Chapter 34

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I rolled over on my side and came into view with my baby. He was lying peacefully in his little bed. This hospital has been driving me crazy, so I asked if Drew could come and sleep in my room. Caroline of course said yes and brought him in.

I lay here just thinking about what would be going on today. Well I am getting out of this fucking hospital for one, and for two I get to bring my baby home with me. Well both of them, because Logan hasn't left the hospital. So he will be brought home too, unless he wants to stay here.

I sat up slowly stretching my legs out in front of me. I lifted my bed up so that I could sit back, as soon as I sat back Drew started to fuss.

I got up and wrapped him in my arms. His fussy ness started to fade away as I rocked him back and forth.

I slightly hummed to him as I sat back down in my bed.

"Your so handsome" I giggled.

His eyes slowly opened up to look at me. "Hey mommy little baby!" How are you on this lovely afternoon? Daddy is fast asleep over in the chair, he was up all night with you letting me sleep. You are a little fuss" Drew gave me a few blinks before he decided to close his eyes again.

"Oh so you are gonna go to sleep on me now? How rude!" I must say, he is so cute.

I moved a piece of hair that was sticking straight up on his head. "You make me laugh" I said holding back my laughter.

"By the time we get out of here, his ears are going to be talked off from you" Logan said sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and stood up.

"He loves it when I talk to him!" I said as if it hurt my feelings. "No he likes it when his daddy talks to him, right bud?" Right as he said that Drew started to cry.

"Look what you did! See I told you he like me talking to him!" I playfully shoved Logan and started rocking Drew.

"It's ok little guy, mommy is here. We shall keep daddy away from you shouldn't we?"

Logan shook his head, "I'm going to leave without you guys if they don't soon let you out of this goddamned hospital"

I shot Logan a mean glare, "Watch you language around the baby!"

He put his hands up in surrender, "Sorry"


"Let's leave now" I said buckling Drew into the car.

"Yeah so daddy can actually get some real sleep" Logan sighed started the car. I climbed in the backseat with Drew to keep him company.

I shut the door and we were off. As soon as the car started moving Drew came to a cry, "Shhh bud its ok. We will be home in a little bit" I cooed.

We dropped at a red light and Logan got in the diaper bag that was sitting beside him, and got Drew's binky.

He handed it back to me and I put it in Drew's mouth. He stopped crying which I was thankful for.

Since we hit every stop light. We were sitting at another one and I started to smell something. And it wasn't very delightful.

"Logan did you fart?" I asked.

"No why?" He answered.

"Then it's Drew, I smell something not so delightful."

Logan did a few sniffs before he got a whiff of what I smelt. "Oh god. Drew you really had to go didn't you?" Logan gagged.

"Yeah try sitting beside him" I held my nose.

"How much longer until we get home?" I asked.

"Around 2 minutes".

Logan rolled down all of the windows and it still stunk.

As soon as we reaches the house I jumped out of the car and took a big breath. "Holy shit!" I laughed, "literally" Logan joined in.

"It's your son, your duty. Haha get it? Your duty!" I laughed running away from the car. "Hey that's not fair!" Logan yelled, I turned around and he let out a sigh, and got Drew out.

I flipped my hair and walked into the house since it was unlocked. Because Colin was here.

I walked in and I instantly smelt cookies.

"Oh my god! Those smell amazing!" I yelled jumping up and down in the kitchen, Colin stood there moving the cookies onto the counter.

Logan walked in right after me with the baby. I grabbed Drew out of his seat and wrapped him in my arms.

"How about you and I go take a nap, while your uncle Colin and dad make us some food?"

Colin shook his head and laughed.

"Let's go bud" I grabbed his diaper bag and walled up the steps. He wasn't a very fussy baby and I thank god for that. We entered my bedroom and I set everything down on the floor.

"LOGAN!" I yelled, Drew began to cry a little and I just rocked him back until he stopped.

Logan ran in swinging the door open and taking a breath. "Uhm, yeah, ok. I need the play pen." I laughed.

He rolled his eyes and stomped across the hall and grabbed the play pen. "Thanks babe!"

"Your welcome" he laughed at me. I gave Logan Drew and put some blankets in it. He gently laid him down. I stared at my beautiful boy lying there.

Logan snaked his arm around my waist, he kissed my temple. Before I know it he scooped me up bridal style and laid me down on the bed. "Logan I am still a whale! You will hurt yourself!" I yelled slapping his arm. "It's really Ok. You aren't even all that heavy" he shrugged.

I rolled over on my side and Logan covered me up with a light blanket.

"Love you both" he kissed my head. Then walked out of the room, shutting the light off.

"Goodnight little guy"

With that I fell fast asleep. In my comfy bed. For the first time in like 2 days.

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