Finally we went to our room and Vikki was already there but she was sleeping. So we silently got ready for bed and then went to sleep.

A/N: We bring to you...CHAPTER 7(: Hope you enjoyed it. We work really hard on these chapters and well guess what! We almost have the entire story finished! You guys are going to love each of the chapters we have written for you, or at least that is what we are hoping:) Well, I am going to be late for school if I don't end this authors note. Bye!
Smiles & Hugs ~Maddie (with Madi no where near her)

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