Very observant of you

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          I decided to wear a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. Mr. Tomlinson was explaining about the one on one training. Two hours after school, but Nikki wanted to train early in the morning. After that she left for lunch, and Louis stayed to explain further.

            “So, you are a really good fighter. How many years of training did you have?” I smile, he was bound to ask the question sooner or later.

            “Well, maybe after some training with me, you will find out.” I walk around him and head to the cafeteria. He walks after me.

            “Come on, I need to know this so I can help you with training.” I smirk.

            “You have two students that can beat you to the ground. One of them has less training than I do.” That makes him smile.

            “You beat her, didn’t you? So you have had more than seven years worth of training.” Very observant.

            “Observant of you Mr. Tomlinson.” I stop in the middle of the hall. He turns to me. “Now, do you mind sir, I would like to go have lunch with my roommates.” He looks hurt. But nods and lets me walk away from him to the cafeteria.

            I enter and don’t see Nikki or Vikki there, so I grab lunch and sit down at a table with a few of the first years. They complement me on my fighting in Mr. Tomlinson’s class. I thank all of them, and when lunch is over, I go back to the room. There I officially meet Vikki. She has beautiful blond hair, and an olive skin tone. Her eyes are a dark green, and she has a bright smile on her face. “Hi.” I say grabbing for my map.

            “Hey. You were great in Physical Training this morning. I don’t think I have ever seen anyone beat Nikki before today.” I smile. She was a really good fighter, it didn’t surprise me.

            “Well, she almost had me.” That was a lie, but I figure that she would tell Nikki later, and it might make her feel better about losing for the first time.

            “I don’t think I have ever seen Mr. Tomlinson fight like that before. He always uses really easy fighting tactics, even with Nikki. With you he went all out, or it looked like it anyway.” I think about that for a moment. He is a great teacher, or at least he seems to be. And I know how good Nikki is, and I sparred with Mr. Tomlinson and got an idea of what he could do. Even if Nikki had as much training as me, he could take her down every once in a while.

            “Well, do you have Mr. Malik next?” I ask staring down at my schedule.

            “Yeah, I can take you there if you want.”

            “That would be great.” I say pulling on a watch that was in my bag.

            Vikki leads me down to Mr. Malik’s room and we take our seat before most of the other students arrive. She tells me about all of the teachers, and what they are like. There was Mr. Tomlinson, who I had already met. Mr. Malik, who taught guns and artillery. This was going to be an easy class too. My mom took me shooting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this summer. I had Mr. Payne tomorrow morning for my first class. She explained that he was the electronics teacher. I had a slight clue of what we would be doing, but never really learned a whole lot about it. I had Mr. Styles after him with both Nikki and Vikki. He was the foreign affairs teacher. And the next day we only had one class; that was Chemical reactions, poisons, and antidotes with Mr. Horan.  

            The bell rang and Mr. Malik was not in the room. There was an empty seat next to me for Nikki as well. She was gone too. The class sat talking with their classmates, and fifteen minutes into the class period, Nikki and another young looking guy walked in with her. Probably Mr. Malik. They were panting, and were all sweaty. Nikki had most likely been running, the way she walked, slightly fatigued, to her desk. But I still smirked anyway, because most other kids would get a different thought. She gave both me and Vikki a ‘shut up’ look. I just grinned wider.

C.L.S.A. Central London Spy Academy (A 1D Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now