Chapter 12: Could you have been any slower?

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Since I had to get up early and call work and tell them i wouldn't be coming back because I know live an hour and a half away. The girl that answered got smart with me so i got smart right back at her. "you can't just quit you have to have a good reason" after she said those yours i felt everything boil up inside me. "excuse me bitch but i live an hour and a half away now. So i am not keeping some job that i would have to drive all the way for." with that she hung up and i flung my phone onto the couch and turned on the t.v. and watched a few episodes of the walking dead. Logan still wasn't up so i went to the kitchen and made some coffee. To be honest it is really weird living with Logan and sleeping in the same bed. There is just something about it that freaks me out like how a few months ago he was the biggest jerk like ever, then a few weeks later he is living with me and we are sleeping in the same bed. Oh and the fact he is nice to me to kind of freaks me out.

It took me a few minutes to try and figure out the whole coffee pot, see apparently now a days they make things smarter than people, or i am just dumb and don't know how to work a coffee pot. I laughed at my stupidity and walked to the living room unpausing the t.v. and watching a few more minutes of the walking dead before getting up and getting myself some coffee. I heard my phone go off in the living room so i set down my cup and run for my phone. I quickly answered it seeing it was ginger.


hey buddy!


you need to skype me like asap before i come to your house and take you hostage!


ok i am going to get my laptop give me a few minutes


ok but hurry its an emergency



I hung up and quietly walked into the bedroom trying not to wake Logan up considering he is a light sleeper. "Why do you always have to wake me up when it is my day to sleep in?" he asked rolling over so that i was facing his back. "Sorry i was just coming to get my laptop. Go back to sleep" with that he fell back to sleep. I grabbed my laptop and went back to the living room, i opened it up and put in my password. clicking on skype Ginger was calling me so i answered it and seen her perfect face pop up.

"could you have been any slower?" she asked causing me to laugh.

"sorry i accidentally woke Logan up in the process of getting my laptop" she let out a sigh before rolling her eyes.

"please tell me the truth! Are you too sharing a bed?" i laughed now getting a little nervous

"yes but not in a weird way. We just didn't wan't to have to get a different place to live" I answered truthfully other than we could have got a separate bed from one another.

"I literally Can't believe my brother actually got a girl that is good" she squealed giving me a cute little smile.

"Why wasn't Tasha a good girl?" I asked just trying to piss Ginger off. She looked at me with a look that would have killed me.

"Don't even start with that! you know for a fact that she was the one that got him into drugs!" she yelled. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"I was just kidding calm your tits!" I yelled still laughing.

"Can i add Jacky into this? she has been asking about you to as if she thought i was talking to you"

"sure" Minutes later Jacky's face popped up beside Gingers.

"hello lovely friends!" she said trying to do a British accent. Ginger i both laughed at her failure.

"Hey" i said back.

"So is it true?" Jacky asked me excitedly. i laughed shacking y head yes, which both of the girls giggled.

"Are you too like a thing or friends with benefits?" I gasped at Jacky's question.

"oh. My. God! NOO!!" I yelled, Jacky got a kick out of seeing as she fell off her chair clutching her stomach trying to gasp for air.

"Its okay as long as you to are nice to one another" Ginger laughed.

"Girls i have to go but i will call you guys later! Love you!" I said hanging up

Just as i hung up Logan came walking in shirtless showing his abs. I honestly had to pry my eyes away from them. "So I have to go to the my school today so i can meet my professors" Logan said sitting beside me on the couch. "Ok i will probably just stick around here for a little bit or go shopping or something like that" he shook his head. "Yuu know you could always come with me so its not as boring" He said giving me puppy dog eyes. "only if we can get Starbucks on the way there. If so then yes i will come" He stood up and gave me his hand to help me up fro the couch. "Fine" was all he said before we walked to the bedroom and picked out our clothes for the day. I got into the shower before Logan because I new he would take forever on his hair.


so here is a little update. I am sorry about the mistakes and stuff i didn't get to look over everything yet and probably wont till the book is finished.

I don't know when i am going to update again because i got fake nails on and to be honest it is really hard to type on both phone and computer.

Please don't forget to vote and keep reading!!

love you


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