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Logan and I finally got our furniture for our living room and we had a guy come in and set up our TV, so now we are all set. I had to clean our room because i was washing clothes and i heard Logan yell so i went into the room and everything that was in the closet fell out. i laughed at his expression on his face, He gave me a death glare and it made me laugh even more. But just as i was going to say clean it up he ran out of the apartment so i was stuck cleaning it up. After i cleaned that up and Logan came back we went back to the other house to get some other stuff.

I walked into my now old bedroom and grabbed all of my books and stuff and then grabbed my year books and the rest of the stuff that was important to me. I walked into my grandma's room and got in her closet seeing if i missed any of her pictures when i spotted something. It was a big white box that had my mom name on it which is Mandy, I always loved my moms name. I grabbed the box and opened it and I cried a lot, see my grandma told me that my aunt lost my moms ashes and I believed every bit of it. But right in front of my face was my mom's ashes and i couldn't be any happier. But there was a letter stuck to it that had my name on.

Dear Tiffany,

hey baby girl this is your mom. Before I passed I told your grandma to hide my ashes because i didn't want you seeing then and feeling sad. I know you are either happy or mad I'm not exactly sure which one but I know its one of them. But anyways in this envelope there is a Credit Card. Listen to my rules very carefully

1) Don't spend all of it

2) save some to spend on my GRAND-KIDS!!

3) Take care of yourself please

I love you baby girl....... -- Mom

To me this is one of the best times in my life, losing my moms ashes crushed me but i lived with it. Now i just can't stop smiling and thinking that i can finally have my mom back. I jumped up up and down in joy then got the envelope and seen a Credit Card the first thing i thought was how much was on it. If its suppose to last awhile that means there is a good bit. So i ran down the steps and grabbed Logan's arm and took him out of the house. I got in the drivers side and started the car instantly, i pulled out of the drive way and to the bank i went.

when i pulled in i shut the car off and ran inside, Logan still has no idea whats going on and i don't either its all just kind of a rush. I mean you can't blame me i always was upset because my parents never left me anything but all along there was something so big that they had for me.
I went up to a tall man that looked maybe in his 30's with brown hair and green eyes, I gave him my card and explained what I needed done. I stood at the counter waiting for an answer. "Ok Mame you have seven hundred thousand on this card... Do you want to put any in the bank?" The man asked, but I couldn't answer this is huge and a hell lot of money. I started to think about all of the stuff they had to go through when they were collecting this money. What all did they do? How did they do it? How long had it been going on? I asked bombarded myself with all of these questions. I started feeling a little dizzy so I sat down, the man came around from the counter and asked how much I wanted in cash or whatever. I couldn't really make sense of what he was saying, but luckily Logan was there and answered all of the questions.

My life has now changed forever and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, I guess we will find out later on.
Logan got me to snap out by waving his hands over my face and saying my name. We got back in the car and I was in the passenger seat now and I turned towards Logan who looked furious. What did I do to him?

"What the hell was that Tiffany?" Well that just happened he used my full name. "Logan you will never believe how my life has just changed"
He looked at me as if saying go on. "Ok so I went into my grandma's room and took one last look around and I spotted a box in her closet here it was my mom's ashes and a note. The note explained that in a envelope in the box had a card in it. So I started freaking out because I wanted to see how much there was. So that's when I drove like a nut to get here and you will never believe how much my parents put on it." I went on and on and on and I am not sure why he was even still listening to me, but it's his fault right? He did ask what was going on so I had to explain.
"Well how much was on it?" He asked still a little angry. "Seven hundred thousand" I answered, right then and there his face went from pissed to shocked to happy but confused to alot of other things. "So that means?..."
He was still confused, what happened to the guy with common sense? "I have alot of money" I squealed.

It took him a few hours to rethink everything. I told him the rules that my mom gave me and I told him that he could use some of the money as ling as its not for his cancer sticks or anything else like that, which he agreed to. So now that the day is over Logan and I got in bed, but first I changed into a pair of baby blue short shorts and a white tank top and Logan just stripped into his boxers. I got in the bed and cuddled up against my pillows and I heard Logan silently humming Hello by Adele, I laughed at him then sang along. I rolled over onto my side away from Logan and he rolled away from me. "HELLO FROM  THE OTHER SIDE!" He yelled making us both burst out laughing. "I must have called a thousand times" I sang back. "Tiff you have to yell like there is a wall. Come on dude your messing me up". So I did it again. "I MUST HAVE CALLED A THOUSAND TIME'S"

He rolled over and I rolled over so we were both facing each other. "No tiff it's suppose to be I must have yelled a thousand times... Try again" so I did as told. "I MUST HAVE YELLED A THOUSAND TIME'S" This made him laugh. I don't really see what's all that funny but whatever floats his boat. We ly there in silence for a moment before.....

"TO TELL YOU GOOD NIGHT!" Logan yelled making me bust out laughing. Let's just say I had to get up and go pee before I did it in our new bed.


Ok people so her parents did what? Exactly....

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I love you guys!!

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