Family Reunions

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Kody's POV

       I got my x-ray and my cast after about an hour in the hospital. Now I was on the ground floor in the cafeteria grabbing a fruit cup for myself and a bag of chips for whoever would want some. I walk to the counter and struggle with my wallet since I only have one hand now.

       “Here, I got it.” Someone hands the lady a credit card to pay for my food.

       “You really didn’t have to do that.” I say turning towards the stranger. I almost drop the fruit and chips when I see who it is. “What are you doing here?”

       “Well, considering my little sis broke her wrist, I had to be here with a get well bear and a card right away.” A grin breaks out across my face.

       “How did you know? I literally broke it two hours ago.” I set my stuff down on the counter and stare at my brother in shock.

       “Mom called me, she said something went wrong on your first mission, so I drove out here right away. She was already in DC, and I was only half an hour away from the hospital. I was staying close in case you needed help.”

       “Wait. Mom is here?” His grin falters, and he nods. He looks over at the cashier, grabs my items, and we walk to the elevator.

       “She is. She isn’t very happy about your first mission and you first mess up either.” I scowl.

       “How was it a mess up? I did my best and worked my ass off. It is so not my fault that the world is against me and ruined my plan.” Now he looks sympathetic.

       “Sorry. She is upstairs right now interrogating your friend.” My eyes bulge.

       “She is what?” I am about ready to start screaming.

       “Hush. She is doing her job.” I take a deep breath.

       “Okay. As long as Nikki is still sane when she comes out.”

       “Mom isn’t that bad.”

       “Ha, the mom I know and the mom you know seems to be a completely different person.” He hesitates.

       “Okay, she can be a bit rough, but cut her some slack, she hasn’t been on an exciting mission in 17 years, since you were born.”

       “I’m 18, Justyn.”

       “Are you kidding me? Time flies.” I nod. “So, I know you’re curious, but can we cut the questions, because I still haven’t gotten a hug from you.”

       “Right.” I smile and hug him tightly. He is still holding my food, and the bag of chips crackles against my back. The elevator door opens to our floor, and I step out. Mr. Tomlinson is standing there with his hand on the up button, staring at us.  

       “You okay man, you look like you just saw a ghost?” Justyn says, giving Mr. Tomlinson a weird look. Mr. Tomlinson plasters a smile on his face and nods. I smile at him and push Justyn over to the waiting area.

       “Who was that?” He asks, sitting down and opening the bag of chips.

       “That was Mr. Tomlinson, my physical training teacher.” Justyn chuckles a bit.

       “Knowing all of the training mom put you through before you went to that boarding school, you shouldn’t need a PT teacher. What happened to Mr. Young? That was the teacher I had when I was there.” I smile.

C.L.S.A. Central London Spy Academy (A 1D Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now