Chapter 20: oh my god

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When I woke up I rolled over and found Logan beside me. I sighed and stood up, Logan and I didn't go any further than a huge make out session and that consist of me having my clothes taken off of me Other than my bra and underwear.

I walked to the bathroom and shut and locked the door, I walked to the shower and turned the water on and let it warm up. I stripped out of my clothes and waited till the water was warm enough for me to get in and shower. As soon as it was warm enough I got in and let the warm water run down my back, I always loved the feeling of the water hitting my back it's just so relaxing.

My thoughts took me away into a different place. "Why did everything have to happen like it was" I thought as I got some shampoo and put it in my hair. "Maybe because my family doesn't want me to be happy" I thought as I rinsed the shampoo out. "God only knows right?" The thought of my mom not wanting me to be happy hurt me on the inside, It's like I am being stabbed in the heart with a knife. I put some conditioner in my hair and let it sit as I washed my body. "Why would they not want me to be happy? I was a straight a student in school and I was taking my life slow til I found out I was pregnant but that should be something you are happy about right?"
I rinsed my body then I rinsed my hair because I still had the conditioner in it, I turned the water off and felt the cold air hit my body. I quickly jumped out of the shower and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body, I walked to the sink and made sure I washed my face good enough so all my makeup came off. I put my hair into another towel and then walked out to my bedroom and got so clothes, walking back to the bathroom I shut the door and started getting dressed. I put on some pajamas because I am not moving around today, my plans are to sit on the couch and watch TV. I let my hair out of the towel it was in and let it dry naturally.

I walked down the steps and into the living room and sat down on the couch. "Was Logan up?" I asked myself in my thoughts as I turned on the TV and put it on Netflix. 


I was right, I did nothing today and when I say nothing I mean nothing. I sat on the couch and watched TV, I am never like this. Right now I decided on doing laundry because we were behind on it. The only reason I decided to do laundry was because Logan was complaining about how none of his clothes are washed, he expects me to jump up and rescue him for this so called 'terrible disaster'. I put the whites in the washer and went to the kitchen to get a drink, I walked to the fridge and noticed a sticky note attached to the door of the fridge. I picked it up and i read

Dear Tiff

I went out for a few drinks with some guys I met the other night. I will be home around 9


I tore it off the fridge a frustratingly threw it away. "Of course he went to get some drinks" I thought to myself as I checked the time, he must have gone a couple of hours ago because it is 8:54 I was probably asleep or day dreaming. It was almost 9 and Logan wasn't home but whatever, I honestly could care less. But something was bugging me on the inside about him just going out when I am here practically depressed.

I grabbed my black and gray cup and poured some lemonade in it. Does anyone else think about how lovely lemonade taste when it is freshly made, although mine isn't freshly made but It still tastes good. I use to sit in the kitchen when I was little and just chug all of my lemonade and keep getting more of it, by the time I was done there was none left for me to drink so I obviously couldn't drink anymore, after i drank all of it I would put water in it and stick it back in the fridge. Mom would come home and go to get some and she would take a drink and then would yell for me, I would slip in through the door and look at her and she would just laugh, usually she would pull me in for a hug. That's what I missed the most were her warm hugs.

I sat down against the wall and watched as my world was falling apart. I didn't move for maybe an hour or so as I drank my lemonade.


It has been 2 hours since I sat down on the floor and I haven't moved till the door bell rang. I stood up and whipped the tears off my face and walked towards the door. I checked the time seeing it is 11:30 PM, I looked out the window and saw a guy in a bright blue hoodie and a pair of black skinny jeans. I was confused of who this was and why they were at my door at 11:30 PM. I opened the door slowly to see a guy who looked kind of like my dad, "Uh hello" he said nervously. "Hi?" I said more as a question, "My-my name is Uh Colin" he stuttered holding out his hand for me to shake. "Hi my name is Tiffany" I shook his hand nicely still not sure who he is. "Uh could I maybe come in its kinda cold out here" he asked, I looked past him and realized it was raining and I never noticed. "Yeah sure, don't mind the mess on the couch" I moved the door so he could walk in. He had dark brown hair and green eyes, he also had a nice jaw line and it reminded me of when my dad was younger. "Is you're last name Joy?" He asked looking at the pictures on the wall. "Why does he want to know my last name?" I asked myself as I walked over to him. "Yes why? Wait the real question is who are you and what are you doing here?" He laughed at me as I went on and on about the whole 'why are you here' thing. "I have something to tell you Tiffany"

The next thing I heard put me in shock.
"Oh my god"


Hello hello

So it's a cliff hanger!!
Tell me she you think he is!

Also please vote and keep reading for some more drama!

Thank you
Love you all

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