Chapter 2: Party....... Great

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Jacky is up top

We got to the mall and Jacky went to Spencer's and Ginger took me down some steps and into a really dark back room. There were black lights on and there stood a guy with black hair and piercings all over his face. I jumped back slightly, Ginger pushed me towards him and he grabbed my waist. I jumped and gave him a shocked expression, he laughed and so did Ginger. Like is she trying to get me killed.

"Well hello there" he said moving his hands from my waist to my hands. I started hyperventilating and I started to get dizzy. "Hey calm down Tiff. This is my cousin Conner he is going to fix your style" Ginger calmed me down then turned on the lights. Conner looked at me up and down and then looked at Ginger. "What are you trying to give this little thing a heart attack. You could have told me I look this scary." He let go of me and moved to Ginger she hugged him then he looked at me again. "Ok so I see what you mean by no style" he said putting his hands on his hips and looking at me. I felt self conscious, he was literally looking at me from bottom to top. I had on a baggy t-shirt and a pair of blue jean shorts that were surprisingly to big for me.

"Ok I have some stuff for you so sit there in that purple chair and I will get to work!" Conner then walked over to a rack with a bunch of outfits. He picked out like 10 of them and stuck them in bags then handed them to me. "Here these are for you"

I grabbed the bags out of his hands and walked towards Ginger. "My work here is done. But may I ask. Where are you going that you need a better style?" Conner asked. I looked over at Ginger giving her a facial expression that was saying I'm dying on the inside could you please answer his question. She read the expression fine and started talking "Logan invited us to a party and it's suppose to be a bunch of fun. But you see Tiff here has not been to one yet so this is her first"

"Party...... Great. Let me guess one of the schools fuck boys are throwing it like always" Conner said glaring at me like he disapproved. On the inside I was excited to go but on the outside it was telling me it's a bad idea don't do it, something bad is going to happen and your going to regret going. "Well you got the whole fuck boy thing right" Ginger answered. Then Conner started talking "I have only been to one party in my life and I am 24 what I did wrong was got drunk and accidentally got a girl pregnant. Now she is stuck with me" Ginger and I both laughed as he shook his head.

"Just please please please be safe!" He said giving Ginger a kiss on her forehead and then he did the same to me. "Ok well we are going to go find Jacky then go eat. Love you Conner" Ginger said walking out of the room.

We found Jacky then left for McDonald's. When we entered I was taking in my surroundings which consist of milkshakes and French fry's and maybe some chicken nuggets. I ordered a moca frappé and a 10 piece chicken nugget and a small fry. I was the first to order so I just went and found a place to sit. I was opening my chicken nuggets when my phone went off, the number looked familiar so I answered it.


T: hello?
L: hey little stiffy Tiffy how are you?
T: Logan what do you want?
L: well I was going to see if you are coming tonight but you are very bitchy
T: yes I am coming and me being a bitch is only towards you there buddy
L: ouch! Ok fine you win that one
T: seriously what do you want from me?
L: just wondering why a fat ass like you are friends with Jacky?
T: because I am not fat
L: sure you are

End of Convo.

I had to hang up on him because I was on the verge of crying. I hate when a guy calls you fat it's kinda like your whole world is caving in. I shook that thought to the back of my head when Jacky came and sat beside me. "Hey buddy what's wrong?" She asked me. I kinda feel guilty like am I really fat? Is she only friends with me because she feels bad for me? Why would Logan do this to me?

I use to be really fat before he moved. See him and Ginger were in school with us for awhile and then they had to move, they came back sophomore year. By sophomore year I had lost a lot of weight because Logan use to pick on me about it, I mean damn he still does pick on me but him calling me fat is nothing compared to what he use to call me.

Logan is the bad boy you could call him. He drinks like every week and smokes, he use to smoke weed but Ginger got him out of that. He got a tattoo his freshman year and then he got one a couple of months ago and he just got a new one. He isn't covered in them but he has a few here and there. I personally think he should get a butterfly tattoo like Harry Styles, it would show the feminine side of him. Everyone thinks that Logan I'd the Mr. Perfect but he has his flaws. Like his bullying issue and he had a thing for honey. He use to make his mom buy like 3 little things of honey and he would just eat them. To be honest he was weird when he was a kid like he was extremely weird.


Hey guys so chapter 2 is done!
It's not very interesting but whatever you leaned some stuff about Logan.

Please keep voting and comment on my mistakes please and thank you

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