Chapter 10: Dude you smell bad

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When I woke up the sun was shining through my uncurtained window. I got out and walked towards the bathroom so that I could get a shower. I turned it on and jumped in. I was singing to beautiful soul by Jessie McCartney, when I heard the door open then shut it hit me. I totally forgot about Logan. I stuck my head out of the curtain to see Logan in a pair of shorts brushing his teeth. "Uh what the fuck are you doing?" I questioned, He looked at me then laughed. "We share an apartment so we share a bathroom and I am brushing my teeth" he laughed, he turned towards me and walked up to me and kissed my cheek. Meanwhile I am buck ass naked here in the shower. I gasped as he winked at me then left.

What the hell did I get myself into?

I finished my shower then got out and put on some comfy clothes till we get ready to go get some furniture and go to the house and get the TV and all of that good stuff.

I walked to the kitchen and there are chocolate pancakes on the counter yet with a note beside them. I looked at the note and it read.

Eat these pancakes then I picked an outfit out its on the bed, Put it on oh and just pull your hair up. I am running to the house to get some things text me if you want anything of yours.

There was something scribbled out before it said Logan. I tried seeing what it was but it didn't work very well. But since it takes like an hour to the house I have a while till he will even come back so I will take my time. I put on some music and ate the pancakes they were really good.

After I was done with eating I went to the bedroom and there were a blue jean pair or high waisted shorts and a flannel tank top. I put them on and looked at myself in the mirror, I looked good if I was being honest. Like he said I put my hair into a high ponytail and then did some simple makeup just enough to tell I like the natural look but something that covers my pimples and stuff. I took one last look in the mirror before walking out to the living room where there is no furniture. I lay down on the floor and log into the free internet, and watch a bunch of stupid things on YouTube. I could do it forever but there comes a time where you have to stop. But the only reason I stopped was because Logan was knocking on the door, when I opened it he gave me a weak smile before rushing in with the bug flat screen hat was in the living room at my grandmas house.

He sat it down and then walked over to me. He gave me a hug and I got a whiff of smoke. Great now he made me smell bad. "Dude you smell bad" I spoke honestly. "Why?" He sniffed himself. "I coughed before answering "you smell like fucking smoke you idiot" I snapped. "Oh Yea sorry."

He walked back the hall to the bedroom. My guess to put on some cologne, I waited a few seconds before he came back out. "Better?" He asks hugging me again. I smell his shirt before pulling back. "Not really but whatever"

"Come on we have to carry stuff in" he grabbed my hand and pulled me along till we got outside. We walked to the car and he opened the trunk that held several baskets of clothes and some suit cases also filled with clothes. I laughed then he moved to the back seat that held the electronic stuff. I walked back to the back and grabbed a suit case and a basket.

I put the clothes in the bedroom and then went back for more. When I was done carrying in the clothes I let Logan do all the other stuff, I started going through all of the clothes separating them into what it mine and what is Logan's. I hung some of the stuff up in the closet most of it was Logan's but I also hung some of mine up. I was going to put some in the dressers but I realized that we don't have any so that was out of the question. So I stuck everything I didn't hang up in the closet under the stuff that was hung up. Logan walked in after I put the stuff away carrying a box. "What's this?" I asked taking it from him, "Why don't you look?" He smirked. I set it on the bed before opening it, there were a bunch of pictures and picture frames. Most of them had to deal with my mom and grandma. My mom died from cancer and my grandma just died in a car crash but I don't really what to think about that.

I smiled at the pictures that are already in the frames. I took them out and Logan followed after me and got some nails that my guess he picked up from the store or from in the garage. I told him where I wanted the picture and he put a nail in and I hung the picture. There were also pictures of me him and Ginger as kids. We talked about the pictures as we hung them up. The last picture I got out of the how was of just me and Logan we were hugging. I remember that day like it was yesterday, That was the day my mom died from cancer. He was comforting me by hugging me and telling me everything was going to be ok.

I let a tear fall down my face and Logan wiped it away with his thumb. I let more tears fall before I know it I was in a puddle of tears. Logan wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him. "I miss her Logan" I said into the crook of his neck. "I know you do baby but everything is going to be ok" he hummed into my ear as I cried. He pulled back and kissed the top of my head then my forehead then he kissed my cheek. "Do you want to go to Starbucks and then find some furniture for in this non furnished living room?" He asked. I shook my head and gave him a small smile. He grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers and then we walked out of the house to the car. In the car he had one hand on the wheel and the other holding my hand, My body got this warm feeling in me when he touched me. It made my day seeing how much he really cares about me.


Hey love's here is a update since I didn't get to do the double update last time. Hope you enjoyed it!!

Gracey 😘

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