Chapter 3: wow

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Ginger is up top

We are in the middle of watching Insurgent and it is 6:30pm. I jumped up "are we going to get ready?" I asked both of my friends. "Oh shit Yea we better start now" Jacky said. We then got up and I grabbed the bag Conner gave me. "Let me see what you got!" Ginger said excitedly.

I slowly opened the bag and it revealed like 5 pairs of booty shorts and a few crop tops. But something really stuck out, I grabbed it and gasped so did Ginger. "Wow" was all I had to say, it is amazing. It looked like it would fit Jacky because of how skinny it is but I went and tried it on just to make sure it would fit me.

I walked in the bathroom hurrying to take my clothes off and try it on. I pulled the dress up on me and it fit perfectly. It shown all my curves but in a nice way, it made my butt look nice and it also made my boob's look good. I smiled at my appearance in the mirror before walking out to show the girls.

I took a deep breath then walked out, both of their eyes grew wide as they seem me. "Oh my god I would have never thought you had boob's till now!" Jacky squealed. I gave her a glare then ginger started talking, "listen I don't think you should wear that because you will have the guys all over you!" She joked. "Does it really look that good?" I asked kind of surprised.

"I would be lying if I said it wasn't hot!" Jacky then grabbed my arm and put me in my chair by my desk. Jacky took a look at my face "Now I can finally show my makeup skills!"

The next 15 minutes consist of Jacky accidentally pocking me in the eye with eye liner and Ginger complimenting me on how 'hot' I looked. Then when I was done with my makeup I wasn't aloud to look till Ginger did my hair. If I am being completely honest, it is getting hard for me to sit still.

Jacky went to get ready while I got my hair done. Right as the words "done!" Came out of Gingers mouth I was up and looking in my full length mirror. I couldn't believe what I saw, I was shocked. I would have never thought I would be looking like this.

I looked at my hair and it was done half up and half down with curls and the half up was done with some pins and Ginger also gave me a small bump. I turned around to face the girls and they looked proud of what they did, by the looks on their faces I knew they were thinking about how good I looked. They then faced each other and gave each other a high five, I laughed at how amazed they were.


By the time we left we were all looking our bests. Ginger took another outfit that Conner gave me for herself to wear, and Jacky went with a little black dress that made her red hair stick out.

We got in the car and Jacky drove because I don't think I would he able to drive in these huge ass heals I have on. We made it to the party 20 minutes later only because Jacky got us lost. See what I did with only and Jacky, well I did that because once we pulled into the parking place she was trying to blame it on me and Ginger.

I flipped Jacky off before walking towards the door. I really didn't want to go in but how am I suppose to live my life without taking at least one risk. The last risk I took was jumping off the swing set in like 5th grade, pretty bad yes I know.

As I got to the door I felt like I was going to puke everywhere. The smell of alcohol and weed hits me as I step on the welcome mat outside the open door. I looked around and heard the pounding of the music and I could smell the sweat from all the people dancing. I looked around and there were people grinding on each other and other people taking shots.

"Hello lovely lady!" Someone yelled after me, I turned around to see Logan. Just great, all I wanted to do was go get a drink and I am stuck with this douche yelled at me. I wasn't dealing with his shot tonight so I asked "what the fuck do you want?"

He looked shocked but decided on talking back, "calm your tit's I just wanted to see if you wanted to dance?" He said more as a question. "I'm going to get a drink!" I yelled over the loud music. As soon as I went to walk away he grabbed my arm "Here you can have this!" He handed me a red solo cup that had whatever it had in it. "When you go to get a drink take me with you! I can tell if they are messed with or not!" He yelled again. I laughed at loud we have to be even though we are like 15 inches away from each other. "Sure!" I yelled back at him.

I wanted to dance but I was not dancing with Logan no how no way was I dancing with him. He is just a total ass! I walked to the dance floor after I told Logan I wasn't dancing with him. I started jumping up and down with a red solo cup in my hand, I really have no idea what I am doing but this is fun and I don't know why I hid all the time when I could be doing this. I was swinging my hips with the music when someone came behind me and grabbed my waist. I wasn't in the mood to look and see who it was so I just kept dancing my little heart out. This guy started to come closer and closer to me so I turned around, I didn't recognize him so it wasn't really that bad. But I then felt something in my arm and then my vision started going blurry. I felt myself fall to the ground as someone picked me up meaning this mystery guy.

I heard doors slam and then I was layed down on a bed. I felt someone hovering over me, my body was trying to move but it just wasn't happening I was stuck. My eyes we semi open and I tried to speak but nothing was happening. I knew right then and there that he was trying to get laid and I was freaking out. I already lost my virginity to someone I don't like to talk about, but I am not letting this happen, so I tried moving and squirming but nothing was happening. The guy ran his hands down my body and then lifted my dress up over my head. This is it I am getting raped.  I thought until I heard someone barge in and push the guy off me. I still could not move and I was trying to see who it was but it was all a blur. This person that saved me picked me up bridal style and took me out of the room.

"I got you now don't worry" was the last thing I heard before I was out.


So what do you think. Who is it that saved her?

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Well I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!! :)

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