Chapter 5: You do realize these are so very unattractive

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Logan is up top

I woke up to the smell of man, I couldn't tell where I was though. I sat up and looked around when I looked over to find another bed I knew where I was. I was at Gingers house but in Logan's bed. I stood up and realized I only had on a t-shirt which is not mine, it looks like Logan's.

I heard someone coming in so I jumped backwards on to the bed. Logan walked in with a tray of food with some orange juice. "Hey" he said setting the tray down. I had to ask "what am I doing here?"

He laughed a little till answering me "Do you remember anything from last night?"
I thought for a second then everything came back to me. "Oh my god I was drugged!" I yelled towards him. "Yea you are damn right you got drugged! What were you thinking letting a guy all over you?! Are you fucking nuts? He could have raped you if I wouldn't of needed some quiet time!" He yelled back at me. I have never seen him this angry before and it is starting to scare me. "I-I know I-I'm sorry" I whispered to him. "Sorry isn't going to fucking cut it! For god sake your were only left in your bra and underwear!" He yelled trying to calm himself down. "W-what d-do you want me to do hug?!" I questioned getting louder, but I continued "God Logan you were not the one who was having fun one moment and then boom everything falls apart. You know how scared I was? Because I sure as hell was scared out of my mind!"

He looked at me then grabbed a cup full of pencils off of his desk and threw them across the room making me jump. I was now scared and I didn't know what to do, but once I seen the anger in his eyes I couldn't help but cry. I felt like it was all my fault that I was almost raped and that he had to leave the party because I am an irresponsible bitch.

I tucked my face in my hands and just cried because there was nothing left to do. I felt him sit beside me and wrap his arm around my waist pulling me in towards him. I just let all my emotions go, like ever since my mom and dad died I wasn't good with showing my emotions but right now I couldn't think about anything else. Logan tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and then kissed my temple showing me that he was sorry.

I couldn't let him see me like this anymore so I stood up breaking myself free from his grip and walked over to gingers dresser and grabbed a pair of shorts. I walked out the door after I checked and made sure I had everything, once I left I just kept on walking not looking back.


I reached my house maybe 5 minutes later. I walked straight in and up the stairs to my room locking my door behind me. I got in the shower washing off every last bit of that man's touch, once I was done I got out grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my body and then another one for my hair. I dried myself off then got dressed making myself look a little better than what I did earlier.

After I was finished with my hair I made my way down the stairs right back out the door. I walked to the store going to get what I had on my list from yesterday in school. I walked in and there were like 5 old people and the rest were just average people that you see around everywhere. I walked into different aisle's and picked random things not even really thinking. When I was done I walked to the register and the lady asked if I was ok, on the inside I was crying my eyes out but on the outside I just gave her a weak smile that she gladly returned.

I grabbed my bags and walked back home.


While I was sitting on the couch watching sponge Bob the door bell rang not once or twice maybe 5 times in a row. I was about to stand up before the door swung open revealing 2 angry girls. I sat back down turning my head back to the TV and finishing my episode of sponge Bob.

"What the hell happened to you last night?!" Ginger asked, then it was Jacky's turn "you were just fucking gone one minute!" Jacky yelled.
I wasn't going to deal with getting yelled at again so I stood up and pushed them both out, they gave me sympathetic looks like they knew there was something I wasn't going to tell them. After I shoved them through the door I locked it and then went back to the couch.

I have the house to myself because my grandma went to Hawaii for a wedding and I didn't really want to go so she left without me. I pulled all the curtains closed and all the shades, I freely sat my skinny ass back onto the couch just enjoying my lovely cartoons.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm telling me I had to get ready for work. I must have fallen asleep last night watching 'My Little Pony's'.

I got up and walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower then went and got dressed. I am only aloud wearing black at the store for some stupid reason but oh well.

I was running out of time so I grabbed everything and threw my hair into a messy bun. I left the house walking to the Dollar Store that was maybe a minute away from my house. I walked ina and clocked in and then went and put my stuff in the back where our little lockers are.


I have been off and on with people and just as I was going to call it a day someone I did not want to see came in and decided on buying something. Let's just say this person is Logan the asshole that yelled at me even though he didn't know how I felt. He came to my register and decided on buying some cigarettes, "you do realize these are so very unattractive" I said handing him the cancer sticks. "Does my face look like it cares about anything you say?" He questioned sounding annoyed. So I kind of snapped "Did I do something to you?"

He waited a moment before answering "yes, you decided on coming right into my fucking life and then I screwed everything up!"

He shouted back, he was just yelling at me. With that he grabbed his cigarette's and left, as soon as he made it out side he lit one just to make me boil on the inside.


So there is another chapter and Yea so everything went down!

I am going to start taking my lovely time updating.

Also people please vote it would mean a lot and please point out my mistakes so I can go back and fix them.... Thanks bye

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