Chapter 33

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"Ok Tiff we are gonna need you to push in your next contraction" Caroline smiled.

"Logan I need you to come hold her left leg back kind of to her chest I will hold the other one, so you will see how to do it" Logan hesitantly walked over to me and grabbed my leg and held it how Caroline was holding my right leg.

When I started to get a contraction I felt the urge to push. "You ready?" Caroline asked. I shook my head yes. "Let's do this" Logan smiled.

The first push I did I let out a few screams. I pushed as hard as I possibly could, you don't even understand the pain, even after I had the epidural.

"Your doing good Tiff! Just keep it up"

I went on my second push. I am sweating extremely bad. I pushed again with a few little grunts.

"You only have like 3 more pushes." Caroline stated.

Logan gave me a reassuring smile. "You can see the head princess."

"I'm sorry you guys have to look at my vagina!" I yelled. A few laughs scattered across the room. "It's normal hun" Caroline laughed.

Logan was smiling ear to ear. It warmed my heart.

I pushed for my third time, it hurt worse than the last two.

"Here come the shoulders!" Logan yelled.

"After the shoulders it shouldn't be that hard of a push" the doctor looked up at me and smiled.

I took another smile and screamed pushing as hard as I possibly could.

"It's a boy!" Caroline yelled. I laid my head back as Logan cut the umbilical cord. I heard my new born baby cry for the first time and let's just say, I joined in with him. They handed him to me and I held him in my arms crying. He gripped onto my hand and didn't let go.

"That's our baby" Logan walked over to me and pushed the baby's hair back. "He has your eyes" I smiled. "He definitely has your nose" he replied.

He had dark hair that could change color.

"What's his name?" Caroline asked walking towards us.

"Drew Alan Rends" Logan and I said at the same time.

"Looks like you owe Tiff 20 dollars" Caroline laughed winking at me.

Logan got in his pocket and got his wallet out. He picked through it before he found a 20 dollar bill. He slowly handed it to me, "Thank you sir!" I chimed.

"Yeah, yeah" he laughed, "My turn?" Logan asked. I nodded my head reluctantly. He bent down and grabbed Drew with a smile. "Hey buddy! This is your daddy here! We are gonna have the best times of our lives together! I will teach you how to play football-" I cut him off, "With a helmet of course". He rolled his eyes but began again, "Anyways, we will run around and play tag and I can't give you girlfriend advise! It's going to be awesome Drew! You just get a little older"

I decided it was time to take my son away from his father because he would end up giving him the talk when though he was literally born 5 minutes ago. Logan bent down and gave Drew back to me then kissed his head, he then gave me a quick peck on the lips, we heard a 'click' like sound. Like a camera.

We looked up to find Caroline with a huge grin on her face. "I'm sorry it was a perfect moment!" She fangirls for a second.

I shook my head and looked down at my baby.

The doctor walked in not much later, "we are going to have you stay the night tonight, but tomorrow you should be able to go home! With the baby of course" she walked over to Drew and asked, "What's this cuties name?"

I smiled down at my new born baby then answered, "His name is Drew Alan Rends"

She gasped holding a hand over her heart, "That is a lovely name!"

I giggled, "It is isn't it?"

She shook her head in agreement. I looked up at Logan and he was still smiling. "I Uh called my sister and she should be here-" he was cut off by Ginger and Jacky busting through the door.

"Where is my beautiful nephew?" She asked looking around for a second. "Ginger, Tiff is holding him" Jacky said laughing a bit.

Go get rushed over to the side of my bed, "Oh he is so cute! How does he even have a dad that looks like that rat" she pointed to Logan, "He most definitely looks like his mother" She went on.

She took Drew out of my arms and rocked him back and forth. "Hi buddy! It's your favorite aunt here!"

Jacket took a deep breath, "Hey! He could love me more!"

Ginger shook her head in defeat, "Fine favorite biological aunt"

"That would be because you are his only biological aunt" I laughed.

"Why do people keep bringing me down!?! Anyways my name is Aunt Ginger" she kissed his tiny nose.

"Ok it's my turn" Jacky reached for Drew.

"Ladies no fighting over my son! Look Tiff he is already getting all of the girls and he hasn't even said a word" Logan cracks himself up sometimes.

Both Ginger and Jacky sent him a cold glare.

Ginger finally gave in and let Jacky hold Drew. She gave him a bunch of kisses all over his face.

"He is so precious! I want to take him home with me!" She held him tight in her arms.

I looked down at the IVs in my arm. My arm hurts.

Logan must have noticed from the way I was looking that the IV was hurting me.

He walked out of the room and brought in both Caroline and Colin.

"Hey sis! Can I hold my nephew?!" He yelled walking towards me.

"Wait who are you?" Jacky asked taking a step back and taking his looks. "I'm Tiffs brother. Who are you?" He asked.

"I happen to be one of Tiffs best friends" she answered all proud.

"Let my brother hold my son or I will get up and take him away from all of you."

She rolled her eyes and handed him over to Colin.

Meanwhile Caroline was trying to find out why the IV was hurting me. "I don't know if this will help but some other nurse that was filling in for you took it out and put it back in saying it was wrong" I said looking up at Caroline.

"Yeah, and most likely she had put it in wrong. I just need you to stay still as I take it back out and put it in the other arm. Your right arm is going to be bruised where she put it in."

I sighed rolling my eyes. "This stuff always happens to me" I whined.

I turned my head away as she put another hole in my arm because the other nurse is fucking stupid. I have been in this stupid ass hospital for over 17 hours, I just want the hell out of here and in my actual bed.

Once she was finished I turned back to her. "Thanks, that feels much better" I said.

"Your welcome hun" she replied then left the room.

Now back to my crazy but loving family.


Heyyy so I am back with another update!

I have had a bad few days so I worked on my story and a double update is where it lead me!

It's enough for tonight tho!

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