Girlish Screams and creepy calls

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         NIKKI'S POV

I was just lying on a towel enjoying the sun and minding my own business when suddenly I hear Sophie scream.

I open my eyes to see Jack lifting her up and walking towards the beach. I close my eyes praying that Antonio won’t do this to me. I guess my prayers were too much because a few seconds later there are arms around me and I am struggling to get away from Mr. Malik as he grips me tighter to prevent my escape.

“Don’t. You. Dare.” I say slightly panicking. I knew how to swim of course. I mean if I live in L.A. I obviously can but that’s not the point! I was dry and warm and totally not looking forward to the cold water!

“Sorry, Nikki, but you asked for war” he whispers in my ear causing goose bumps to appear where his breath hit. I shivered slightly and then I am air borne. Just before I go into the water I feel arms encasing me and I am lifted. Thinking I was safe I look at Antonio questioningly. He smirks then drops me. I hold my breath just as I am submerged into the surprisingly warm-ish water. I reach the surface to see Sophie walking back towards where her towel and Malia sat, Jack in tow.

I dive into the water swimming out to one of the docks that are there so you can jump off of and swim around in deep water. I climb up and Dive into the water. I sliced through the water and come back up behind Antonio who was closer than before. I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms and legs around him. I lean my lips closer to his ear to whisper something to him.

“You better watch your back.” I say my breath causing goose bumps to form on his neck. He visibly stiffened when I jumped on him and my words didn’t exactly reassure him. I get off of his back and swim towards the shore. I get to the sand and when I look back at him he was looking at me so I turned around and swayed my hips a bit while I walked.

I walked towards Malia, Jack, and Sophie they were having a conversation. I took my towel away from Sophie who had it wrapped around her shoulder. I wrapped it around myself and sat next to her on her towel. Sophie gave me a knowing smirk, if that’s even possible. It is now. I look at her about to ask her what she was smirking about when Malia says my name.

“Yeah?” I ask her. She smiled.

“Are you ready to leave? We were just talking about stopping for food.” She explains to me. I smile and nod.

“Yeah, I’m ready whenever you are.” I say.

“Well we all need to go change.” She says. At that moment Antonio comes up to us. He grabs a towel and looks at Jack.

“What’s the plan?” he asks him. Jack explains the plan and we all gather the stuff and head to the bathrooms. Malia goes into one stall and Sophie hands me the bag and stands outside the door. I got dressed back into my short shorts, white tank top, and my pink cardigan, with my cow girl boots.

Once I made sure that my weapons were covered and had my hair into a perfect high pony tail which was hard to do without a brush, I walked out of the bathroom to wait for Sophie to finish. Malia, Jack, and Antonio were standing outside the door, when I walked out of the bathroom I stood next to them.

We waited a few more minutes and finally Kody was done changing. She walked out of the bathroom with her hair back up with the hair pins and such. I glanced at her belt and quickly walked over to her. I pushed her back into the bathroom. She seemed taken aback by my actions. When I made sure that we were out of sight of Malia I looked at her.

“What the hell was that for?” she asked me.

“Your gun is showing. I didn’t want Malia to notice that you happened to have a gun.” I said lowly. Her eyes widened and she quickly fixed her gun making sure it was hidden.  We walked back out of the bathroom and I smiled brightly.

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