How stupid do you think we are?

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I aim at the target that is 200 meters away from me. I shoot off 4 bullets and each hit the target. It sounded cool. It was like a gun shot in a pattern. I got an idea. I grabbed one of the other hand gun and stance my feet correctly then shoot off a few bullets creating a smiley face onto the target. I smiled at my “artwork” Kody laughs. Mr. Malik chuckled and I did a victory dance.

“Nikki, be serious.” Mr. Malik said sternly.

“Mr. Malik I am being serious. There could be a weird formation and I had to shoot like that. Now we know I can do it.” I say happily. Kody rolls her eyes.

“Yah, Nikki cause you are definitely going to run into evil men in a smiley face formation trying to kill the president.” she says sarcastically. I ignore it happy with my work. I go back to shooting at the far distant target. After about a half hour Mr. Malik tells us to help put away the weapons.

We got back to the academy and are told to go to bed because it’s nearly 8 pm and we had to get up at 3 in the freaking morning.

“When you get up in the morning put on dark clothes and meet at the door at the back of the school. Nikki knows where it is. We will all be waiting for you, tomorrow will be a long day. Good night.” We go into our room and Vikki is already asleep. I missed talking to my best friend. We go to bed and way too soon it is 3 in the morning and we have to get ready for the hide and seek game we were playing today.

My outfit consisted of black leggings that show off my bum, with a dark green zip up hoodie that was super tight; I pulled my hair into a ponytail and put on my black sneakers. Who said you couldn’t look hot while training for something super important. Kody had her hair up in a super tight bun, she was wearing a dark green, almost black, turtle neck that hugged her body, and she was also wearing tight black yoga pants and black sneakers.

We finished getting changed and went down stairs. I led Kody to the door that Mr. Malik was talking about. Sure enough in front of the door stood all five of our teachers. They looked sleepy. We walked up to them for further instruction. I couldn’t help but notice Mr. Malik’s gaze trailing over my body when we showed up. I was right. I looked hot.

“Okay you girls are going to go through the forest and keep hidden, but go as far out into the forest as you can. You guys each have a back pack with things that could help you navigate the forest and also a water bottle. There is also a bag of chips for you and some candy bars. You have a sleeping bag in case we can’t find you by tonight.” Mr. Payne tells us handing us the backpacks.

“Wait. We have to stay in the forest all day and night?” I ask them.

“That’s only if you are good enough to evade us, and keep hidden from us. The longer you stay hidden the better. Use the skills you learned from us. Oh and in case of an emergency here’s a cell phone only use it if you are in danger or one of you is hurt.” Mr. Payne gives us the cell phone. Yeah right, because we are going to use a cell phone from a teacher that teaches us how to track, hack, and dismantle technology? How stupid do they think we are? I take the cell phone and I put it into my pocket.

“You have a ten minute start this time. Starting now. Good luck.” Mr. Styles says. We go out the door and when we hit the forest I talk to Kody.

“They are most likely tracking us through the cell phone they just handed us, possibly the backpacks. So what do you say we have some fun and lead them on a goose chase?”  I asked Kody. She nods. We went through the back packs and take the water bottles and two candy bars each, not trusting that they don’t have anything else they are using as tracking devices. We walked through the forest leaving the backpack hanging on a tree next to each other I put the cell phone next to it. We went further into the forest. We walked for a while and soon found a cave type thing that was a few miles away from the backpacks, we hid in there. We were near a beautiful lake that was sparkling in the rising sun. I wanted to swim in it so bad, but when I asked Kody if I could swim, she gave me a strange look and called me a “bloody idiot” it sounded funny coming from her but I guess when you live in London it’s not hard to start using their bizarre phrases and words. I was tired from the early hour and decided I wanted to sleep. I lifted up the hood of my hoodie and lied down. I fell asleep almost instantly.

C.L.S.A. Central London Spy Academy (A 1D Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now