Chapter 23

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When I woke up it was 1 in the afternoon. I didn't move at all, thinking about last night made me sick. So I stayed in bed and didn't move.

Sometimes Colin will come and check up on me but that is only to make me take a drink of something or eat something. I rolled over and spotted a note on my desk, I sat up and walked over and grabbed it then sat back down on the bed.


I wen't out to go get food and find that man that live's here. you are miserable without him so you need him. I honestly have no idea how i am going to find him but whatever also there is food on the counter so you can eat. If i come back and everything is still there i am going to flip.

love your brother

Of course he went to find Logan, and of course i don't want Logan back here. I threw away the paper and left my room for the first time today, I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a zombie like literally. My hair was in knots and my makeup was running down my pale face. My skin was ice cold and my fingers were.

I walked down the steps and into the living room and found food just like Colin said there would be. Speaking of Colin that was my dads middle name so no wounder.

I sat at the table and grabbed my plate of food and forced it down my throat trying not to throw it all back up, I stood up put my stuff in the sink and grabbed my phone. Today I am calling the collage that I was going to go to but everything happened, I am calling to see about going back. Its going to be a bug step but that doesn't matter to me, I need this so I am going to do it.


After about an hour of talking to the collage they finally are agreeing to let me go back. I hung up the phone and walked out to the porch, sitting down on the swing I seen a car pull into the driveway. I couldn't tell who it was so I moved off of the swing to the edge of the porch and realized who it was, I stormed back and sat down on the swing again. Logan slowly moved onto the porch and gave me a worried look.

"What do you want?" I snapped
He ran his hand through his hair "Can we talk?"

I gave him a look and he stood in front of me, "Talk" I said gesturing for him to speak. "Ok so I did wrong, everyone does something wrong. I can't help that the past was bad but I can help that the future is good. I really need you to talk me out of my ways and keep me in track. Tiff I got myself into bad drugs and I have no idea on what to do. I am scared and I need you to be there to help me get through it. I don't want in it anymore, I want to be a good person" I was shocked after he just spilled all of this to me. I stood up quickly and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a big hug. "Why didn't you tell me before?" I asked in his ear.

"I was scared you would say no" he backed up and kissed the top of my head. "I'm really truly sorry Tiffany, I never meant to hurt you the way I did"


Here is a short chapter!

It's not very interesting but it's getting good!

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