Chapter 16: Gosh you were doing so good to!

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As soon as we pulled up to the house I felt like I was automatically in love. I jumped out and ran towards the door. It was locked so we had to call the owner and see if we could look around and he showed up giving us a tour of the beautiful house. When we walked in I was in 'awe' I ran up the steps to see a massive master bedroom. I walked around it looking at all the details there was a California king sized bed and a walk in closet. I walked into the bathroom attached to the master bedroom and it was amazing. It had a bathtub and a walk in shower and two sinks with to huge mirrors. I could picture myself straightening my long blonde hair in this bathroom in front of this mirror.

I could hear the guys talking downstairs as I was walking around and my mind being blown. I left the master bedroom even though I wanted to just stay in it forever. I walked across the hall to the next bedroom. It was also big but not as big as the master bedroom. I walked around sitting on the bed that was fluffy and very relaxing, I got up and went to the closet looking at all the shelving.

After looking at that room I went to the next one that was a lot smaller than the other two, and this one doesn't have a bathroom attached to it but the other two do. I walked in and it was a small nursery it had a crib that had nothing in it and the walls were painted a light yellow. There was light blue carpet but a pink rug. It was absolutely perfect there were little tiny animals on the walls along with the ABC's. Plus my favorite part is there is a big mirror that almost takes up half the wall. I stared in 'awe' as Logan came up behind me and screamed making me jump back and slap his chest. "That wasn't very funny you asshole!" I yelled trying to make a difference but the only difference I made was him laughing a little harder than what he was before.

I ran down the steps to the open kitchen, There were granite counters and a huge fridge. I couldn't help myself from being amazed. This could be the kitchen I would cook in and watch my kid run around the backyard because here are big glass doors that would lead to the backyard.  "So Miss what do you think of this house?" a old man asked walking over to me "Sir this house is amazing like i wish i could like take it" He laughed at my excitement. Logan ran down the steps and into the kitchen with us "well what do you think of it?" He asked Logan "I have to say this house is pretty nice". We stood there talking for a little bit and then Logan made me go outside, I don't know why but he did.

I walked around the house to the backyard and noticed they had a little pool with a little deck. The pool wasn't very big but it wasn't very small. There was a shed and a little window so i walked over and looked through it, there was a shovel and that was it. "Well it was nice to meet you and I am glad to help you out" The man said shaking Logan's hand. I walked over silently and stood next to Logan, I gave him a confused look before the man left us outside alone. "What the hell was that about?" I asked Logan as he gave me a big gigantic smile "Pack your things sweet cheeks because we have our selves a new house!" I stood there in shock before I jumped at him and gave him a big hug. "Your kidding right?" I asked still a little shocked "Nope, he made me a deal since one you are pregnant and two because you absolutely loved the house" I pulled him into another hug before running in the house that was now mine. "I can't even with you right now! I feel like a kid on Christmas!" I yelled at Logan as I ran around the living room. "You look like you just got a puppy or something!" He yelled back after laughing. I was all good before I got a bad feeling in my stomach causing me to stop jumping around and run to the bathroom. "Gosh you were doing so good to!" Logan whined following after me. I sat in front of the toilet and let my body do what it had to do, after I was done I rinsed my mouth with water and then turned around to see Logan standing at the door looking a little worried. "Dude i'm fine" I said sitting on the sink "Why do you look like you are dying then?" He asked still worried. "This is all normal, so you have nothing to worry about." I still wasn't convincing him "You promise?" He pulled me down so I was standing on the floor again "Middle finger promise" 


Logan and I have been packing for like ten million hours or at least it feels like ten million hours. "Babe did you find my other bag?" Logan asked as I was looking under the bed for our two missing bags. "Not yet" I answered him, He sighed deeply before laying on the floor beside me looking under the bed like I was. "Where in the hell did we put them?" he asked making me laugh a little "We will eventually find them" I stood up and walked to the closet looking again in there for the third time. "Logan did you check in the back of your car? Because I remember you took something out and put it in the trunk so we had more room in this small ass closet." He stood up and laughed a little "You have to be fucking kidding me!" with that he got his shoes on and walked out the door to his car. 

Since he was outside getting our bags I sat on the couch and watched out the window as Logan just reached his car and opened the back. I laughed as he slapped himself in the head when he grabbed the two bags from the trunk. I laughed before I got a sharp pain in my side causing me to take a deep breath. I sat straight up and held my right side as the pain got worse, I grabbed my phone that was beside me and dialed Logan's number as fast as I could. He answered a few seconds later.

"Hello?" He said sounding confused

"Logan get the hell up here now! I need to go to the hospital ASAP!" I started crying at this point but he was trying to calm me down.

"Okay I am coming up the steps now. Just take deep breaths and think happy thoughts" 

"I am in so much pain right now and you are telling me to think happy fucking thoughts! Are you that stupid?" He laughed before I heard the door swing open revealing a very worried Logan. He ran over to me and picked me up bridal style, before i could even say anything we were out the door. He ran down the stairs and out the main entrance with me still in his arms. "Oh god!" I cried as another sharp pain struck my side. Logan swung open the back seat door and laid me down before he jumped in the driver seat. "hold on baby we are going. You are going to be fine, both of you will be fine" He kept himself calm as I was in the back freaking out. I felt as if something was coming out of me and I looked down to find blood running all over me. "LOGAN!" I screamed making him go faster, "There is blood!" I yelled but tried to calm myself a little. "Hold on beautiful" He said. 

He pulled into the hospital and left the car on and got out grabbing me out of the back seat. My vision started to become fuzzy as he entered the hospital. "NURSE!!" was the last thing I heard before I passed out. 


Hello again! 

Sorry for not updating or anything my life has been a little crazy and stuff. 

I wanted to say go read mackawesome0908 books because they are life!! Also go read DiamondShe_Owl books because they are also life! 

Thanks for all the reads! 

I may or may not update again today I haven't decided... But here you go I updated! 

love you :) 


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