Ice cream, Fake Boyfriends & Jealousy

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            As soon as we walked through the door of the house we would be staying in I was mesmerized. It was huge, bigger than my house in Tennessee. That is really saying something by the way, because my house is ginormous.

            I walk through the entire place admiring every last detail. The stove was a six burner confectionary stove, with a double oven. There was a huge fridge, which I opened to find stocked with anything you wanted. There was also a large freezer in the four car garage that held more meat than anyone could ever dream of.

            The kitchen had hardwood floors that looked brand new, and the granite counter tops looked freshly cut. There was a mahogany table in the dining area with six chairs set around it. The living room was extremely gorgeous. There was a 72 inch TV set in a dark brown wood entertainment set, and the leather chairs and couch were sitting at least ten feet back, with still plenty of room to walk behind them. There were glass windows lining the wall showing us a fantastic view of the D.C area, and the pool with a hot tub a few feet away.

            This house is remarkable, and it really bites that we won’t get to spend much time here. ‘Jack’ walks over and flops down on the couch. “This is really nice.” He mumbles and shuts his eyes. ‘Antonio’ walks over and hits him on the head.

            “You aren’t allowed to relax. We have to leave in twenty minutes. You have the first room on your right upstairs.” He turns to me. “Your room is the door to your left in the loft area.” He turns to ‘Lucy.’ “Yours is the one on the right. I will take the one next to Jack’s.” I can’t help but giggle and Nikki smiles.

            “You guys have to get used to calling each other by Lucy and Sophie while you are here. If you use your real name, it could be life threatening in this career.” We both nod, and me and Nikki, I mean ‘Lucy’, go up to our rooms.

            I can’t help but suck in my breath as I open the door to my room. It is larger than the living area, with a California King sized bed in to corner of the room, stacked with a dozen fluffy pillows and a really cozy-looking duvet. There are windows running along one of the walls, revealing a higher up view we got downstairs.

            The room has tan, plush carpet, and my toes sink into it. There is a closet in the corner of the room, and a dresser along one of the windowless walls. The bathroom is off to my right, and inside there is a Jacuzzi tub separate from the tiled shower. The toilet is sitting in the corner, and there is a double vanity with a six foot long mirror reflecting the bags under my eyes since sleeping on a plane isn’t the best for your complexion.

            I walk back out and decide to unpack as quickly as I can. I walk over to the closet and open it. I walk inside the 10 by 12 foot walk-in closet. There are clothes taking up every single inch of the hanging space, and there are a bunch of clothes stacked in the little storage containers sitting below them.

            I take a step out and try not to hyperventilate. This is so awesome. I step back into the closet and decide to pick my outfit for meeting Malia. I have to look fifteen, which isn’t hard since I am kind of small for my age of eighteen.

            I grab a simple pair of black leggings, a white low cut t-shirt, and settle for a black, skin tight leather jacket. There are a pair of black boots in the corner of the closet that will help conceal my knives, so I slip those on, and walk out of my room.

            I walk down the stairs and sit on the couch. Nikki walks down and sits next to me. She is wearing a pair of black legging, a green flowy t-shirt, and a black leather jacket similar to mine. She was also wearing 2 inch heeled boots that  conceal the knives she had strapped around her ankle.

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