And the tears stream down my face

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Kody and I were waiting for Mr. Tomlinson in the one on one sparring room in a rather awkward silence.

“Hey Nikki, if I tell you something will you please believe me?” she asks me I nod not quite knowing what she was about to say.

“You know Mr. Tomlinson is a trained and professional spy right?” She asks me.


“Well I was watching you guys spar in class this morning and you always beat him” I nod warily.

“When I was sparring with him he told me something. You realize that if he can knock me to the floor with me over 10 years of training that you can’t possibly be beating him every single time you guys spar right? I asked him about this and he said that he lets you win. Not always sometimes you are just really good but he is a professional spy one of the best trained and professional spies.” She tells me. I look at her she doesn’t look like she’s lying to me. It did make sense for him to be doing that, I mean he has many years on me in the training department. At that moment Mr. Tomlinson walks into the room.

“Is it true?” I ask him he looked confused.

“Is what true?”

“Have you been letting me beat you all this time? Since last year?” he doesn’t answer me.

“How could you do that? All this time I thought I could become one of the top spies! I could go on missions and teach others how to do what I do! How am I supposed to do that if my teacher is letting me win? Please tell me how you letting me win is going to help me become one of the top spies because last time I checked you can’t be the best if the training you get is false!” I yell at him. I had tears in my eyes but you would too if you found out that your teacher who was supposed to get you ready to be a really good spy has been cheating.

“I idolized you Mr. Tomlinson! Every match I thought I won I thought ‘Wow if I can beat this amazing teacher who was the best spy when it comes to physical training then I could be the next best spy!” a tear fell and I couldn’t keep them in they fell silently. He looked at me shocked. I waited to see if he would tell me that it wasn’t true, tell me that all of my training hasn’t been a lie. He doesn’t and I run out of the room. I run to the front door and briefly tell the guard that I was running. I ran as fast as I could around the academy. I ran to the back where there was a bunch of trees. I ran into the trees and then when I found the one that I had carved my initials in last year when my best friend Sammy and I got into a fight. I climbed the tree just sat there thinking about how the past year had been a lie. I didn’t pay attention to the time, the people who called my phone from the Academy who had my number. I just sat there and cried. It was about noon when I finally looked at the time. I didn’t care though. I stayed where I was. Sometime later I heard the snap of a branch and someone walking towards me. I panicked. No one but Vikki new where I went and the person coming towards me wasn’t Vikki she didn’t make that much noise, she was too small to be able to make that noise. I froze not sure what to do. The person neared my tree and I was tense about to jump and attack the person. It was Mr. Malik. Wait how did Mr. Malik find me? He was looking around.

“If you’re looking for me I am up here” I say to him. He looked up at me.

“Now can I ask why you didn’t show to Mr. Tomlinson’s class your favorite class and skipped lunch just to sit in a tree in the forest?” he asks me.

“Mr. Tomlinson was letting me win.” I say sadly. He looked shocked.

“Want to come down here and talk to me?” he asked when I made no move to come down he sighed and climbed onto the branch with me. It was a really sturdy branch so we didn’t have to worry about it breaking.

“Are you sure he was letting you win?” he asked me. I nod.

“Yeah, my roommate Kody she had to spar with him last night because she is really good. Well she said he beat her but she beat me in class yesterday. When she asked him about it he told her that he lets me win. I asked him about it this morning after she told me because I had to spar one on one and she tagged along well when I asked him if it was true he didn’t deny it he just looked at me.” I say to him.

“From what I hear you didn’t let him explain. Now why were you crying before I came over here?” I look at him.

“My first day here at this school I broke my leg doing a move I knew I couldn’t do but had to try to prove Mr. Tomlinson wrong. He challenged me. Every day I look forward to learning a new move to beat him with. Ever since I found out I was training to be a spy, I wanted to be the best spy. I wanted to be able to take the bad guys down, but if Mr. Tomlinson was going easy on me and letting me win then how am I supposed to learn from my mistakes? How can I correct those moves to where if I had to use them against a bad guy then I wouldn’t mess up and get myself killed? I idolized Mr. Tomlinson because he is the best spy, no offense, when it comes to physical training and I thought that if I could beat him then I had the chance of being the best spy. Now I find out that he was letting me win and I am not as good as I thought I was” I say feeling a tear fall. I quickly wipe it away.

“I don’t know his reasons for what he was doing but if I had to guess the reasons had good intentions. I think you need to talk to him about this tell him what you just told me.” I smile.

“Thanks Zayn” I say he gives me a stern look. He told me his name last year when I had a broken foot and he was helping me around.

“Don’t call me by my first name.” he says I laugh.

“Fine! Only if you say I am your favorite student.” He looks at me.

“Nope! You didn’t shoot right you lost your chances of being my favorite when you failed that.” He said.

“Then I will continue to call you Zayn.” I say. He jumps off the tree, helping me down too.

“Are you going to talk to Mr. Tomlinson?” he asked me.

“Yeah, but I am still mad at him” I say he chuckles. He takes me in through a door I had no idea was there.

“Don’t tell anyone I let you through this door. Students aren’t allowed to use this door.” He says to me seriously.

“No problem.” I walk to Mr. Tomlinson’s office. I knock and he yells enter. I open the door and he looks up.

“Tell me one thing. Why did you do it?” I ask him sitting down on the chair in front of his desk.

“I know you probably hate me but I had my reasons. The first day you came to this school you were competitive you had to be able to do moves that you didn’t know. I figured that if I let you win then you would learn more moves. It seemed to make you happy that you could beat me, which made you work harder. I let you win in the sparring but you know the moves. You know how to do the moves and how to find a weakness; you know how to use that weakness against your opponent.” He pauses and when I don’t say anything he continues.

“What do you say we spar right now with all the moves you know but I give it my all. I don’t hold back?” I smile.

“I would but I have been sitting in a tree for the past 10 hours and I am starving” I say. He looks at me.

“Why in the bloody hell were you in a tree?” he asks me incredulously.

“I don’t know” I lied.

“I could see if I can get you food considering you haven’t eaten lunch.” I laugh.

“Actually I haven’t eaten breakfast or lunch. Kody and I went to breakfast but I didn’t eat.” I say honestly. He stares at me.

“You are to eat before you come to one on one every day or we won’t spar.” He says sternly I nod. We walk to the cafeteria and he gets me food, my usual salad and a water bottle.

“So do you really idolize me?” he asks me when we are sitting down. I laugh refusing to answer him.

“Hey I’ll spar with you for 3 hours tomorrow morning but I have to go to Mr. Styles class. I have to torture him because I didn’t have the chance of torturing Mr. Horan. He chuckles.

“We will do two hours because there is no way in hell I am getting up at 3 in the morning. It’s bad enough I have to get up at 4:30.” He says making me laugh. I  finished my salad and threw it and the water away and we leave the cafeteria and make our way towards Mr. Styles’ classroom.

“How about we do two hours in the morning and an hour after dinner?” he thinks about it for a bit.

“yes, that’d be good” he says to me.

“So, since the whole school thinks I can take you down and well if I stop then they’d know you were going easy on me can you maybe continue faking in class?” I ask him outside Mr. Styles’ classroom. He chuckles.

“fine” he says exasperated.

“don’t worry you are used to it” I say patting him on the shoulder.

“you are evil.” I open the door to the class room turning my head to Mr. Tomlinson. I grinned.

“Don’t you forget it” I say going to my seat next to Vikki and now apparently Kody. They looked at me worriedly. I smile at them mouthing ‘I’m okay’ and sitting down. Mr. Tomlinson waved to Mr. Styles and left closing the door behind him.

“As I was saying I can speak many different languages. How many of you speak another language besides English?” almost every hand rises.

“Who can speak two languages?” some hands lower.

“Who thinks they can speak a language I can’t?” he asks pointing to a list of languages. Every hand lowers except mine and Kody’s. We smirk at each other. Mr. Styles gives us amused looks.

“What languages do you girls speak that I can’t?” he asks clearly amused, I answer him first.

“I speak Turkish.” I tell him. He smirks.

“Prove it.” I nod and think of something to say.

