Change of plans

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A/N: You guyts get to read this! YAY! I have waited a while to let you read this one! I am so excited! please I beg you leave feed back! Shit goes down in this chapter!!

Nikki's POV

I stopped Sophie and Malia on the board walk.

"Soph, we need to tell her why we are here. She needs to know and it could help to have her informed.” I say to Sophie. Malia looks confused.

Sophie thinks for a bit, finally she nods.

"You're right, she should know, and it could be helpful." We both look at Malia. Then both of them look at me.

I guess I got the honor of explaining this then.

"Malia you probably already guessed that we aren't 15, so I’m going to tell you our real ages. It will be easier to explain after that. I'm 18 and Sophie is too. Jack and Antonio are kind of like our,” I pause to think of a good word. “mentors. They teach us to be better spies and train us. In a way they are our teachers. 

“Well, there are some times when we flirt and stuff, and now the situation we are in involves the people we are protecting you from. They have pictures that make it look like we were doing things when we were doing something totally different. They are black mailing us. Jack and Antonio, they are two amazing spies. We care about them and don't want them to get a bad reputation because of us. We were told to get you here alone." I pause to see if she has any questions.

"We have a plan, but we need you to follow our lead and do as we say. We also need you to trust us and trust that we will keep you safe no matter what. Do you trust us?" I ask. She looks from Sophie to me and back to Sophie. Finally she nods.

"I trust you." she says.

"First, put these on." I say, handing her a necklace, bracelet, and a toe ring. She looks confused so I lean in close and whisper in her ear.

"These have trackers in them. It’s part of the plan. Just put them on." She nods and puts the bracelets and such on. I turn to Sophie.

"Call him." I say handing her my phone. There was no need to specify who I was talking about so she takes my phone and backs up a few feet. I turn back to Malia.

I informed Malia of the plan we had, and by the time I was finished, she was wide eyed and Sophie was back with us. I look at her.

"He is here, and he wants us to meet him behind the Ferris wheel. Everyone apart of our backup was in position. We need to start walking." She informs me.

We walk towards a concession stand and get a cotton candy and put smiles on our faces, to make it look as if we were just 3 young girls, with no worries except boys and gossip. We were anything but. Kody and I were awesome freaking spies and Malia was the president’s daughter.

We covertly got to our destination and I knew something was off the minute we stepped behind the gate.

Kody must have noticed, too, because she got her gun out. A voice sounded from somewhere near us. 

I grabbed Malia and moved behind me.

"I thought I said no weapons." the voice said.

"Something’s wrong." I whispered to Kody.

"Yeah, but what?" she asked me. I was about to respond that I didn't know when static sounded in my ear. Sophie looked at me, a slight panic in her eyes, but that vanished, and pure determination took over.

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