New car & "driving safe"

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Kody's POV

                “So that was Justyn Connors.” Nikki says sitting down at one of the white tables in the hospital cafeteria. I set the tray down in the middle and sit across from her.

          “Yeah, that’s my brother.” I take my salad off the tray and drizzle some ranch dressing over the top.

          “He seems nice. Did you know he was a spy?” She takes a forkful of salad from my plate.

          “I didn’t know my mom was spy before I came to CLSA. I remember him going to a boarding school out of the country when I was 10, but otherwise, I had no clue.” She nods and grabs her vitamin water.

          I glance behind me at the cafeteria doors. “Are you okay? You seem a little bit nervous.” She asks taking a sip of her drink. I take a swallow of water and look her in the eyes.

          “I’m fine. Just a little on edge. These past few weeks have been more eventful than I ever thought my life would be.” She nods. I can see in her eyes that she knows I’m holding back on something.

          I have been avoiding Mr. Tomlinson as much as possible, as well. I keep going back to the moment when we kissed. No matter what I do, my mind flashes back to it.

          It was wrong, and I regret doing it. I wish I could go back and change it, but I can’t. The most I can do is try to avoid talking about it. Avoiding him also means that I can try to pretend it didn’t happen.

          “Are you sure? You seem distant.” I nod much too quickly, and she notices it. “Spill, bitch.”

          I sigh, “I um, I kissed Mr. Tomlinson.” She drops the vitamin water on the floor and I flinch.

          “Is my hearing messed up or did you really say you just kissed Mr. Tomlinson?” She says standing to retrieve napkins for her spilled vitamin water. I follow her to help.

          “Yeah. It was mostly a heat of the moment thing, after Mr. Malik, you know...” I couldn’t say died, because it would hurt her and me too much.

          “I cannot believe it, you actually kissed him. That was pretty courageous.”

          “I know, but I wish I hadn’t done it. It was wrong, and I don’t feel very good about it.”

          “You are buying me another Vitamin Water since you made me spill this one by the way.” I glare at her.

          “I didn’t make you spill it.” She smiles.

          “Yes you did. The words that came out of your mouth made me drop it, so buy me another one.” I frown.

          “Fine.” I go and grab her another one, and sit back down to continue eating.

          “I understand why you don’t want to talk about it, but you have to. You shouldn’t be avoiding Mr. Tomlinson either.” I frown and say nothing. “Come on, it is just you and I here, talk to me.”

          “I don’t want to talk about it. I told you in confidence, so please, don’t push.” She sighs and pops open the new Vitamin Water.

          “Fine.” I finish my salad and we head back upstairs.

          My mom is waiting for us in Mr. Malik’s room. “Hey, girls. How was lunch?”

C.L.S.A. Central London Spy Academy (A 1D Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now