Chapter 28

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I sat in the living room while Ginger was freaking out about me.

"I mean really! This is a big deal! You are always getting yourself pregnant in some way!" She said jumping up and down with excitement but with worry.

"It's not my fault! I don't want to have kids right now, I just got my spot back in my college classes"

"You could always get an abortion" Ginger suddenly got serious. "No way! I am totally against abortion! If anything I will got it up for adoption" I snapped. She looked at me with worry written all over her face, I don't know what she wants me to do but I refuse to get an abortion. I don't even know I am pregnant, it may just be a false alarm.

I rolled my eyes at Ginger before saying, "Ginger I might not even be pregnant! It could be a fucking false alarm!". I was getting angry and frustrated, everyone wants me to make the right decisions but when you are in this kind of situation it's hard.

"Ok, you are right. We shouldn't be freaking out yet." She fell onto the couch beside me.

"When did you get the appointment for again?" She asked resting her head in my shoulder. "Tomorrow early in the morning, like at 8" I said relaxing my tense body for a moment.

"Ok, since it is getting late I a going to head to bed. Wake me up in the morning as soon as you get up, so we can get there and get answers". Ginger stood up making me get up with her, she gave me a quick hug then made her way to the guest room.

I watched as she shut the door to the bedroom before sitting back down. I watched out the window as a car pulled into the driveway, my guess it is Logan.

I closed my eyes and couldn't stop the thought from running around in my head. "Hey babe" Logan said locking the door as he shut it behind him. "Hey, your sister is here" I sat up as he walked to me holding out his hands for me to grab.

I grabbed them standing up, "Why is she here?" He asked, "She just wanted to come visit us, see how we were doing".

"Oh I see. How comes you aren't in bed princess?" Logan kissed my head, but their was something off. "Logan would you lie to me?" I asked forgetting about the question he had just asked me. "No, why would I lie to you?" He asked.

"We're you out drinking?" I bluntly asked, "Yeah, I thought I told you that?" He answered confused.

"No you didn't, you said you were going out. You said nothing about drinking" I snapped stomping up to out bedroom. "Oh I thought I told you, I am so sorry babe" he apologized.

"You are fucking lucky I don't want to fight with you right now." I snapped again. "Ok, I am just gonna take a shower then get in bed. Does that sound good?" He asked. "Yes, I am just going to sleep." I replied.

I made the bed first before sliding in under the warm blankets.

I pulled up my shirt a little before placing my hand over my stomach.

This is crazy!

Wonder what mom thinks of me?

How is this all happening to me?

What if Logan hates me for it?

What if Logan leaves me?

What if it is just a false alarm?

But what if I am actually pregnant?

All these thought swarmed my head as I slowly fell asleep.


My alarm when off waking me up. I shut it off before sitting up and stretching, I ran my fingers through my long tangled hair. I stepped out of the bed letting my small feet touch the floor. I stood up catching my balance, and making my way down the stairs to wake up Ginger.

I walked into the guest room and she was slightly snoring. I laughed a little before shaking her awake. "Huh? What? I didn't do it" she said sitting straight up, I busted out laughing at her sudden words she had just used. "What the hell?" I laughed bending over holding my stomach.

"You need to get up so we can get ready to go. We slept in a little" I said turning on her light just to piss her off. "Ok mom!" She yelled as I shut the door and left her room. I went back to my room and got a shower.

Once I was done showering I did my hair, makeup, and got dressed. I wore comfy clothes because I ain't all about that nice clothes life.

By the time I was done it was time to go. I didn't even have enough time to eat anything. I ran down the steps slipping on my flip flops by the door and yelled for Ginger. I wrote Logan a quick lie telling him we went to get food.

"Ok let's go!" Ginger yelled once we were outside half way to the car. "I guess I am driving?" I asked, "Uh yeah I have no idea where I am going"

I got in and waited for Ginger to get in. Once she was in and had her seat belt on we were off.


"I am so excited but nervous for you all at the same time!" Ginger yelled while we were waiting for the doctor to come do the tests. "Could you shut up?" I whisper shouted, "Sorry" she whisper shouted back to me.

"Hello my name is Doctor Margret and I will be doing the tests for you today" a lady around her 30's said walking into the room, making sure to shut the door behind her. "Hello" Ginger and I said at the same time.

"Ok, so are you family?" Doctor Margret asked Ginger. "Uh no but I am the dads sister and he could be here today so I said I would fill in for him" she answered pretty smoothly. "Okay, so the first thing I am going to have you do is pee in this cup" Doctor Margret handed me the little cup.

"Then if that test doesn't satisfy you we can do blood work. But that is completely up to you"

I got up taking the cup with me and walking to the bathroom. I quickly peed in the cup then put it in the little spot I got told to put it. I left the room and walked back to the room I was in, Ginger and Margret were sitting there waiting for me.

"I will be back here in a little bit with your results" she smiled leaving the room. "Oh gosh, it is going down for real" Ginger said standing up jumping up and down. "Sit down before I stab you!" I yelled. We both then ended up laughing, but that quickly ended when the doctor came back in.

"So the test results came back...."


Sup people!

So I have a cliffhanger for you!

I know it's crazy but what do you expect?

Ok peace homie


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