It's not wjat it looks like!

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I couldn’t stop laughing. That was hilarious! I open the door to Mr. Tomlinson when Kody is dressed. Mr. Tomlinson had a hand over his eyes this time, making me laugh more.

“You’re good Mr. Tomlinson she is decent” I say in between my giggle fit. He slowly removes his hand from his eyes.

“I’m sorry Kody!” he exclaims loudly. I burst into another fit of giggles. They both glare at me. I shut up. I can take Mr. Tomlinson, but Kody gots skills!

“What were you saying about one on one?” I ask him. He nods.

“I want to do one on one sparring with the two of you. You guys are more advanced than what I am teaching in my class and well you aren’t really getting anything from the class as a result. I’d like to spar with each of you every day for two hours after school hours.” He says to us.

“Can I do mine in the morning? I have to get extra help in A&G with Mr. Malik in the afternoons.” I ask him. He nods.

“Yeah then be in the gym at 5 am tomorrow morning. Don’t be late.” He says sternly I nod and grab my iPhone from my desk, I text Vikki.

Where are you? Kody is our roommate this year! You missed the funniest thing in the Fuggin’ world! Xoxo!
I put my phone in my pocket.

“I have to go torture Mr. Horan right now. Can you show Kody the cafeteria if she doesn’t know where it is? Thanks bye!” I say not waiting for a reply and leaving. I wasn’t really going to torture Mr. Horan not yet anyway, I was just hungry. I walked into the cafeteria and got myself a salad and water bottle searching the room for Vikki. I found her and walk over to her and sit down.

“Hey guess what?” I ask her. She rolls her eyes

“What?” she asks me making me laugh.

“So, Kody is our roommate! Oh and Mr. Tomlinson walked in our room because he wanted to talk to us about one on one sparring after school hours and I didn’t know she was going to walk out of the bathroom. Well she did and she didn’t notice him at first or something because he cleared his throat and she shrieked and ran back into the bathroom! It was sooooo funny!” I say we were both dying of laughter when I finished telling her the story of what happened just 15 minutes ago. I finished my salad and stood up. We had 45 minutes of lunch left.

“Wanna go for a run with me?” I ask she nods and we throw our stuff away. We head to the room to change into shorts and tank tops and put sneakers on. We went outside and started to jog around the Academy. We ended up racing around it. I beat her by 3 minutes. She caught up to where I was standing by the front door texting. She was panting. I laughed at her. She gave me a look.

“How the hell are you not breathing hard or sweating?” She asks me incredulously. I smirk at her.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a few minutes and had time to calm my breathing and cool off.” She glares at me.

“I’m done running. I’ll see you in class?” she asks. I nod. We had 30 minutes of lunch left and I wanted to keep running. I watched her go inside before setting off around the Academy again. I wasn’t paying attention so I didn’t notice the person running towards me so I ran into them with an “ommmf” and losing my balance. The person reaches his hand out and helps steady me. I look up and see the sexy face of Mr. Malik. I smile lightly.

“Sorry I wasn’t paying attention. I’ve never seen anyone else run around the academy at lunch.” I apologized. He smiled.

“No need to apologize. It’s fine. Why aren’t you at lunch?” he asks me.

“I already ate and needed to run. I got beat in sparring today for the very first time. I want to bring her down.” I say he laughs.

“Who beat you? They deserve an award” he asks me. I scowl.

“My new roommate Kody” I say sadly making him laugh more.

“You want to bring your roommate down?” he asks me. This time I laugh.

“No but I do want to be the best in the class so if she can beat me that means I am not the best so I need to train more.” I tell him matter of factly. He chuckles.

“Well since you are running want to run with me?” he asks me. I nod.

“Yeah sure.” He smiles at me and we take off in the direction I was going in before we bumped into each other. We ran at a steady pace and I decided to see how fast he could run.

“Race you.” I say with a smirk, he grins and we race towards the front doors. We tied. We managed to stay together the whole way unintentionally. We were both panting and sweating when we got to the front door. I looked at my phone and saw the time.

“Mr. Malik” I say slowly and he glances at me.

“Yeah?” he asks

“We are 10 minutes late for class.” I say and we sprint to the classroom. We were still in our running clothes but we didn’t exactly have time to go change. When we walked into the classroom every head snaps to us. Eyes go wide and some people smirk, others wolf whistle. I go bright red and sit down in my seat next to Vikki I noticed Kody sitting next to me. She smirked at me along with Vikki.

