Jealousy and Insecurities

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Kody's P.O.V

          We finished in the field house, and Nikki was storming out of there before Agent Winters could remove her safety gear. I had my stuff off and was chasing after her right away.

          “Kody?” Agent winters calls to me before I can slam the door shut. I turn back to her.


          “Does she not like me?” I am slightly shocked by the question. I hadn’t expected her to actually want Nikki’s approval. I feel a little bad for her, and give a sympathetic look before turning and running after Nikki.

          I catch up with Nikki and grab her arm. “Hey.” She turns back to me, tears welling up in her eyes.

          “What is so damn special about that girl? What does she have that I don’t?” I frown.

          “I have no clue. You have everything she does and more. You are smart, athletic, beautiful, and charming.” I nudge her. “Plus, something she doesn’t have, a kickass sarcastic quality that makes you hard to get.” She smiles.

          “Yeah. I guess. But why does he choose her over me?” I laugh.

          “I have no clue. But, there is one thing you can do.” She moves her gaze to my eyes. “You can play the game, and win him over.” She laughs.

          “Okay. I think I am going to go out for a little bit. I wanna think about this.” I smile and nod. We walk back to the school together without a word.

          She leaves to sign out at the front entrance and I decide to stop by the sparring room.

          The door is unlocked, and I enter silently. The room is mostly empty, except for one figure standing in the middle of the room.

          I stay silent and sit down in a corner to stay unnoticed. Mr. Tomlinson is takes a few deep breaths, and begins to practice a few moves. They are very complicated, and would take me weeks to master.

          He performs them with perfect grace. Each hand slicing through the air at an imaginary opponent, and the flips and rolls completed with no sound.

          When he finishes the move, he sits down in the center of the mat and places his head in his hands. “Are you okay?” I say standing and walking towards him.

          He jolts up and turns to me. His eyes are aflame, waiting to strike if need be. When he sees me though, his tight muscles relax, and he smiles. “Never been better.” He says, I can tell he is lying.

          “You are one great spy, and can lie through your teeth to the rest of the world, but do not lie to me.” He looks down at the floor.

          “Trust me, Kody, I am fine.” I scowl at him.

          “Louis.” He snaps his gaze to mine. “You can tell me.” He looks a little sad, and determined.

          “You want to know what has been bugging me a lot lately?” I nod. “You.”  That makes my heart beat faster.

          “Me?” he nods, and runs a hand through his hair.

          “I told you before, and you blew me off. I was hurt, and then this morning I catch this little hint from you. I don’t know if you are going to change your mind again tonight, or will stick to it. One way I get hurt, and the other I risk something big.” I look to the ground.

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