New Story!!!

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I am so sorry that getting this new story took longer than I thought it would. It was supposed to be up a little bit ago, but I have had so much homework that I could barely keep track of the days, let alone edit and put up the sequel. I have finally published it though guys! And i think you are going to love it even more than you loved this one! There is more action, there is drama between the couples, there is sibling drama and there are adorable scenes that could warm any heart. There are also a few cliffhangers that I know you all will hate me for, but what can I say, I love keeping you guys on your toes. :) 

        I am leaving you all a link to get started on this next story, and I hope you enjoy it greatly. I really love writing it. Leave a little comment on this story and tell me what you think is going to happen before you go on to the next one. I always love reading the comments, and we never seem to get enough. I love you all, and here is the link to the sequel. 

        Thanks for waiting guys!!!

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