“Today we are going to the field house to practice shooting guns. When we get there remember to practice safety before you pull the trigger. There will be NO aiming at anything but the target. If I see anyone aiming at anything other than the target you will be sent to Headmaster Peety and will be serverly punished. Those of you who had detention with me last year know that it is completely different from any other school’s detention. Keep that in mind. Let’s go” He walks out of the class room and we all follow him. I walk over to him.

“Can I please go change?” I ask him.

“Yeah go ahead. You have 20 minutes go ahead and take a really quick shower. Hurry up.” He says to me. I smile when I turn around.

“Thank you Mr. Malik!” I say and jog towards my room. Once in my room I grab a towel and my toiletries bag then head for the shower. I take a ten minute shower and get out, wrap a towel on my body and walk into my room. I grab a pair of my favorite short shorts and pull them on, then add a tank top and called it a day, but I did make sure the outfit increased what it should. I put my iPhone into my pocket and head to the field house and when I get in a few gun shots are really loud in the expansive room. I walk over to Mr. Malik and tap his shoulder. He turns round. I’m not sure if it was my imagination but I could’ve sworn he almost smiled.

“What’d I miss?” I asked him.

“Follow me” I follow him over to a target and he hands me a 2.2 mm rifle from  the ledge.

“Where is the safety lock?” he asks me I point it out.

“Where do you reload the bullets?” I point it out.

“Where is the trigger?” I roll my eyes and point.

“Mr. Malik I am your best student I know these things.” I look at him and he laughs.

“Are you now?” I nod.

“Yup I am” I say with a grin. He nods.

“Okay but I want to see how you shoot so go ahead. This determines whether you really are my favorite.” He says to me. I turn to the target in front of me. Aim. Pull the trigger. Bang! I fly backwards. I land about 2 feet away from where I was standing when I shot. I forgot about my stance. Damn it! Mr. Malik walks over to me.

“You okay?” he asks I nod. Taking the hand he extended to help me up. When I am standing I look over at the target and promptly burst into laughter. He looks at me confused.

“I got the target spot on! I hit the center” I say still laughing. He rolls his eyes and picks up the rifle I dropped. Handing it to me.

“Yeah but you didn’t correct your stance. That’s why you flew backwards. I want you to try again but this time remember to fix your stance and do it properly. Don’t be trying to impress me because if this were a mission and you had shot that wrong yeah you hit the target but you are on the ground and you could be taken or killed right there.” He says seriously. I blush and turn my face so he can’t see it. I nod and walk over to the target. I fix my stance and put the earphone things on something I forgot to do earlier and regret cause the gunshots are loud, then I take aim and pull the trigger and hit the target perfectly. I smile brightly and do a small victory dance. Mr. Malik is looking at me weird.

“What?” I ask him after stopping my victory dance.

“Two things your dancing is terrible and why are you dancing?” he says. I roll my eyes at the dancing comment.

“I am an amazing dancer! Not really but…I was dancing because I am your favorite student.” I say happily.

“Your dancing sucks and no you’re not” I pout.

“You said ‘let me see you shoot, this determines if you are my favorite student’ I shot, I rocked it, therefore I am your favorite student.” I say to him talking in a “manly” voice when I repeated his words. His eyes widen.

“I do not talk like that! You shot twice the shot that determined whether or not you were my favorite was the first shot you failed that.” He says to me.

“I made that first target perfectly; I just forgot to fix my stance! You know what? I don’t care what you say I know I am your favorite student and I am going to get you to admit it.” I say walking to the target and firing of a few shots from the hand gun we could use for practice. Vikki is at a different target but she smirks at me. I suck my tongue out at her making her giggle. The rest of class went without incident. Kody, Vikki, and I walked to our room talking and laughing. Kody was easy to get along with and she was funny but that doesn’t mean I was okay with being second best. Bitch is going down. Not that I really mean she is a bitch, she is awesome. I mean bitch in the nice we are friends way. We get to our room and Kody grabs workout clothes to go have one on one sparring time with Mr. Tomlinson.

“Bye Kody! When you get back just go to dinner. We’ll be there already and of course you are sitting with us.” I say to her smiling a small half fake half genuine smile.

“who says I want to sit with you?” I was taken aback until she laughed.

“I was kidding, that’d be great. I’ll see you girls later.” We say bye and Vikki turns to me.

“So what the hell is going on with you and Mr. Malik?” she asks me. I look at her.

“Nothing is going on with Mr. Malik and I.” I say honestly.

“Yeah sure. You come into class late at the same time, both sweaty and panting. Then he stays near you most of the class. Plus you guys were flirting the entire class. So don’t lie to me and say nothing is going on. Now lets try again.

What is going on with you and Mr. Malik?” I roll my eyes.

