Chapter 1: last day of high school

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Tiffany is at the top

Today is the last day of Farmington High. I'm soon graduating and going to college.

Sitting in my first period class my phone went off. I quickly grabbed it off the desk and turned it down before anyone noticed. And of course it was my un-loyal aunt who thinks she can run my life. If she would just realize I moved in with my grandma and I'm not at her house anymore.

I put my phone back down on my desk paying attention again. I was writing down some notes that include what things I need from the store.
Sitting there I felt someone pull my hair. I turned around to see my best friend Jacky looking as proud as can be. I gave her a weird look before she stood up and grabbed my hand bringing us to the front of the class. I have no idea what she was doing but I was in the middle of writing down pringles. Everyone started clapping and I looked on the board when I realized Jacky and I are being passed on from all our classes. A smile grew on my face when I started thinking I could go home and just ly on my bed reading the maze runner series.

"Congratulations!" Our teacher Mr. Lee said giving us High fives. "Thanks" I said happily. "Here is your pass you may leave when you want" Mr. Lee said handing us both pink slips.
See each year 10 seniors get to skip the last day. When you get told you can skip it means go trash the halls and make a mess, live your life the fullest. But me I am going home lying on my bed and reading the rest of the maze runner series. I grabbed my bag that had my stuff out of my locker and left the room. Walking out I saw several other people including Ginger which is my other best friend. "Hey bitch!" Ginger yelled running down the hall. "Hey" I said back. She stood beside me and watched the guys take all the toilet paper out of t bathrooms and run them up and down the hall. "Guys these days" Ginger said pointing to one of the class jocks as he got a permanent marker and drew a dick on the lockers. "My brother didn't get a pass so your good for a few hours" she said taking my arm and walking me to the bathroom. "Why are we going to the bathroom?" I questioned laughing a little. "I have to pee so shut up!" She snapped laughing with me. While Ginger was peeing I sat on the sink and played on my phone. It started to ring and I didn't know the number so I answered it anyways.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey would you be so kind and put my sister on?" Someone asked.

"Who is this?" I questioned.

"What is it to you?" He snapped.

"Excuse me I am the one you called!" I sorta yelled louder then I should.

"God calm your self it's Logan now could you stop being a bitch and put my sister on the phone"

Right then and there I hung up. God I hate him with a passion. Maybe seconds later he called back. Ginger came out of the stall and asked who it was. Of course I told her it was her pathetic brother that's thinks he can get in my pants. She giggled at my statement and then washed her hands.

As we walked out of the bathroom my phone went off again. I swear I'm famous or something.

"Hello" I answered

"Could you not hang up on me again?" Logan said through the other side of the line.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Could you be so kind to let me talk to my sister?" He asked.

I took a deep breath before handing the phone over to Ginger.

"What do you want?" She asked him.

"Tonight there is a party I am going and I wanted to see if you wanted to come!" He said excitedly.

"Sure" she said back to him.

"Ok well I'm in history so could you be so kind and bale me out?"

"How are you talking when you are in history?"

"Well you see Violet said she would do anything to get me. So I asked her to give Mr. Fat ass a lap dance while I called you"

"You have to be kidding me right"
Ginger started laughing so hard she was crying.

"So, yeah that happened" he laughed.

"Ok just walk out"

"To be honest I never thought about that" he said

Ginger hung up the phone and gave it back to me. "Are you up for a party later tonight?" She asked me as we walked to my car. "But.." I whined. "Please? listen we can go shopping and then we can get you all dressed up" she said. Now she knows I don't go to party's one, because that's where are the jocks are and two, because I am more of a stay at home type of person. I didn't think she would even ask me but she did say shopping and I like the sound of that.

"But Ginger you know everyone hates me!" She sighed a little before she turned towards me with a grin on her face. "Can i drive?" She asked "I guess" I gave in.

We got in the car and she got in the front seat. I got in buckled up and turned on the radio we waited for Jacky because she texted Ginger and told her to wait for her. So we sang along to Justin Bieber as we waited.

Jacky got in the car and they exchanged looks and I started to worry. What are they going to do to me?

We got to the mall and Jacky went into a different store than Ginger and I. Ginger walked me into a really big store with really cute outfits, but I am to big to fit in them. "Come on I have a person that can give you some fashion" Ginger said leading me into a dark room. I am one to wear baggy t-shirts and yoga pants maybe a pair of skinny jeans every once in a while.

Ginger snapped me out of my thoughts as she pushed me towards a guy with black hair and piercing all over his face.

"Well hello there"

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