“Boyle buyuk bir ego bay stilleri buyuk bir ego” I say in fluent Turkish. He looks confused.

“What did you say?” he asks me disappointed that I can do something he can’t. I smirk.

“Such a big ego Mr. Styles a big ego” I say happily. He glares at me.

“What do you speak?” he asks Kody.

“I speak Norwegian.” She says. He sighs.

“Prove it.” He says with a pained look. Every head is turned all eyes watching Kody intently.

“A vaer vist op av to studenter ma vaer slag for egoet ditt.” She says in what I am guessing was fluent Norwegian, I wouldn’t know I don’t speak Norwegian. Neither did Mr. Styles.

“What did you say?” he asks now in a grumpy mood.

“I guess you’ll have to learn Norwegian.” she says smugly. Every one snickers at that. Mr. Styles glared at us all. The bell rang and everyone scampers out of the class room.

“Nikki!” Mr. Styles calls loudly. Damn so close to freedom. I walk back into the room.

“My ego isn’t that big.” He says I chuckle.

“Yeah and I have a pet unicorn. Think what you want Mr. Styles.” I say leaving his class room. I walk out and see Vikki and Kody there waiting for me both with smirks on their faces.

“Oh hey Kody I am going to shower but I am going with you to your one on one with Mr. Tomlinson because he is having me train for two hours in the morning and then an hour after you or after dinner.” I tell her.

“okay. What happened by the way? Where did you go?” she asks me.

“I was in a tree for 10 hours until Mr. Malik went out looking for me. When he found me I was crying in a tree I carved my initials in last year. Well after I told him why I was in a tree and what happened previous he said that I should talk to Mr. Tomlinson because there was a reason he did what he did. Well I took his advice and he walked with me inside where I went and sorted everything out with him. He explained to me why he was going easy which the logic made sense kind of but he still lied to me. Any ways he promised to give our training sessions everything he’s got and not hold back. We agreed to meet up at 5 every morning like we already had planned and then an hour after you or dinner.” I tell her. She nods.

“Why was he going easy?” she asks me.

“He says that my competitiveness was one reason and how happy I was when I supposedly beat him made me work harder. Like I said the logic kind of made sense it still sucks but I do know the moves.” I say Vikki and Kody both stare at me.

“That logic is terrible!” Vikki says to me in her British accent. She was the only one out of the three of us who really was British. I laugh.

“I know but I do know the moves.” She nods.

We got into our room and I quickly showered putting different workout clothes on. Those were like the only clothes I had here because more than fifty percent of my time was spent in workout clothes. I said a quick good bye to Vikki who was on the phone with her mom and left with Kody. Half way there I remembered that I had to meet up with Mr. Malik. I run away from Kody and towards Mr. Malik’s room.

“I have to meet up with Mr. Malik” I call to her over my shoulder sprinting towards his class room. I hear her laugh. I give her the middle finger but keep running. I get there and there is a note on the closed door to the empty and dark class room. The note was for me.

If you came here then you obviously forgot the point of my class which is Guns which means we are in the field house. It also means you are late. Hurry up and get to the field house.
                                                                   -Mr. Malik

I sigh then turn and sprint towards the front door passing Paul on the way I wave to him but don’t say anything. At this rate I really will get detention. I’ve had it before. It’s terrible. I shuddered at the memory.

When I finally got to the field house I could hear the gun shots. I guess my teachers need to practice too. I walk in to find my teacher who was more like a freaking sex god shooting off rounds and hitting the targets perfectly every time. I wait for him to finish off the round and took the extra time to admire the way his black tank top showed off his tanned beautiful arms that looked capable- I cut my thoughts short. What am I doing? That is my teacher! He finishes off the rounds and I make my presence known. I walk towards him.

“I’m here!” I yell out.

“you’re late.” He says removing his safety gear. How he still looks attractive in that I will never know.

“I know I’m sorry! I was walking with Kody to Mr. Tomlinson’s office cause she had to spar and half way there I remembered that I had to meet up with you and I ran here.” I left out that I ran to his class room first. He saw right through me.

