Chapter 35

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Colin came and woke me up to go eat. I sat up and looked around checking to see if Drew was in his play pen. He was.

I walked out if the room and down the steps.

"Good morning sleepy head" Colin laughed handing me my food.

I looked around and couldn't find Logan, "Uh where is Logan?" I asked Colin.

He looked at me then answered, "He went out with a few friends"

I shook my head in understanding. I mean i don't mind Logan going with some friends as long as he isn't drinking or anything. But this is the first night his son is home from the hospital. He should be here.

After I finished eating, Colin told me was heading home to his woman.

It was now just Drew and I.

I didn't know what to do and I wasn't very tired so, I sat down on the couch and played some walking dead.

I was about to fall back to sleep but I heard Drew crying upstairs. I jumped up and bolted for my room. Once I was in there I grabbed him out if the play pen and went into his room. I changed his diaper and then put him back down.

This time I knew I was able to fall back to sleep. I laid back down and fell back to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of little whimpers coming from the pen. I got up and checked the time, it was 4 AM.

I looked on Logan side of the bed and he still wasn't home. At this point I am pissed. You don't just go out and forget all about your fiance and your new born baby! It just doesn't work like that.

I got up and walked over to Drew, he had his eyes closed and was about to scream. "Hey baby... mommy is right here, unlike daddy" I whispered taking him into my arms. 

I walked into his room and sat down on the rocking chair. I am beyond tired at this point. 

I rocked Drew back and forth while he drank a little bit of a bottle. I started to fall asleep but I knew I couldn't because Drew would need to burp then i would need to change him. I kissed the top of his head and was almost in tears, why does he have to do this to me? leave me alone and i barely know what to do let alone do it by myself. This is suppose to be team work, but apparently not to Logan. He could care less.  

I am so frustrated and tired all at the same time. 

A tear slipped out of my eye and it landed on Drew's blanket. Logan should be here helping me and maybe spending time with his son instead of his 'friends'. 

I burped Drew and right as i was about to change him I heard the front door open and shut. I quickly changed him and put him in his crib, I set the baby monitor down on the table beside his crib. I stormed out of the room and Logan was standing in our room looking at the bed. 

"Hey asshole. I am right beside you. I was taking care of OUR kid unlike you!" I walked towards him and shoved him. 

"Wow, now don't get all pissy with me" He said laughing. 

I am beyond pissed now. He thinks this is all a joke. 

"Is this a fucking joke to you?!" I screamed in his face. "Don't scream in my face like that" He pushed me back a little. I got a better look at him, his eyes were blood shot and he smelt like pure alcohol.

"You're fucking kidding me?!" I ran my hand threw my hair. "What?" he asked. 

"You're such a fake ass person. You know that right?!" I was screaming and could care less. Except for the baby screaming just like me. 

"Tiff you are waking up the baby" he moved past me and walked towards the baby. He walked into the room and was about to grab him out but I stopped him. 

"Don't you DARE fucking touch my son!" I screamed pushing him away.

"It's my son too! I helped make him! Remember it takes two too tango!" He was right in my face yelling. I can say, it made me flinch. 

I pushed him away and grabbed the diaper bag. I started packing stuff for Drew. 

I walked over to his crib and got him out. "What the hell do you think you are doing?!" He yelled walking towards me. Drew was screaming and I started to cry as well. "Shh Drew mommy is here.. Shh" I whispered trying to calm him down. But it is hard when I can't even calm myself down. 

"Tiffany what are you doing with my son?" Logan asked moving towards me. I stepped away and walked out of the door. He gripped my arm and i let out a little squeal. "Get the fuck off of me!" I mumbled pulling away. I grabbed my phone and made my way down the steps. I put Drew in his car seat and buckled him into the car. I started it and played some music for him hoping to calm him down. 

I walked back into the house and Logan was furious. "You can't just leave!" He yelled. "You want to bet on that?" I laughed. 

"Tiffany this isn't fucking funny! Stop acting like a little bitch!" He didn't just say that to me. 

"Excuse me? I am acting like a bitch because my FIANCE or the father of my baby is our getting high and drunk, while his fiance and newborn baby are at the house! News flash.. I an NOT going to be one of those got damn girls who sit around and get told what too do, and don't have any help front anybody." I slapped him across his face and pushed past him into our room and grabbed my phone charger and Drew's blanky. 

Logan was standing at the bedroom door watching me. "You aren't leaving" he said plainly. 

"Again, watch me you asshole!" I yelled in his face and tried to get past him. "You shouldn't have smacked me you know that right?" he laughed getting in my face. 

"Logan just let me leave!" I cried wanting to get out of this house. "You are not leaving with my kid!" He screamed smacking me across the face. I stumbled backwards and fell down. 

His face went soft once he had realized what he had done. "Oh my god Tiff. I am so sorry!" He tried helping me up but i shoved him. "Get your fucking hands off of me you piece of shit!" I spit in his face then ran out of the door. I didn't look bad.
I just ran and didn't look back. 

Don't look back.

Never look back.  


No one is going to believe me when I tell you this but.


Thank you all for everything on this book! I enjoyed writing it and yeah. 

So thanks! 


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