Sexy Nurse or Sexy Superhero

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Nikki's P.O.V

          We were sifting through costumes at a small costume shop out in town. The girls were going to the party tomorrow, too. Headmaster Peety wasn’t letting us go alone. Since it is over an hour away from the school, he decided that he will send someone with us, but he was going to get back to us as to who he was going to be send. Of course, we were hoping that Zayn and Louis will be the chosen ones.

          “Hey Nikki!” Kody calls out to me.

          “Yeah?” I ask walking over to her. She holds up a costume with a smirk.

          “How about you go as a sexy nurse? I’m sure Zayn would appreciate that.” She says grinning. Vikki was behind us looking at a costume and she laughed.

          “I don’t need a uniform to make Zayn feel better.” I say with a smirk. This caused all three off us to burst into laughter.

          “Nikki, you naughty girl.” Vikki says. We go back to searching through the many costumes.

          “How about we go as sexy superheroes?” Vikki suggests after having been there for 10 minutes with no luck. Kody and I grin.

          “You are a genius!” I say loudly. Kody agrees and we go looking for ‘sexy superhero’ costumes. In the end we found our costumes and purchased them. We got into the car and decided to go to a café for lunch. Kody drove around until we found a cute little place called Maria’s. She parked the car and we walked in. A bell on the door chimed as we entered and a woman in what looked to be her mid-thirties walked over to us.

          “Hello, welcome to Maria’s my name is Rita and I’ll be your server.” She says smiling brightly. We smile back and she leads us to a small table. We sit down and she takes our drink orders. The place wasn’t busy; there was only one other person here. I already figured out what I was getting, (a salad) so while the girls looked through the menu I surveyed my surroundings. The place was brightly lit with overhead lights. The walls were a pale blue color, with pictures hanging. There was a door leading into what I assumed to be the kitchen.

        While I was looking around, the bell on the door chimed again, and in came a brunette that looked eerily familiar. It took me a minute, but I was able to figure out how I knew the woman. The tattoo on her arm gave it away. I turn to Kody and Vikki.

        “We need to leave. Now.” I say urgently, already getting out of my chair.

The girls looked worried and seeing my face they nodded and got up. I threw a ten onto the table not caring about the change. I rush out of the café, with the girls following behind me. We got into the car.

       “What the hell is going on?” Kody asks me. I look back to the café as the woman walked out carrying a take-out box; she was staring directly at me.

        “Drive.” I say, Kody hesitated but she must have sensed my panic because she drives. I hadn’t answered her question, and stared back until the woman was out of sight. When we are a few miles out I start to explain.

        “Did you see that woman back there?” I ask them. They nod, obviously confused.

        “She was with the group who kidnapped me and Malia from that alley.” I say trying to repress the memories that have haunted me since that night in Washington. Kody slams on the breaks; thankfully we were on an empty road. She collects herself, and gives me a worried look, but then continues to drive.

          “Are you sure that was her? I mean she could just look like her.” Vikki says trying to reason. I shake my head.

          “She has the tattoo. The one I explained at the hospital.” I say, the rest of the ride is silent because we are all not sure what to do. We get to the school and Kody parks in front of the doors, even though it wasn’t allowed. This was too important for me or her to care. We walk through the doors and quickly go to Headmaster Peety’s office. We barge in without knocking. He looks startled at first, then mad.

C.L.S.A. Central London Spy Academy (A 1D Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora