Chapter 24

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I walked into my bedroom holding two outfits. "Logan I need help!" I practically yelled, "what?" He asked taking the attention off of his phone and putting it on me. "I don't know if I should wear the light gray tank top with this flower shirt or the dark blue tank top with this other flower shirt" I held them both up, he sat up and looked at them studying the design of both shirts and tank tops. "I say wear the dark blue tank top with the first flower shirt" I set it out on the bed and looked at it "I never thought of that" I said smacking my hand on my forehead. "Tiff calm down! It's not going to be that bad" Logan got up and walked over to me placing his hands on my hips and spinning me around so I was facing him. "But I am meeting my brothers fiance! How am I suppose to act fine!" He laughed and kissed my head before spinning me back around to look at my outfit. "Put the that hot pink crop top on with the dark blue high waisted shorts and your hot pink vans" he said walking to my closet and grabbed the third outfit that was picked out today. "Here go" he handed me the clothes and shoved me into the bathroom.

I changed and walked back out to show Logan how it looked. "Spin" he demanded, I did as told and spun around. "Good now just straighten your beautiful long hair!" He pushed me back into the bathroom. "Wait can you do it for me?" I asked sweetly, "fine" he turned on the straightener, he separated my hair then clipped the other half up. Soon after the straightener beeped he did my hair, I sat on the toilet backwards facing the wall while Logan did my hair. "Why do you have so much hair!?" He whined, "Just hurry up please"


Logan finally finished my hair and I started on my makeup while he was in the shower. "Can you please change this song" Logan asked for like the 50th time, I turned the song and Logan yelled with excitement, I laughed at him before finishing my makeup.

I was putting on my lip gloss when Logan got out of the shower and stared at me in disbelief, "I got in the shower like 20 minutes ago and you were doing your makeup! How are you still doing it?"
"I'm sorry! I get like this when I am nervous!" I yelled

He rolled his eyes and brushed his teeth, I ran a brush through my hair again before checking one last time to see if I looked good. "Do I look Ok?" I asked tucking a piece of hair behind my right ear. "You look more than ok, you look fabulous!" He answered in a girly voice. "I am going to get a drink. You finish getting dressed and stuff then meet me downstairs in about 5-10 minute's" I ordered, as soon as I was done talking him what to do I ran down the steps as fast as I could trying not to fall. Once I made it to the bottom I ran to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, I sat down on the chair at the counter and waited for Logan.

Logan has been better, it's been 2 weeks since everything happened between him and I. Then after that my brother came home and gave me the news that I will have a sister-in-law before I know it, meaning he was engaged. He swears that I will like her, but I think different. What if she thinks I am disgusting because I got pregnant at a young age. And on top of that I lost the baby. I really wounder how she is going to act.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard Logan stomping down the steps, I turned to him throwing the keys and ran out the door. I got in on the passenger side and Logan got in on the drivers side.

Logan started the engine and we were off, We actually have an hour ride to get to my brothers house. I sat back in my seat and watched the cars go by.
"Why are you so nervous?" Logan asks grabbing my hand making me think less of my brothers fiance and more on why he is grabbing my hand. "I have no idea, I guess I am scared she is going to judge my past and stuff" I shrugged my shoulders sitting my head up against the window. "What you think she is going to judge your past?" I shook my head telling him yes. "Why would you think that?" He ask's, "because Logan I got pregnant at a young age and then lost the baby, I also got pregnant to a guy-" Logan cut me off "you got pregnant by me, no one has to know who was really the father" I smiled at him and connected our hands together. "Thank you"


"Oh my gosh! We are in the driveway! How do I look? Do I look fine? Do I need to fix my makeup? What about my hair does it look fine?"

Logan laughed at me "babe you look fine, just relax" I shook my head agreeing with him. "Yeah you are right. Wait did you just call me babe?" I asked realizing he just called me babe. "Uh yeah sorry" he let go of my hand and scratched the back of his neck "Logan it's fine" I gave him a weak smile before I went back to freaking out. I stepped out of the car and waited on Logan to get out of the car, once he was out we walked to the front door. "Oh my god!" I whisper shouted to myself, Logan again grabbed my hand in a reassuring way. "You got this" he gave me a thumbs up. That's when I knocked on the door, and when a short petite brunette answered the door. What shocked me the most was she had a little blonde hanging on her leg, she looked maybe 2. I stood there in shock before Logan squeezed my hand telling me it was ok. "Uh is Colin here?" I asked, because when Colin described his fiance she was a black haired medium sized girl. "Oh hun I think you got the wrong house, the Joy's live right over there" she said pointing to a tall house that definently looked like my brothers style. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry" I said apologized to the lady. "Nope your fine" Logan and I stepped back away from the door and headed back to the car. We got back into the car and Logan drove down another driveway to a better looking house. This time I got out and walked up to the door, not talking to myself, Logan grabbed my hand again.

Now it's time to meet the actual fiance.


Well what do you think?

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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