Chapter 30

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It has been two months since I found out I was pregnant.

The struggle is real.

I throw up at least 3 times a day. It is nasty.

Logan has gotten use to my mood swings all ready, that's the good thing.

I just sit around most of the time and Logan takes care of me.

But right now is another situation, I am trying to talk Logan into letting me go shopping by myself. But he won't let me, he says it is to risky.

"How is it risky?" I asked getting pissed off.

"Something could happen to you and the baby". He won't let me do anything.

"Please, I ain't fucking 6 months pregnant! I don't even have a big belly yet!" I yelled.

"No, but I will go with you."

"Nope, I just won't go. I will just go sit in my room and twiddle my thumbs because I can't do anything" as I was stomping away Logan was letting a few chuckles slip.

I decided to ignore it and just walk away. When I got to my room I decided on taking a nice warm bath. I turned on the water and let it run over my hand to check the temperature. Once it got to the perfect temperature I stood up and got undressed.

I walked to the mirror and turned sideways. The mirror was revealing a tiny bump that was hardly noticeable. It made me excited but then I realized, I can't go to college anymore. I had already called and told them it wasn't going to work so I will do my schooling online.

It's starting to get colder but my luck I will be having the baby in April. It's September and Logan is starting school soon. I honestly can't wait to be able to do stuff on my own, he never let's me do anything.

I stopped looking at my stomach in the mirror when Logan walked in. He let a small smile spread across his face when he seen my belly. "It's actually in there? Our baby?" He asked kind of shocked. "Yes babe, our baby is in there" I laughed grabbing his hand and sticking it on my belly.

"When will it start to kick?" He asked looking at me with excitement in his eyes. "Probably around 6-7 months" I answered. I stepped back and turned my water off for my bath. I went to step in and Logan grabbed my arm just to make sure I don't fall. He acts like I am 7 months pregnant.

I sat down in and Logan sat beside the bathtub. "I'm sorry, for worrying so much. It's just I don't want anything bad to happen to the two people I love most. I just get so scared that one day you will fall or lift something heavy and it's all done for. I am really sorry about how protective I am"

I gave him a bright smile and pecked his lips. I was about to get the cup to wash my hair but Logan stopped me. "Can I do it?" He asked referring to washing my hair. "Yeah"

It warmed my heart.

I turned so he could reach my hair. He gently washes my hair without saying a word.


"Logan can you go upstairs and get my tennis shoes off of my rack? And a pair of socks?" He looked at me and smiled. Without saying anything he ran up the steps and soon came back down with my socks and shoes. "Thanks" I smiled happily.

We were getting ready to go on a walk, since I have been lazy, my doctor told me to start going on walks and maybe go outside more before it gets cold. I agreed with him. So Logan and I are going on walls every other day.

I put my light coat on and walked out onto the porch and just waited for Logan. "You ready babe?" Logan asked grabbing my hand. "Ready as I'll ever be" I gripped his hand tighter as we walked down the steps. He has me worried now about me falling. So I decided to let him win with everything. When we made it to the bottom I lightened my grip on his hand. We walked in silence for about 10 minutes.

"I am so excited!" Logan yelled. I shook my head, "why?"

He looked at me as if I was crazy. "I will have a baby and that is a big deal for me, and then we can become a family" he wrapped his arm around my waist and put on hand on my belly. "I love you little baby. This is your daddy speaking" he kissed my belly and then we started walking again.

"Your so cute" I pulled him closer to me.

"I love you" he kissed my head.

"I love you more."


"Do you want oodles and noodles or hot dogs and macaroni and cheese?" Logan asked me standing, looking through the cupboards. "Oodles and noodles" I answered. I rested my head on the table. It felt so nice since it was kind of cold and I was having a hot flash. "Babe are you ok?" Logan asked worriedly. "Yep, just having a hot flash. No biggy"

Logan went back to cooking and I went to sit in the living room to watch some TV. As soon as I turned the TV on I got tired. This always happens to me.


Hello my people. Here is a semi short update.

Also I am sorry for any mistakes. This isn't edited yet so yeah.

But it is summer and I am going to try and update more often. So that is a plus. But keep voting and everything.


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