Chapter 27

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I woke up with a sheet wrapped around my body. I know exactly what happened last night and I am still shocked. The only thing on me and hiding my body from the world would be this thin sheet. I sat up and took a look around, I saw my clothes lying beside my bed and the same with Logan's. I stood up making sure to bring my sheet with me, it hurt just to walk. I am fucking sore!

I wobbled to my closet and got out some clothes and went to take a shower. I walked in and shut the door behind me, I dropped the sheet and started my shower. I hurt so bad it is kinda crazy.

I washed my hair and my body and saved shaving for my very last thing to do. After I was finished I got out and put on my clothes I brought in with me. By there is one thing that is missing, I don't have a bra or a freaking t-shirt, I checked again and realized i didn't have any shorts either. I'm so stupid.

I opened the door so there was a crack and ran towards the walk in closet. Once I got to it I shut the door and found me some clothes to put on.

I finished and walked out to see Logan sitting on our bed in just his underwear doing something on his phone. "What are you doing?" I asked sitting next to him and resting my head on his shoulder. "Just scrolling through all my social media, nothing fun" he said shrugging his shoulders. "Oh" was the last thing I said until it got awkward.

"Did you, you know have fun last night?" He asked sitting so I could see his face. "Uh yeah did you?" He shook his head in a yes motion. "Yeah" I said fiddling with my hands in my lap. "Hey quit being shy! I have a serious question though" he said going from happy to serious. "What?" I asked worried, "ok this may come out of the blue and stuff but could you be my girlfriend? If you don't want to that's fine I just was wondering because I like you. But if not that's Ok too."

I was in shock I wanted to say yes so that is what I did. "Yes" I said smiling, "wait is that a yes as in yes you will be my girlfriend or as a yes as in keep going?" He asked nervous. "That's a yes as in I will be you fucking girlfriend!" His face lit up like a Christmas tree and he pulled me in for a kiss. I pulled back and smiled at how happy he is. "Oh my gosh. Ok yes I can't believe you said yes!" He kisses me again and then pulled back. I just laughed at him. "What?" He asked in a kind of embarrassed voice, "you just look so happy and it makes me feel good". I said pecking his lips one last time before slowly moving because of how sore I am. I stood up slowly and carefully walked towards the door. "Babe are you ok?" Logan asked walking up behind me.

"Uh yeah sorta" I said trying to walk away. "Oh my god did I hurt you last night? You could have told me to stop I would have. I am so sorry" he said going on and on. "No its just that was only like my 3rd time so I am just kinda sore that's all" I said giving him a hug. "Ok but you know if I do hurt you I will stop Ok?" I shook my head yes and wobbled away.

"I feel so bad" he said as he stood at the top of the steps while I was walking away from then down at the bottom. "Don't be it was fun" I said turning around before going into the kitchen. I walked in and there was breakfast already made on the counter.

"I was going to ask you when you got up and came downstairs. But I couldn't wait, so you can just dig in now" Logan said coming up behind me making me jump like 10 feet in the air. "Why all of this?" I asked looking at all the food, "because you love food and I was hopping that it would make a good reason for you to say yes.." he said the last part quietly. "It's amazing actually because I am starving!" I grabbed a plate and grabbed a bunch of different things.

Logan got a plate and sat down across from me at the table. "This is amazing" I said with my mouth full causing us both to laugh. "How long did it take you to make all of this?" I asked.

"Maybe an hour or more" he shrugged. It was 7 so he would have gotten up at 6. "Well thank you because this is amazing!"

"So what do you want to do today?" Logan asked stealing a piece of bacon off of me, I smacked his hand but that didn't help. "Can we go shopping?" I asked. "Yeah"

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