“Nothing. To my dismay nothing is going on. But there might be soon” I say that last part happily. Her eyes widen.

“I want details!” I laugh at her enthusiasm. I lead her to my bed and we sit down cross legged and facing each other.

“Okay so after you went inside today after I beat your ass I continued running. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going because no one runs  around the academy at lunch, but me, and sometimes you.  Well apparently that’s not true I ran into Mr. Malik. He helped me regain my balance and he asked why I wasn’t in lunch and all. I told him I already ate and that I was beat for the first time ever in PT class and that I had to become the best again and if I was beat then I am not the best so I had to train harder. We ran together well we were racing but our strides matched each other the entire way to the front door. We lost track of time and when I said we were ten minutes late we sprinted to the class room.” I say to her. Her eyes were almost twice their normal size.

“Wait, then where did you go during class? You left and then when we were at the field house, Mr. Malik asked Paul to watch us then left too.” I look at her confused.

“I was showering in here and changing clothes. I don’t know where Mr. Malik went.” I say to her. We look at the clock and decide to go down stairs to dinner. We walked down to dinner and ate. I looked at Vikki and Kody who had shown up about ten minutes after we did.

“Hey do you guys mind if I bail? I want to go for a run again.” I ask them. Kody shrugs.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Vikki asks me.

“No it’s fine. I need to call my mom because I haven’t talked to her for like 3 days. I forgot to call when I got off of my flight.” I say when Kody looks at me I explain.

“I live in California and the flight takes over 24 hours.” I say she nods and turns back to the girl she was talking to. I get up and hug Vikki.

“I’ll see you later Vix!” I say using her nickname I gave her last year. She groans when she hears it.

“Nope I remembered the nickname” I say laughing and walking away. I walk out the front doors telling the security guard there what I was doing he nodded and wrote it down.

I stood on the front steps for a minute and called my mom.


“Hey Mom!"

“Hey sweetie is something wrong?”

“No why?”

“Sweetie it’s 2 in the morning over here.” I mentally face palmed myself. The time difference… Opps.

“Oh mom I’m sorry I forgot! Can you call me later then?”

“Yeah of course sweetie I love you.”

“Love you too mom”

I hung up. I plugged my head phones in and blasted my music while I ran around the school. I ran for a while and I didn’t realize it was dark out until I got a phone call. It was Vikki.

“Where the hell are you? It’s 9:30!” I gasp. We have to be in the building by seven pm. Shit.

“I’m behind the academy. I was running. Tell whoever is going to punish me I’ll be there in 15 minutes,” I say and hang up. I was running for 4 freaking hours! What the heck! I am soooo getting detention! I groan and run towards the front doors. I get in there and there are two security guards there when I walked in. They looked at me startled but I just run up the stairs to my room. Mr. Malik and Headmaster Peety were there. I got into my room and start to explain.

“I went out during dinner to run around the school I had no idea that I was running for 4 hours I am so sorry! I was in my own little world and didn’t realize the time.” I say quickly still sweating and panting from over four hours of running.
“You should have paid attention to the time. Vikki here came to my office about 45 minutes ago worried. She said she called you many times. I look at my missed calls. 15 missed calls form Vix. Oh.

“I was listening to my music. I didn’t realize it was ringing. Can you please tell me my punishment. I need to talk to my roommate about something personal that’s got me really stressed out and sad. I need to take a shower, and I need my best friend, and I also have to get up at 4:30 in the morning for extra training with Mr. Tomlinson.” I asked them putting on my best stressed and sad cover. Mr. Malik looked at me and turned to Headmaster Peety.

“I think she has a legit excuse. Can we let it slide because she is having extra training with me tomorrow after hours.”  He asks him lightly.

“I guess if she has to get up at 4:30 and then go to classes after that then go to you for help then I guess since she won’t have time to have any social time that that’s punishment enough.” He turns to me. “Next time you go running watch the time and answer your phone. Good night” He says and leaves. Mr. Malik looks at  me.

“I have to train with you tomorrow after classes?” I asked him in my best whine. He looks at me.

“Yes, you would have been given detention be thankful that you have to practice. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says and leaves. I wait til the door closes and until I am sure that he is gone before my face breaks into a grin.

“Well now we know they have taught us well. I can’t believe they bought the whole ‘I am stressed out and sad and having family problems’ thing.” I say still grinning. I didn’t notice Kody before but she and Vikki both laugh.

“That was a really good cover” Kody says laughing. We calm down and I quickly shower and put my pajamas on. I go to bed after brushing my hair and teeth. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

C.L.S.A. Central London Spy Academy (A 1D Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now