“You went to the class room first didn’t you?” he asks me chuckling. I blush and look away. He suddenly goes serious.

“Earlier today someone very important was nearly killed. The Secret Service believes an assassin has been hired. The person needs protection but they need some young but trained spies. They’ve asked the B.I.O. if they could use some of us. They want Mr. Tomlinson, You, Kody, and I to protect the person. Would you be willing to do this?” I was speechless. I mean you would be too if you were asked to be a part of a team to protect someone super important. I think about it. Ever since I learned I was being trained to be a spy I wanted to keep people safe, to keep bad people from doing more bad. I want to protect and comfort the victims who have gone through a bunch of terrible stuff at the hands of bad people. I look at my teacher. One of the spies and think about Mr. Tomlinson one of the best spies there is. Then of Kody who well is very advanced and could be a really good spy. If this were yesterday when I didn’t know that Mr. Tomlinson was holding back I probably would have said yes no questions asked but its not and I don’t have the confidence. I was second guessing my ability. I mean I do know the moves I’ve been taught but to what extent? Could I use the move properly to protect the person? If the time came I had to use those moves would I be able to do the moves without messing up? Would I be putting the person in danger? I look at Mr. Malik.

“I-I…” I didn’t finish. I wasn’t sure what to say to this. I was confused and afraid that if I said yes to this mission then I’d mess up and the person would get hurt or worse killed. I was scared that I’d let the person down. I wasn’t sure if I was good enough to do this. I look to the teacher I trusted most.

“What if I say yes and I mess up? Mr. Tomlinson was going easy on me and any mistakes I made I don’t know how to fix. What if I need to rely on my training at some point to keep the person safe and I mess up. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” I ask him. He looks at me and says something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like.
‘Louis you bloody idiot!’

He looks at me.

“You will have Kody, Mr. Tomlinson, and Me there too. You wouldn’t be the only one there. I doubt there will be incident but if there is you wouldn’t mess up. You know what to do. You have told me before that you want to be a spy to protect people. You won’t mess up because you will be determined to keep them safe. Are you willing to do this?” he asks me. I smile. I have been on countless CoveOps and those are planned. I will get to go on an unpredictable mission. The ultimate Thrill. Even if it is protecting someone more than fighting at least I will be protecting someone and hopefully catching the bad guys. My smile is now a grin.

“I am so willing to go on this mission.” I say. He chuckles.

“Okay now we have to go talk with Headmaster Peety.” I nod and we head towards the front building. We get in there and run into Mr. Tomlinson and Kody. That’s convenient. I look at Kody.

“You going on the mission?” I ask her. She rolls her eyes at me.

“What do you think?” I laugh. We walk into Headmaster Peety’s office. Kody and I sit while the other two stand.

“Okay so I am guessing you are here about the mission you guys were asked to go on?” he asks us.

“Yes we are.”  Mr. Tomlinson says.

“Okay you guys will be flown out to America in three days. Meanwhile Tomlinson, Malik you need to train these girls to be part of the secret service. I will work out details with you tomorrow. I have a meeting I need to get to. You are dismissed.” He says and we all leave. Kody and I to our rooms and Mr. Malik and Mr. Tomlinson to where ever it is they go when they have free time.

“I wonder what the teachers do in their free time. I mean, they like never leave the school grounds or have any one visit them here. They have to have friends and family outside of the academy.” I say thoughtfully. I look over at Kody, she has an evil smirk on her face. Oh no.

“What do you say we make a mission of our own when we come back from this one?” she asks me in this not so innocent voice. Finally, someone at this school who isn’t afraid to have fun!

“I like the way you think!” I say with a smirk. We drop the topic for now and go to our room. I go to bed because I am exhausted. I think about the future for me, Kody, Mr. Malik, and Mr. Tomlinson.

 A/N: Hey Guys! We updated on time for once! So, we want to ask if you guys could leave a comment about the story good or bad because we want your thoughts and ideas to make our story better. If you could do that that would be great! Feel free to heart! Remember updates on Mondays! ~Maddie (with Madi no where near her)

C.L.S.A. Central London Spy Academy (A 1D Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now