Chapter 15: Well you did get me pregnant so I don't see how holding my....

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Chapter 15: well you did get me pregnant so I don't see how holding my hand is a big deal

Today is the day I get my first ultrasound. I am excited but nervous all at the same time i am confusing myself. I got up running to the bathroom to fix my hair one last time before we leave. Logan walked in and looked at me with a big smile. "I don't think i have ever seen you this happy in my life" He said walking to me and spinning me. "why thank you" I said laughing at myself "You look amazing in all but we have to go" He grabbed my hand pulled me out of the bathroom and ordered me to get my shoes on. I sat down and slowly put my sandals on, "could you hurry yourself up?" He whined. I gave in and we walked towards the car "What do you think they are going to say?" He asked making me walk faster. "I don't know this is my first time" I answered getting into the hot car, "Ok neither one of us know what is going to happen so stay alert!" He warned turning on the car. "Your the dad you stay alert" He gave me a look that made me laugh 10 times harder than what i already was.

Ok our way I was looking outside and I seen a house for sale. It had a long driveway and trees in the yard, I tried looking at the house itself but I couldn't because we were passing it. I pushed the thought of that house in the back of my head as we drove to the doctors.

When we pulled up to the doctors office my hands began to sweat. I quickly got out of the car stretching my legs and arms from being in the car. I hate sitting in the car for a long time it makes me hurt all over. I pulled down my shirt that was rolled up from me stretching and walked to the front of the car waiting for Logan. I stood at the front watching him move around inside the car.

He got out and walked towards me "I don't want you to think I am weird or anything but can I hold your hand?" He asked making his way to me. "Well you did get me pregnant so I don't see how holding my hand is a big deal" I said with a wink. With that we walked hand in hand to the waiting room.

I sat down as Logan signed me in and I couldn't help but notice a girl that looked a little younger than me holding her stomach and she had tears streaming down her face. I couldn't stop staring at her til Logan snapped me out of it sitting next to me and pit his hand on my thigh. "I want to go talk to her" I pointed to the girl that I was looking at "Then go" he said making me stand up. "But I don't want to interfere she may be going through a tough time" I said sighing "She looks like she needs a friend. Go talk to her" he pushed me towards her. I didn't just want to go over and stick my nose in her business.

I slowly walked towards her and sat down. "Uh hi" I said my voice coming out a little shaky. "Hi" she answered back a little confused. "Uhm I noticed I mean I don't want to seem like a stalker or anything but I seen you were upset and I just wanted to see if you were ok. You don't know me but I am here so if you need to talk I am here" I went on and on and she just laughed "I'm sorry I am a little nervous" I laughed shaking my head and slapping my forehead with my hand. "It's ok" she giggled "Is there anything you want to talk about?" I asked again, she looked at me with a sad expression across her face. "Ok let's start this over. Hi my name is Tiffany but you can call me Tiff" I put my hand out to shake her hand. "Hi my name is Kristiana but everyone calls me Kris" she said shaking my hand. "Well Kris how are you?" I asked "I'm good I guess" she looked down at her hands in her lap. "Spill everything I won't tell a soul" I said giving her a simple smile. "You go first" she said "ok well I am 18 going on 19 and I am pregnant don't know how long and that's the father over there sitting in that chair looking like and idiot" I laughed showing her Logan.

"Ok. I am 17 turning 18 and I am also pregnant and I don't know how long either. This is my first time here and the father of my child had cancer and passed away" she looked sad. "Well here is my number call me later around 7-7:30 and I want you to come to my apartment for dinner tonight." I handed her my phone number and then got up. Right as I stood up they called my name. Logan got up and walked over to me and took my hand in his and we walked to the room the lady told us to go to. I laid down on the table with the nurses orders. "Ok hi my name is Carren I will be doing the ultrasound today for you" the lady said proudly as she shook my hand. "Hi my name is Tiffany and I will be your patient today for the ultrasound" I laughed, we let go from each other and she went over to Logan and shook his hand. "You must be the baby daddy" she looked at me then to Logan. "Actually no I am Tiffany's father" Logan said making Carrens face turn bright red. "I'm so sorry!" She yelled to him "No, no I was just kidding. Yes I am the baby daddy" he said making her relax a bit more. "Ok so now I think we should get started" she walked out of the room and then came back in with some gel since on the cart thing there was none.

"Ok Tiffany this is going to be cold" she pit the gel on my stomach and then got some other thing and started going around on my belly. "So you have a healthy baby! Keep doing whatever you are doing and you will be perfectly fine" she whipped off my belly and then walked out of the room showing us to the exit. "Here is my number if you have any problems just come in and see me" she handed me a little card with her name on it and her number. Logan and I thanked her and walked out to the car.

When we got in the car I turned towards Logan and he looked at me funny. "So I seen a house for sale on the way here. I want to go look at it" He looked at me before turning on the car. "As long as you know where it is at" With that we were on our way to check out this house I seen.


So what do you think?

Anyways thanks for reading I hope you people like it!

Love you

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